Michael Brown Memorial Tree Cut Down 24 Hours After It’s Planted


Old School New School Need To Learn Though
Oct 12, 2014
The Truth

A tree planted in memory of Michael Brown, the unarmed Ferguson, Mo., teen who was shot and killed by then-Police Officer Darren Wilson, was chopped down at the trunk and the concrete plaque was stolen.

According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, two trees were planted in Wabash Park in Ferguson on Saturday. One of the trees was donated by the Black Caucus of the American Library Association and was dedicated to Brown. Less than 24 hours after the trees were planted, both saplings were destroyed.

"If it was intentional, then they know they were wrong for doing it, because at the end of the day, someone lost their life," a passerby who saw what was left of the tree told My Fox DC. "It could have been them. It could have been one of their family members. I just think it wasn't right."

"It's [a] real sad day when a tree is dedicated and the next day someone comes along and destroys it just for the heck of it," said Gerald Brooks of the Black Caucus, according to My Fox DC.

The association "wanted the tree to be a 'symbol of peace and comfort and hope for all who gather under its branches,' " Raw Story reports.

Ferguson officials told KMOV that they are investigating the incident as an act of vandalism but added that they have no leads in the case. Officials have already begun working to replace both trees, according to the Post-Dispatch.