Mods banning bad posters appreciation thread

Cobalt Sire

All Star
Nov 22, 2016
Who was getting banned for no reason?
So Rhakim made a thread about Republican AGs sending letters to corporations. You were in there.

There were a few posts calling out bothsiders, and post #18 mentioned Democrats and both siders in a sarcastic tone. To which I replied, sarcastically:

"The republicans are racist, so let me stop demanding things from democrats. It's even ban worthy. Me demanding things from democrats makes me an undercover maga, because that's the simpler explanation. Not simply wanting things for Black people."

Then Bagger of tea came in, @ barnett, and told him to ban me.


Soon after that, Barnette dapped Bagger of tea, maybe even repped him, and all of my posts were deleted, and I was bushed for a month.
He did all that for a deep-in-the-red Republican.

Banned because I'm not Democrat shill.

That's why Blackestofpanthers was beginning to call out the mods. Look at the moves they're making, banning people because Bagger of tea told them to. That was complete bullshyt.
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Jan 15, 2014

His schtick used to be making threads of empty promises and people would always fall for it. It was quite masterful really. This thread broke the camels back on him though. The board turned on him after this and he never really got his mojo back.

He was a jinx troll in the coliseum and posters were getting tired of his antics. He went full somali in this thread and if my memory is correct, he got a site wide neg train and was "banned" afterwards.

Post #234

Carl Tethers

@mastermind is OVO
May 3, 2012
So Rhakim made a thread about Republican AGs sending letters to corporations. You were in there.

There were a few posts calling out bothsiders, and post #18 mentioned Democrats and both siders in a sarcastic tone. To which I replied, sarcastically:

"The republicans are racist, so let me stop demanding things from democrats. It's even ban worthy. Me demanding things from democrats makes me an undercover maga, because that's the simpler explanation. Not simply wanting things for Black people."

Then Bagger of tea came in, @ barnett, and told him to ban me.


Soon after that, Barnette dapped Bagger of tea, maybe even repped him. He did all that for a deep-in-the-red Republican, and all of my posts were deleted, and I was bushed for a month.

Banned because I'm not Democrat shill.

That's why Blackestofpanthers was beginning to call out the mods. Look at the moves they're making, banning people because Bagger of tea told them to. That was complete bullshyt.

Just shut the fukk up. And stop crying about @hex @Barnett114 or @Houston911

You posted this yesterday -

Ok, there must be some drama unfolding on the discord. I'd like a link.

Now suddenly you've got all this smoke after joining the Discord

I think Blackestofpanthers went on his banning crusade after he saw a pattern of people getting banned for no reason.

This is just weirdo shyt. You all need to keep Coli shyt on the Coli and stop plotting outside the forum :scust:


Sep 14, 2019
So Rhakim made a thread about Republican AGs sending letters to corporations. You were in there.
There were a few posts calling out bothsiders, and post #18 mentioned Democrats and both siders in a sarcastic tone. To which I replied, sarcastically:
"The republicans are racist, so let me stop demanding things from democrats. It's even ban worthy. Me demanding things from democrats makes me an undercover maga, because that's the simpler explanation. Not simply wanting things for Black people."

Then Bagger of tea came in, @ barnett, and told him to ban me.

Soon after that, Barnette dapped Bagger of tea, maybe even repped him. He did all that for a deep-in-the-red Republican, and all of my posts were deleted, and I was bushed for a month.

Banned because I'm not Democrat shill.

That's why Blackestofpanthers was beginning to call out the mods. Look at the moves they're making, banning people because Bagger of tea told them to. That was complete bullshyt.

Look, I'm not gonna discredit you because I have also been bushed for harshly critiquing democrats and liberal narratives despite being farther left than most on here, I'm a socialist. But saying 'a pattern of people getting banned for no reason' and quoting a single personal grievance is fukking hilarious. You've got to be honest with yourself and admit that @blackestofpanthers had an aggressive tone from the start, that isn't going to help your case with the mods. This isn't a democracy, it's a private forum, mods have literally said that they have biases and will act on them.

I didn't troll or argue, and I was bushed for months and banned from even posting in the bushes over these 3 posts.

'a coup' :laff:

Trump in a last ditch effort, attempted to stall the certification hoping to have a recount (which is impossible legally lol), he didn't collude with the military, or his party, he started a riot at the capitol not a coup. A small percentage of right wing would-be terrorists took advantage of the opportunity to possibly kill any politician they could get their hands on, that's what happened. If you read reports of what was going on inside the capitol, you'll see that damn near every rank and file Republican politician was either angry or terrified and were damn close to impeaching Trump, it's mentioned in the link I posted earlier.

Liberals did this with 'Russiagate', Trump is terrible enough, stop making him out to be some political mastermind that was one day away from overthrowing the entire government by himself. The average white conservative is way too comfortable to go along with anything like that, coup d'états aren't born out of grievance identity politics. In their view, republicans and democrats have a good thing going, they wouldn't blow it up over Trump.
What are you talking about? :why:

It's not about being a 'free thinker' or trusting republicans, I am in no way a conservative.

What happened behind those doors is extremely relevant to my point that the party wasn't behind him, and if he didn't have the support of the party (senate) or the military, then how could he have planned a coup? He didn't! It was a riot and an attempt for a recount, a dumbass attempt at that. I'm not talking about after the fact.

That's completely fair.

But there is more hard evidence that this was a spur of the moment decision by Trump and not a hostile takeover planned by the republicans, which is why I believe it wasn't a coup.
It's enough to raise suspicion that they weren't actively colluding. Graham's speech, McConnell crossing the hall and requesting the lawyers/pentagon, Tom Cotton and Rand Paul running interference the next day, these events create a timeline that doesn't reflect a coordinated effort. Even if they were bluffing on impeachment, the sequence of events doesn't make sense for a majority of the republican party to be behind a Trump led coup. Correlation doesn't equal causation and all that, just because republicans would happily accept an authoritarian fascist government doesn't mean they orchestrated jan 6 and on top of all that you have to ignore the reports of conversations inside the capitol.

People are right to be worried about how close the rioters came to killing representatives, but the political process would not have been overturned even if they did. The narrative that the 'Trump Nazi Party' was a few broken windows away from reinstating slavery is a dem tactic to rile up their base against Trump, it's not what happened, it was a temper tantrum not a coup. An insurrection on paper.

Choose your battles, don't get banned over some drama or sarcastic jokes, the game is rigged. You have to be cordial, and even that won't save you.

If that's too totalitarian, then maybe this isn't the forum for you. I've dealt with this in real life, so it doesn't really bother me on here.

The Half-Blood FKA Prince

Avada Kedavbreh!
May 24, 2022
There are guys on the coli who live in gang infested areas. Been to prison. Living that life currently.
NONE of those guys act tough on the coli.
None of those guys fukk with people.
And if you see them go off, somebody messed with them.

That matches with the tough guys I know offline. They do not fukk with people. Especially so called civilians.

I say that to say, when a person is on the internet, KNOWING or should know, everyone is watching.
All kinds of bots and agencies. Looking for key words and threats.

One would never act certain ways.

It is as those who truly have money, they do not brag about it. The irs is EVERYWHERE. Especially electronically.

Trust me I am ok. All this happened over a series of threads and months.
So it would be difficult to explain.
When I told them in my library my favorite books are by certain authors.
Musashi, Green, Socrates etc etc
They were not paying attention
One of my best traits, is paying EXTRA attention to those things that interest me.
I get that breh. I was fukkin around adding a little "gangstafication" to ur post because....well, it just fit so well breh. :russ:

Thats just what i do though. I try not to take shyt too serious on here, cause frankly life is stressful enough. I come here to try to get away from lifes stresses man.

U seemed so serious i thought u could use a laugh or two. Trust me though Its all love breh. (:dame:)

Stir Fry

Dipped in Sauce
Mar 1, 2015


Sep 24, 2013
Notice @breakfuss still not convinced of Neo story, and claim mods are "running interference"
@AnonymityX1000 is also doing similar.

A lot of these things are orders sent, and discussions had beforehand on discord.

For example them being covid conspiracists and following right wing media
Such as Nicole saying the 5g towers responsible for Covid
Them thinking the democrats are covering things up
It reflects in their beliefs. As in thinking a poster would lie about family passing "FOR DEMOCRATS"

If you like pawgs this year, and next year you say you hate pawgs
She will have those pawg loving posts ready, and a team of disciples ready to get at you.

So if you scared to be revealed as a former pawg lover, you do as she commands.
She got a lotta secrets for a lotta guys.
No, I’m not convinced of his story but what I think shouldn’t matter to you. When you lie to people they reserve the right to take everything said thereafter with a grain of salt. And shut up with all your inane Discord theories. No one is conspiring against you goofy nikkas. I hardly post here anymore. Nicole isn’t even on Discord. Where I stand politically is clear as day and I don’t spend my time trolling people like neo. I’ve also been one of the loudest critics of Tariq and his FBA squad so you can dismiss that accusation as well. Maybe things are just as what they appear to be. People aren’t fond of liars. Shocking.
Apr 3, 2014
So Rhakim made a thread about Republican AGs sending letters to corporations. You were in there.

There were a few posts calling out bothsiders, and post #18 mentioned Democrats and both siders in a sarcastic tone. To which I replied, sarcastically:

"The republicans are racist, so let me stop demanding things from democrats. It's even ban worthy. Me demanding things from democrats makes me an undercover maga, because that's the simpler explanation. Not simply wanting things for Black people."

Then Bagger of tea came in, @ barnett, and told him to ban me.


Soon after that, Barnette dapped Bagger of tea, maybe even repped him, and all of my posts were deleted, and I was bushed for a month.
He did all that for a deep-in-the-red Republican.

Banned because I'm not Democrat shill.

That's why Blackestofpanthers was beginning to call out the mods. Look at the moves they're making, banning people because Bagger of tea told them to. That was complete bullshyt.

Yikes. Yeah I don't know what happened there.

Maybe Barnett just doesn't like you. :ld:

A couple years ago Houston banned me for a couple of hours cause he just didn't like me :pachaha: