Isaiah Bradley
About 6 months ago National Geographic did a front page article about the success of dog breeding for characteristics. It's the most uniquely bred mammal gene structure. You can make a dog short, tall, spotted, hairless, etc, with more success than with any other genome. So where ever you heard that dog breeding for certain characteristics doesn't work is a lie.
Unless you mean it doesn't work 100% of the time, which would lead me to believe you don't have a basic understanding of genetics. Because nothing about changing a genetic structure is 100%. You're still playing the odds.
The human genome is much more complex. Genes hide through generational "mating cycles" and some don't. You carry traits of your greatest grandfather, whether they show or not. If people share dominant genes, it creates more dominant traits.
The science you just described that's conducted today, versus the "science" that was done 400 years ago are complete opposites and is what the discussion is about
Dudes are suggesting that genetic "chance" alone was enough to affect an entire race