Mo'Nique on Hollywood | CLUB SHAY SHAY

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
Im not deflecting anything. I dont care what a follow comedian has to say since that comedian is also beefing with her. Also what have her and DL worked on together? Serious question seems like their beef stems from an interview where DL wasnt even apart of?

Serious question meets serious answer


As comedians, the likelihood of them touring, gigging together was very high. Took me 3 seconds to find that they did work together.
Acts that tour or do spot dates together (music or comedy) can sometimes develop problems with each other over plenty of issues.
No deflection angle from this.

or this

I expected the Will Packer namedrop, because she went over that in the interview too. Where is will packer's part of the story? Seems MoNique has shown emails and the burned trailer to back up her end.

Could her and sidney be difficult to deal with? Yes.
Could higher ups (mainly other black ppl in positions of power) not like dealing with Monique because she is outspoken? Yes.
Like that queens of comedy limo vs kings of comedy limo story. I'm sure some of you would label that being "difficult to work with"
Could both of those be true? Yes.
Now with that out of the way. Ill ask you, What do you make of Lee daniels apologizing to her and working with her again?
What do you make of Netflix working with her after she sued them and they settled?
Because again if she is so difficult to work with why are they working with her again?
Lee Daniels also settled his feud and debt with Dame Dash.

The profit motive drives plenty of entertainment decisions. When parties cant agree about things, the decision maker replaces the talent. At some point, several decision makers simply decided to replace her from projects. And they likely made the same amount of revenue with the replacement. Decision makers put up with problems from talent that can make them money. Put up with fewer problems from others.

It's not like she is some megastar they have to deal with.
What do you make of Taraji calling out Oprah?

Do you think Shannon lied when he said he heard audio of Tyler Perry saying he lied on monique being difficult to work with?

The above are very simple questions that a lot of ppl seem to not bothering answering or deflect.

To the ppl saying "club shay shay just being messy" do yall actually watch the interviews or just pay attention when he goes viral? Im assuming for most of you it's the latter, because if you actually followed his channel/interviews you would know that's a lie. Was he being messy when he let Steve and others on? Was he suppose to block Katt and Monique from coming on?

Also for yall to say this so "messy", yall sure love commenting on it. Seems like we got ppl in here that dont like Monique or Shannon and in here commenting. When I dont like anything, I dont even bother commenting on it :jbhmm:
This is all over the place, and was addressed by my second post in this thread.
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Tony D'Amato

It's all about the inches
May 1, 2012
Countdown till ppl start turnin on Shannon Sharpe. I don't know why psychos feel so comfortable talking to him and trashing established stars, but eventually ppl gonna wonder why his interviews start drama


Mar 11, 2022
Exactly….. They never say Vlad needs to be careful….. All they can do is say fukk Vlad, even though most of them still watch his content

I despise Vlad. …but it’s for other reasons. He’s an obnoxious know it all, but generally speaking his platform is not built on beef or airing out grievances

It’s simply people telling their story, self snitching included.

But it ain’t the same thing as what Shannon is doing


Jul 22, 2015
Serious question meets serious answer

As comedians, the likelihood of them touring, gigging together was very high. Took me 3 seconds to find that they did work together.
Acts that tour or do spot dates together (music or comedy) can sometimes develop problems with each other over plenty of issues.
No deflection angle from this.
That tour you posted is what part of their beef is about. That headlining/contract issue is part of the the beef. That's also not them working together. The company in question that ran that promotion booked them separately. Mo and DL didnt come together to do that. If Im a promoter and book Usher and Chris brown at my club the same night, that's not them working together.
Ignore the headline, im just posting this link to show that was the show they were contract beefing about.

Lee Daniels also settled his feud and debt with Dame Dash.
Ok? He did dirty business with Dame in the feud as well, I remember ppl calling dame bitter. The point was if Monique was in the wrong. He wouldnt be working with monique in 2020-2023 or whenever they movie drop.

The profit motive drives plenty of entertainment decisions. When parties cant agree about things, the decision maker replaces the talent. At some point, several decision makers simply decided to replace her from projects. And they likely made the same amount of revenue with the replacement. Decision makers put up with problems from talent that can make them money. Put up with fewer problems from others.
This has nothing to do with what I said. If she was a problem(like many claim), she woudlve been replaced and/or they woudlve never worked with her again.
Yet Netflix and Lee are working with her again.

This is all over the place, and was addressed by my second post in this thread.
This is your 2nd post in the thread and it addresses none of the questions I asked.

I like Sharpe, was up on Unc & Ocho early, and generally enjoy his content, but he has clearly taken a turn.

Everything he did before was fair,honest and positive. But by bringing gilbert arenas into the fold for sports, and now bringing in Monique to piggyback on Katt's show, he's embracing negativity for views, likes, and subs He's going to turn away the old fans.
Let me put numbers on the question for you.
It's not like she is some megastar they have to deal with. - Meaning she is a low level star so if she was as difficult to work with as others said, they wouldnt work with her.
1. What do you make of Taraji calling out Oprah? - Is she also being "difficult to work with" for speaking her truth about feeling fukked over?

2. Do you think Shannon lied when he said he heard audio of Tyler Perry saying he lied on monique being difficult to work with? - Simple question. You either believe Shannon or dont. If you dont then I dont know what to say. If you do believe he heard it, then you have to believe what was also said on the recording.

The other part in my post is nikkas coming in here whining that "he being messy", "wendy williams" and just bytching because they dont actually watch the show. If they did they would see he has more interviews than the ones that go viral. He just had 21/Usher/Country wayne on and it wasnt "messy".


Mar 11, 2022
What she said about Taraji…


Literally my face watching this…


I can hardly stomach hearing her talk. Like how can people watch this shyt. The culture is fuking dead. It’s so cringeworthy watching people passionately complain about trivial shyt. Yet nowadays people are charmed by it just have a anti-establishment energy and people gon fall for it

And I still can’t get an answer to wtf her actual problem is

Wig Twistin Season

May 24, 2022
San Diego
Literally my face watching this…


I can hardly stomach hearing her talk. Like how can people watch this shyt. The culture is fuking dead. It’s so cringeworthy watching people complain about trivial shyt. Yet no one bats an eye about it.

And I still can’t get an answer to wtf her actual problem is
Allegedly, Tyler Perry lied about her being difficult to sabotage her career and she has proof. She allegedly got fukked out of millions in the process. No one had her back. She’s mad.


Jul 22, 2015
Can we get a timestamp and/or some specifics
I forgot the time stamp but basically in the recording(that she didnt play for the pod, but played for shannon off cam) Tyler admits that he lied about Monique being difficult to work with. That lie is what followed her for a large chunk of her career. Lee Daniels wanted her to play Cookie in empire but basically said with Tyler Perry saying she was difficult to work with that she couldnt get the part.

Shannon confirmed what Tyler said.