My guy, 400k a year is is the upper part of upper middle class. You’re talking inflation and shyt but in 98 percent of America you can live in any neighborhood you want and buy almost any car you want with that salary. Inflation makes it so that salary doesn’t make you rich, it still makes you upper middle class. Middle class is in reference to a basic suburban lifestyle. In most neighborhoods the person making 400k would have the biggest house on the block. You’re not rich but you would look that way to anyone who isn’t.
No it's not, not based on the cost of living today
Middle Class people don't complain about rent, don't complain about home prices, Middle Class people do not live pay check to pay check
This is the reality for people making 100k today, I'm not making this up
Once again you don't understand the money, the biggest house on the block is the less valuable, because it brings up the value of all the smaller houses and those houses bring it's value down, you don't even understand how homes are valued, you never want to have the biggest house of the block because you are getting the worst deal
You don't even understand that, so how can you be middle class
middle class people know these things, they are financially literate, and make these types of decisions
Somebody making 400k can afford to buy a Ferrari, but they can they afford the Ferrari lifestyle, no
they have to treat the car with kid gloves and basically not even enjoy owing the car