Model post domestic violence pics (she only dated him 8 months :mindblown:) Graphic!

Jun 8, 2012
thank you, fukk that slavemaster dikk taking c00n bytch.
how the fukk, you talembout white boys are gawd.
when, they made everybody you related to.
so, now, you don't know who you related to, into strange fruit.
hopefully, now...
she knows what those strange looks were out in public.
she got from black people were about.
bytch, Chu violating.
threw, black men under a bus publically on twitter no less.
then, like an idiot got beatdown.
then, I bet, white dude still free than a motherfukker.
when, if that was a black guy.
who did that to you.
you would not have hesitated to call the cops.
plus, even if you did.
the state would have picked up charges, immediately.
even, if your state does not legally do that.

this is that shyt.
I talk about all the time.
how black females in general have become and share.
Such an affinity, for capitalism.
they defy, all natural instincts, history, and the little culture we have in America.
to stifle us in poverty, by defying Sociological fact.
on top, of straight disrespect to black men.
all because white men have created a narcissistic system.
That is totally demonstrative, destructive and based on simple breeding principles and capitalism.
to turn our females against us, and our females readily.
at the drop of a hat.
willingly in general, to subscribe to every possible narcissistic angle.
the white boi, has created to further hurtle black America into poverty, financially an spiritually as black people.
then readily, cheer this matriarch based bullshyt on, and deflect blame on to black men, erroneously.
while forgiving white men, for it all.
just because he created a capitalistic reparation system for black females.
purposefully, ignoring black males.
when, those reparations are a simple 5k payment a year, for one kid.
plus, ready underpaid employment.
then, our own females, who were physiologically, and psychologically raped and made into strange fruit.
champion them, and the narcissistic system and reward white men on an unprecedented level.
for fukking them up the worse,...
then, in general our females, won't hesitate to throw us under the bus.
in favor of capitalism and eic/cs/alimony.
when that shyt is fukkin everything else up.
more than leron who broke that bitter bytch.
who teaching and passing down to sisters.
this bullshyt project mentality and eic check bullshyt.
that much more than that lame p*ssy hoard'n simp leron. who broke her wack bytch made race hating, black man hating ass heart.

Art Barr

Way too much reality rap in this post and thread.

reps and daps given out accordingly.


The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
Also isnt RightingWrongs the same chick who got piped out on some white man and he aint call her BlackASS back and she was left looking stupid!?!?



Jun 22, 2012
Also isnt RightingWrongs the same chick who got piped out on some white man and he aint call her BlackASS back and she was left looking stupid!?!?



What?! No...that cannot be true lol
Jun 8, 2012
Great post.

This is why I clown and chastise black men for thinking they can run everything with their d#ck and sex game. Black women hail black men for making their toes curl but will call the cops on that same dude or have him set up for a robbery or will lie on him in child support court or will snitch on him at the job all the same.

Black men have been taught to base their value on their physical prowess whether it be their physical strength and/or their ability to f#ck. Gee, I wonder where that originates? This is why black men tend to boast about being able to control a woman by making her orgasm. Any dude with his head on straight who has some experience knows that you can't truly gain submission from between a woman's happens between her ears.

And even if she does submit after getting her back blown out, after she regains feeling in her legs, if you're on Baby Boy status, she's going to treat you as such. And if you have to bang her out just to make her agreeable, what does that say about your value on that woman's eyes? That kind of dude is nothing more than an in-house gigalo....and gigalos are hired and fired.

As stated above, black women typically have their resources outside of black men. This is NOT the case with non-black women for the most part.

When a black woman wants a job, she goes to the white-owned company to get interviewed by the white HR person. Not a black man.
When a black woman wants some food and shelter for her kids, she goes to the WIC and Section 8 office. Not the black man.
When a black woman needs help and protection, she calls 911. Not the black man.
When a black woman wants to shop at a retail store, she goes to the suburbs or downtown at white-owned retailers. Not a black man's store.

See the pattern? See why black women gain an affinity for one group and a disdain for their own? See why black women trust one group and don't trust their own? See why black women would respect one group and not their own?

The attitudes we see in black women are a problem, but they are a bi-product of something larger. Black men have helped create the very issues that we dislike, don't want and can't tolerate. Having an apathetic worldview on their role in the household and allowing outside forces to dictate internal dynamics has come back to bite us in more ways than one.

This post is already long, but I just wanted to add to the quote. Black women are a problem right now, but black men are the leaders, so we have to be the solution.


Dapped and repped for this.