I'm glad it took you forever to think of this lame response
Look here....first of all, I'm from Texas, I grew up having horses and cattle. I understand breeding from the time I was a kid. Futhermore, ppl have been breeding horses/cattle/dogs, etc for THOUSANDS of years which result in what you see today. It has NOTHING to do with the horse being "fast"
That shows you dont have a clue what you're discussing. It has to do with looks, coat color/texture, temperament/ability to train, build, and lots other factors other than "fast"
And ppl have been cross producing/pollenating fruit and vegetables for hundreds/thousands of years before they ever understood teh science behind it. So stop with all this "they didnt know all that back then"....it doesnt matter. They knew it worked thru trial and error, so they did it.
It takes nothing more than taking a black history class in college to learn that slaves were bred like animals. The superior male was bred with the superior female in hopes to make a child just as good. Rinse, repeat. Male/females were split like taking cattle to the sale barn, selling them, and putting them on another farm to work/breed better.
And I never said MJ chose his wife based on her "stock".
I said it has to with her stock on how the kids would turn out. Some peoples genes are stronger than others.
How old are you? Dont bring a rusty-ass butter knife to a gun fight.