Even more ironic is the fact that I too enjoyed the game only because it was free on the pass, which is why I was even able to recall it in the first place

but that ain't the point nikka fukk all that, point is you can find that shyt in the bargain bin of your neighborhood GameStop for less than a McDouble. Having a library of ass that nobody playing with a legit hit or two sprinkled in each year is hard to justify $20 a month. And this is coming from somebody who used to feel the exact same way you did.
If not giving a shyt about Ni No Kuni and fifa makes my taste limited, then so be it
I am an avid gamer no doubt, but I never claimed to just enjoy every damn thing. With music, I only really listen to hip-hop/r&b, that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with other genres or that I'm just not a fan of music because I don't study all forms of it every day, it just means I have preferences.
I don't pay for music, but if that was the only way to listen I damn sure wouldn't be paying whatever the fair price of ALL music is. Streaming music costs what like 10 bucks a month? Can you imagine what it would cost if it was a FAIR price il considering the value? I'm not paying for their extensive collection of bluegrass. I would pay a small fee to access the entire library and that's it, no cost adjusting for value on shyt I don't want anyway.
See where I'm going with this? I like shooters, RPGs (any kind although I haven't played a JRPG I liked in over a decade), NBA, NFL, RTS, and turn based strategy games. I do not wish to be charged extra because Redfail is available day 1.
Your sense of "value" is clouded by assuming people find value in "free" bargain bin games. Half of the catalog in gamepass I don't even bother playing because I just know it's not for me, and that's ok as long as the price stays low.