Michael Jackson wasn’t impressed by the neptunes .. He wanted the super thug sound instead.....

May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
It seemed that Mike didn't want shyt that sounded like shyt he did before.


Which IS kind of crazy because MJ over those Justified beats is a fukking classic.

But just like we shouldn’t be expecting Nas to make Illmatic over and over again i’m sure MJ wasn’t trying to remake Thriller/Bad. He wanted a fresh sound.

I don’t know if “Superthug” was that sound for him though:mjlol:


May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..

Which IS kind of crazy because MJ over those Justified beats is a fukking classic.

But just like we shouldn’t be expecting Nas to make Illmatic over and over again i’m sure MJ wasn’t trying to remake Thriller/Bad. He wanted a fresh sound.

I don’t know if “Superthug” was that sound for him though:mjlol:
Yea. If u pay attention. MJ's sound changed drastically for every single album he dropped. Off The Wall doesnt sound like The Jackson shyt or Ben or none of that. Thriller doesn't sound like Off The Wall. Bad doesn't sound like Thriller. Dangerous doesn't sound like Bad. And the list goes on.
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
Actually what surprises me more is that Timberlake stopped using Neptune's beats

Like :mindblown:

He had one more good album (the one that Timbaland produced) and most of his junk has flopped since then

That stuff be tripping me out. Why would you leave the producer that has a proven track record with you?

I get it, you wanna try a new sound but you make your next experimental album, it flops and then you supposed to go back to what you know

Same thing with Usher. Its a shame that Ushers last game changing album was Confessions

Dude really spent the past 15 years experimenting and coming out with trash.

JD's sounds works for you. It WORKS. He finally smartened up this year and went back to his roots.

MJ had nothing to prove. He had no legacy to cement at that point in his life. Usher was supposed to cement his legacy, Timberlake too instead of coming out with THIS GHETTO D GURL or MAN OF THE WOODZ.:mindblown:

Sometimes its not that simple breh.

When it comes to successful artists, there is definitely ego involved but there is always a REAL need to “test” the waters and step outside of your comfort zone.

Also look at MJ. He made three solo albums with Quincy. All three classics, including the Best Selling album of all time. But by the end of Thriller MJ was tired of Quincy and vice versa. As an artist it was about expansion of his sound but it was also about control of his career. Quincy wouldn’t give Michael Co-Production credits on Billie Jean, which HIGHLY pissed off Michael. They also feuded over the placement of songs, titles, sequencing, etc. michael won a few battles and Quincy won a few. But when you are the ARTIST and your selling out arenas and doing all the other work that comes with the art (performing, interviews, tours, etc) you start to trust your instincts more and the words of others less. 90% of the time successful artist/producer duos break up is because the artist wants more of their INSTINCT included within the final product that bares their name