
Apr 30, 2012
Nothing wrong with that. SOF operators cannot be mass produced, they must be chiseled from enthusiastic volunteers.
:ehh: Only the dudes that can endure and embrace the suck will make it anyways.

Met a young dude going into the pipeline randomly at a civvy gym two months ago. Dude was respectful, receptive to everything I had so say, and I wish him the best of luck.:salute:

Notice how I said I met dude in the gym. :francis:

Not on the trolling on the coli.
Not outta shape.
Not so fat a recruiter wouldn't let him take a practice ASVAB.
Not so enamored with the glamour he was blind to the challenges that lay ahead.

You can never tell who'd make it because a lot of it is mental, you telling your body to keep it fukking moving, but anybody that's ever put on the uniform knows dude sounded like gourmet food in this bytch.

exactly. Ill be honest any unit that allows you to quit aka requires selection or a packet don't want just anyone in. Basically motivated, play your position, not a damn spot light ranger....


Apr 30, 2012
I initially wanted to join the air force but the recruiter I spoke to was very standoffish. (avoided eye contact, gave one word answers, etc.) Don't know what his problem was. (shy? racist?) He has my contact info but never contacted me. I knew a girl I went to high school with who tried to join the air force with a stem degree, and the recruiter she talked to was similarly standoffish. So I figured this was a normal thing. *Watching various videos of the air force it seems like they're full of scawny nerds who watch anime. So most certainly I don't see myself being comfortable in that culture.

With my air force aspirations dead I went home, reset, and done as much research as I can on the army. If I'm to join the army I'd want to join a specialized unit (i.e.: 82nd airborne, 75th rangers, 160th soar) as opposed to the conventional army. **Looking to be an intel analyst in the ranger regiment. (so 35F w/ option 40)

Many people have fantasized about SF/SOF and have failed spectacularly. I've given myself 6 months to physically prepare myself before I even talk to an army recruiter as I'm most certainly not ready now. ***Been doing intermittent fasting, HIIT, yoga, calisthenics.

From what I can gather it appears that white supremacy is pervasive in the SOF community. ****There's this black former Navy Seal who got kicked out for punching a guy for calling him the N word. Hopefully I don't find myself in a similar situation.

* - lol

** - Ranger has their own 'intelligence battalion'

*** - SFAS workout PDF I downloaded

**** - Jake Zweig

I hear you and I don't want to say anything otherwise. But as a 35F as you progress unless you end up in special skills program you will naturally have to rotate out. If you want to continue to progress you will leave that realm. Also in all honesty the only thing that changes for you is the way you are delivered to the CP. Rather it's ABN or in the back of a stryker or 1068. You are clearly looking at the start of your career and I'm looking at it with a total career view. But that's how I started out when I went into the Army. But that got old.

What usually happens with the 35s guys is they start out in one unit and PCS to another type of unit after that they will go be a recruiter/instructor/drill sgt. After that back to a regular unit as either a PSG or S2 NCOIC and than to G2 at division or Corp and back out to instructor/recruiter/special duty and at that point transition into a First Sergeant or BDE S2 or G2 NCOIC at higher levels. Those jobs in the specialized units are usually rotated out of at a pretty steady clip basically 2-3 years in the seat rotate overseas back to FORSCOM.

You have to figure out what it is you want out of it. Because if you want to be a good intel analyst you will have to leave SOF or FORSCOM. Basically, the best Intel Analyst are the ones who have been in the different units. And thats the exact thing the promotion boards look for with them. Same as they do for Signal leaders. The more versatile you are in your skill set and succesful you were in different duty types the more likely you are to continue upwards.

The best analyst never progress much more than SPC or SGT. After that point you are doing different things.
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Son Goku

Great Sage Equalling Heaven
Jun 19, 2019
I initially wanted to join the air force but the recruiter I spoke to was very standoffish. (avoided eye contact, gave one word answers, etc.) Don't know what his problem was. (shy? racist?) He has my contact info but never contacted me. I knew a girl I went to high school with who tried to join the air force with a stem degree, and the recruiter she talked to was similarly standoffish. So I figured this was a normal thing. *Watching various videos of the air force it seems like they're full of scawny nerds who watch anime. So most certainly I don't see myself being comfortable in that culture.

With my air force aspirations dead I went home, reset, and done as much research as I can on the army. If I'm to join the army I'd want to join a specialized unit (i.e.: 82nd airborne, 75th rangers, 160th soar) as opposed to the conventional army. **Looking to be an intel analyst in the ranger regiment. (so 35F w/ option 40)

Many people have fantasized about SF/SOF and have failed spectacularly. I've given myself 6 months to physically prepare myself before I even talk to an army recruiter as I'm most certainly not ready now. ***Been doing intermittent fasting, HIIT, yoga, calisthenics.

From what I can gather it appears that white supremacy is pervasive in the SOF community. ****There's this black former Navy Seal who got kicked out for punching a guy for calling him the N word. Hopefully I don't find myself in a similar situation.

Didn't watch the videos but a couple of things:

1) This fear folks have of racism in the service is really no different than it is outside the military. If you punched a dude at Walmart or Goldman Sachs or a lot of places for calling you an "N", you'd prolly get bounced from that job too.

Let's also keep in mind that unless we know every detail from every perspective, it's hard to say what's what. Did SEAL breh punch a superior (NCO/CO) or somebody in the same tier? Was dude squared away or was this the final straw? Not trying to play devil's advocate for cacs, but there's always two sides to every story.

Racism is everywhere but the fear of not doing something because you may encounter it stupid.

And without more brehs in SOF roles to stay and become SOF leadership, the mindset/culture prolly won't change.

2) Army has skinny nerds that watch anime too. Whenever we played other services in flag football, we stomped them. Any non-SOF dudes from the Army prolly aren't any bigger than non-SOF AF dudes. Hell, even in the AF a lot of dudes you wouldn't think based on where they work are beasting in every unit. Former D1 athletes, SOF washouts, Crossfitters, marathoners, bodybuilders, and powerlifters are everywhere.

When I lifted at a USA gym this summer, I was one of the biggest dudes there off rip and was surprised the Army cats weren't more brolic.

The fact that we were the "Chair Force" usually meant we had more time to go to the gym and spent less time doing bullshyt (unit PT, cleaning stuff for no reason, inspections, rucking, etc.) all while getting the same basic pay.

Let that last sentence sink in a bit.

3) Realize that the recruiters for all services are hit or miss. I had the exact same experience when I was about to go Army. Dude was running around with more heads than he could prolly count and didn't really seem like he wanted me. Went to an AF recruiter and it was closed, so I drove to another one maybe 10 miles away and struck gold: nice, cool breh who didn't give me any bullshyt and ran a tight ship. Was much better prepared than a lot of other cats at basic; some of them didn't even know how to give a reporting statement.

I wouldn't let an anecdote of one or two recruiters make me switch services but to each his own.

4) USA deals with way more bullshyt than USAF. Most USAF bases are nicer, are usually in better locations, and the culture is vastly different so it's usually more chill.

5) I get the whole special unit desire but I wouldn't sleep on the AF. A lot of those same types of jobs are specific billets (i.e. green door assignments) that can be yours with the right attitude. Know a dude that just left for one last year and is loving. I know Ravens and DAGRE dudes that like their jobs. Know some medics that tag along with Tier 2 units.

Unless you actually wanna be a Ranger, SF, or paratroop, I'd reconsider bushing the AF. Also, make sure you're cool with not being in one of those units. It's my understanding that you can be reassigned as an enabler and get moved back to the "conventional army".

Best of luck either way.

42 Monks

Feb 20, 2014
The best analyst never progress much more than SPC or SGT. After that point you are doing different things.
They're also dumb enough/love the life enough to stay in. Unless you're fast tracked with classes included all the way to E6 or E7, it makes zero sense to stay in. Regarding active duty specifically of course.

Rozay Oro

2 Peter 3:9 if you don’t know God
Sep 9, 2013
@You know damn well that bum was never finna make it past 1WOT. :mjlol:

I have no problem tryna help folks, active or prospective, get in and make moves, but dude did not want to help himself, he'd be like the @KingZimbabwe or @Rozay Oro of your squadron.

It also didn't help that his goals were unrealistic and he seemed to only want flashier, prestigious, or potentially lucrative AFSCs where the competition and training requirements are high.
Chill my official comptia security+ study guide book arrived today

Rozay Oro

2 Peter 3:9 if you don’t know God
Sep 9, 2013
@Dave24 get into IT nikka. They say HealthyGamerGG from YouTube gives affordable counseling.

Spiritual Stratocaster

Jesus is KING
Aug 14, 2014
Ship life as ship's company, which means that you're attached to a ship. As ship's company, you have to get damage control qualifications (firefighting shyt), do 3-M shyt (maintenance of the ship and it's components), get qualified to stand watches on your duty days, THEN do your normal job, while being excellent at all of it.

The amount of work that needs to be completed on a daily basis while facing all of the challenges above on top of being undermanned is hellacious.

The pay isn't worth the work at all. shyt is trash. I'm an E-4 that works 9-10 hours a day doing low-level supply chain management (inventories, stowing, etc.) and mid-level SCM( typing up transportation forms, organizing & conducting large warehouse moves, managing warehouse inventory, etc.) for a net pay of $25,800 without allowances.

In Cali, I could be doing the latter for like 60-70K. Hell, I could transfer over to the GS side and make similar to that with my experience.
Ship life gets old quick...


My homie got knocked down rank for gundecking :mjgrin:


Enjoying a Long Night of Solace✌
Oct 27, 2016
Somewhere on an Xbox
What is that Breh?
"Gundecking" is a navy term that's used in regards to maintenance [of the ship and its components].

To gundeck is to take shortcuts and/or not even do the maintenance, but close out said maintenance in a navy system called "SKED" as being completed correctly.

To give a synopsis on maintenance, just know that you have these things called an "MRC" that will walk you step-by-step through the maintenance. If you don't follow that shyt to the T, you're fukked come spot check [an assessment of a specific maintenance that was performed by your workcenter] time.

If that spot check is with the XO, CMC (highest-ranking enlisted on-board), or BOS'N (saltiest motherfukker on the ship):francis:.
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Spiritual Stratocaster

Jesus is KING
Aug 14, 2014
What is that Breh?
Saying you did the maintenance but you didn't and lied about it and signed it off..

The breh was doing maintenance on fire rextinguishers..he said he checks them down below decks but he didn't..he didn't feel like going down and climbing back up so he signed off on it and got caught.

Captain mast..45/45 then went down to e3.