Microsoft vision for Xbox future on 15th February on the official Xbox podcast at 12pm PT. 3PM ET. 8pm GMT

Will Microsoft go full 3rd party and drop console hardware going forward?

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The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012
Microsoft has had day 1 PC releases for all their first party titles for years now. Sony is not doing this so far. They last said at least 1 year exclusivity and then a PC release and so far that's been the case(Horizon FW is launching more than 2 years later on PC.) MSFT is doing it out of necessity, not because it's the better thing to do.


Again, this was what I said before in that Xbox pioneered online gaming for consoles.

OK. I don't remember much on the OG Xbox besides loading up a game though.

Idk about that, the boomerang and dualshock 3 were unveiled as wireless controllers before the 360 released.

Dreamcast came with the DLC installs first. MSFT bettered it.

Now let's do a list of the things Sony pioneered:


Dual analog sticks in the first dualshock.

You can say N64 inspired it and they made it a hot song but then the same thing can be said for the online and DLC capabilities of the Dreamcast to Xbox.

  • CD based gaming which allowed for much bigger games/audio compared to cartridges. Before that it was an add-on(like how the network adapter was an "add on" for the PS2.
PlayStation wanted to push there CDs. That's the only reason

Everything they pushed is because they had an investment on the back end. If they didn't it didn't, or it was something that flopped...aka UMD they abandon ship quickly

  • PS2 with the built in DVD player
  • PS3 with the bluray player

Same thing here they wanted to push DVD and Blu-rays

  • Eyetoy for motion gaming
Motion gaming has been around since the NES with the power glove, power pad and Sega with the activator.

  • Haptic feedback/adaptive triggers in the dualsense
I'll give them this

  • Console Virtual reality
The virtua boy says hello

  • Touchpad on the Dual shock 4

  • Free games with online subs(PS Plus launched in 2010, XBL Games with Gold later
The free games didn't start until they started charging for PS plus networkif I recall. It was basically hey sorry we have to charge for online maintenance also.

  • Streaming games online through other devices(Remote play, PS Now)

All the platforms have pioneered something. MSFT wasn't the end all be all of pioneering things/forward thinking that currently are the modern gaming experience.
I'll give them this also.

In all these examples there isn't really one thing that required substantial investment that didn't do well and they stuck to their guns to improve.

If it's not a hot out the gate they basically just let it hang around until someone else goes through the growing pains or makes something popular then they show up like "we have that too"

They pioneered very little in the grand scheme of things.

There biggest contribution definitely the blu ray players. It made gaming way more acceptable and cool instead of it being a stand off type of entertainment.

People was buying PlayStation for blu rays alone


All Star
Mar 11, 2022
We've been here before. Phil is going to say that Xbox is committed to it's gamers. It is committed to making new consoles and making the best games for Xbox. Then he will talk about making Xbox games playable on all screens, so gamers can play Xbox games on the platform of their choice. Code for: We are going to be a 3rd party distributor of games, and have a console for the suckers stuck on Xbox.

This was my initial prediction, and I stand on it. Phil stated "...These 4 games do not represent a change in our fundamental strategy for exclusives..." Dude will never tell you Xbox's fundamental strategy for exclusive titles. Nor did he do it on the podcast, which is the primary reason we all tuned in. He did say that games exclusive to a specific piece or hardware will decrease in the near future, and when Tom Warren of the Verge asked him if he will rule out ever porting Indiana Jones and Starfield to PS5, Phil said he wouldn't rule it out. We still don't know if COD will go on Gamepass day and date. I don't see how Xbox fans walked away from that podcast excited. Phil just turned up the water temp, and the X-frogs are none the wiser.


Wearing Lions gear when it wasn't cool
Jun 11, 2012
Lombardi Trophies in Allen Park
Interesting, that said, I'm moving back to PC primary anyways so my list of physicals is going to be severely reduced this year and beyond. I'm going to wait to see the next specs of the next generation consoles then go way above those on a pc. That's the plan going forward.


blathering blatherskite!
Aug 15, 2018
Duckburg, NY
This was my initial prediction, and I stand on it. Phil stated "...These 4 games do not represent a change in our fundamental strategy for exclusives..." Dude will never tell you Xbox's fundamental strategy for exclusive titles. Nor did he do it on the podcast, which is the primary reason we all tuned in. He did say that games exclusive to a specific piece or hardware will decrease in the near future, and when Tom Warren of the Verge asked him if he will rule out ever porting Indiana Jones and Starfield to PS5, Phil said he wouldn't rule it out. We still don't know if COD will go on Gamepass day and date. I don't see how Xbox fans walked away from that podcast excited. Phil just turned up the water temp, and the X-frogs are none the wiser.



blathering blatherskite!
Aug 15, 2018
Duckburg, NY
What's funny about that tweet is they stated in the podcast that they have no plans to put Gamepass on Nintendo or Sony consoles. You can't trust anything Phil Spencer says.

Yet his stans/shills just continue to parrot anything he says, regardless of how it contradicts somethign else he said. You see them do it in this thread lol


blathering blatherskite!
Aug 15, 2018
Duckburg, NY
phil spencer: ‘we’re going to clear the air about some of these rumors and tell you what we’re doing in the future’

fans: ‘so is xbox going multiplatform?’

Phil spencer: ‘no, but gaming will be multiplatform in 5-10 years’

Fans: ‘so you’re not porting games to other platforms’

Phil spencer: ‘yes, but only community driven games and the aight games’

Fans: ‘so what are the games?’

Phil spencer: ‘i can’t tell you that’

Fans: ‘is it Indiana jones or starfield’

Phil spencer: ‘out of these four? Naw’

Fans: ‘will they be in the future;

Phil spencer: ‘we’re not ruling anything out, that would be dumb’

Fans: ‘so, i still have questions…’

Phil spencer: ‘we’ll we can’t answer those but we will tell you the next xbox will be the most powerful console of all time’
