Bow, HBG, LBG, Lance, IG, LS, GS, CB, HH in around about that order.yo what type of weapon yall be using ? wtf does the insect glaive do ?
Bow is very dependent upon your decorations and elemental damage. My general build is Bow Charge Plus, Evade Extender 4 or 5, Evade Extender 3, Constitution 3-5, Stamina Surge 3 if possible, Marathon Runner 3 if possible, Critical Eye if you can work it in, Health Boost 3, Divine Blessing 3 if possible, Blight Resistance 3, Item Prolonger 3 if possible. I think I'm running 4 pieces of AT Namielle and one piece of Safi'Jiiva, so that's where most of the skills come from. On the hunt, Dash Juice and Close Range Coating. Normal Shot and Spread Shot, don't waste time with Dragon a Piercer - Thousands Dragons only if your timing is good and you have Pierce or Bomb pods. Dash for position more than to dodge, and keep an eye towards your stamina. I don't recommend Bow against Elder Dragons unless you're good because a lot will take 0 damage with their aura up if you don't hit them in the face. I think Vaal Hazak and Namielle are the exceptions, as well as Shara Ishvalda, Safi'Jiiva, Xeno'Jiiva, and Kulve Taroth.
HBG I run Rajang with Level 3 Sticky Ammo and Level 3 Cluster Bombs for when the monster is down, Level 3 Normal Ammo for when I'm out, Wyvern Ammo as last resort. Razor/Spareshot Charm. 4 Shield Mods and Long Barrel. 3 Pieces of Gold Rathian and 2 MR Kulve Taroth. Divine Blessing 5, Health Boost 3, Free Element/Ammo Up 3, Artillery 3, Slugger 3 if possible, Shield Jewel if you have it, Evade Extender 2 or 3, Blight Resistance 3, and that one that your weapon doesn't bounce off or increases ammo range. Gun has Health Recovery augment maxed. Try to prioritize the head and use the extra range you get from the mod and decoration. He mindful of when you could or should dodge, and when you need to stop shooting so that the shield can activate and take the hit. If it's something like Shara Ishvalda kamehameha, face towards the middle of the beam and let it push you backwards out of it, don't take it head on because you won't have enough stamina for the block (same strategy for Lance, and this only blockable when you have the Shield Jewel I believe). If it's something like Kulve Taroth lava pool, just roll away because you'll get trapped in the block and won't be able to move.
I also run the Nargacuga HBG for pierce, but only for Shara Ishvalda first form, and not very often anymore.
Lance I run any of the Safi'Jiiva ones, and try for 3 or 4 Defense Boosts, Gold Rathian or Vaal Hazak skill, and then maybe. Slot Level 4. I generally do a combination of Vaal Hazak and Gold Rathian armor. Divine Blessing 5, Health Boost 3, Guard 5, Shield Jewel, and then really whatever else, but almost always Blight Resistance 3 and the jewel that doesn't let your attacks bounce. Move when you're blocking because you recover stamina vs when you stand still. Like I mentioned with the HBG, for attacks that push you back, face opposite the direction you want to be pushed, usually perpendicular to the monster. I do the charge 90% of the time and try to jump and get mounts.
LBG I run Safi'Jiiva Aquashot with Water Ammo. T pieces of Safi'Jiiva Armor and the Razor/Spareshot Charm. Free Element/Ammo Up 3, Blight Resistance 3, Health Boost 3, Divine Blessing 3, Evade Window 3 to 5, Evade Extender 2 to 3, Partbreaker 2 or 3, Water Attack 4 to 6, Critical Eye to round it out. Health Augment on the gun. Aquashot has Elemental Capacity 3, Reload Boost, then Affinity Boosts. Mods are all 2 reload and 2 recoil I think. Shoot move and dodge . I also swap this for the Alatreon LBG and use Thunder, Water, and Dragon ammo. For all bow guns you need to set your load out and radial menu so you can craft your ammo on the fly.
Haven't run the rest in a long time. With IG I tried to stay airborne but that does less damage. GS is too slow for me but in a handful of fights I might do it. I started with LS but never put in the time to learn it. CB I had a brief affair with but didn't get a good handle on it. HH I'm slowly learning. DB I had a set for Great Jagras and Coral Pukei Pukei but meh. Also tried for Alatreon but was getting wrecked.