i haven't seen it yet but i'm disappointed by the reviews so far. i'm still gonna check it out because i like the concept and cast but gonna lower my expectations.
yeah it does. i ordered it as well. here's a link www.amazon.com/Fahrenheit-451-Ray-Bradbury/dp/1451673310/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1526918429&sr=8-1&keywords=farenheight+451
i love George Orwell and any dystopian future books and this looks to have the same idea. i'm reading a star wars book right now but will start this next.
Thanks I won't be check this out....the book go by the same name?
yeah it does. i ordered it as well. here's a link www.amazon.com/Fahrenheit-451-Ray-Bradbury/dp/1451673310/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1526918429&sr=8-1&keywords=farenheight+451
i love George Orwell and any dystopian future books and this looks to have the same idea. i'm reading a star wars book right now but will start this next.