All Star
3rd person or nah?
yep, everything felt hand crafted, and lived in. a lot of attention to detailI agree with everything you said, and I’d like to add that the level design is some of the most believable/realistic I’ve seen in a game like this. The world really feels believable in a way very few games capture.
I’ll take it a step further and say this is one of the best FPS games ever. It’s really that good IMO.
What happened?After the initial train wreck of an experience I had with this game on launch day I haven't had any interest in playing it.
Easily my most disappointing purchase this gen.
Makes me think, if cyberpunk is this detailed, with also the density of something like GTA, I can finally understand what video game writers were talking about when they said it truly feels next gen. I was legit amazed at rubble in this gameyep, everything felt hand crafted, and lived in. a lot of attention to detail
What happened?
I’m playing on XB1X and the game started out as a stuttering mess. Enemies popping up out of no where and a glitch that cause one of those monsters to just stay stuck on my head. It’s arm blocked my view until I got to the next area. Once I got to the next area the game completely crashed. The hell is up with this game?
I'll give the game another try tonight. Hoping it was just a one off glitch.
It was mad frustrating though. I get home to play the "definitive console version" on my XB1X only to run into crap performance and a complete game crash within 30 minutes.
Played for about an hour and yes, the controls feel laggy. It’s exactly like that video. It reminds me of the way killzone felt on PS3. It’s like the game is too much for the console to handle so they intentionally slowed the controls down. Even on the highest settings the movement feels stiff and unnatural.
Game informer gave this game a high score and I don’t remember seeing them mention this at all.
It’s definitely something thats being overlooked.
The game doesn’t look as good as I thought it would either. It’s nice, don’t get me wrong, especially in the dark areas, but Red Dead Redemption looks better than this game to me.
Also, one of my personal pet peeves is audio, and in this game the audio is GARBAGE. Guns don’t sound powerful and there’s a TON of sound effects completely missing. Like why is it when the main character punches the dog, or stabs the monsters they don’t have any sound effect for it? Voice audio isn’t mastered properly either. Shots in the tunnel are mixed one way and the voices in the same space are mixed a different way. I’m a stickler for audio so it might not bother most people but it irks the hell outta me. I’m playing on my 7.1 surround system on my 4K hdr TCL tv on the XB1X and honestly I’m disappointed right now. So far it isn’t living up to the hype. I’m not giving up on it yet though.
That's great you're enjoying it that much but the game has obvious issues I can't ignore.
The controls are no where near as responsive as they should be, the audio is complete trash, I've experienced a bunch of glitches, and the graphics have been overrated (at least on console). Nothing about the gun play feels solid to control and the weapons themselves all feel and sound weak as hell.
The atmosphere is done well but let's be honest, this game isn't bringing anything to the table we haven't seen a hundred times before.
Something else regarding the graphics / presentation: this game does not do shadows well at all. The near pitch black areas look nice but the areas where you are out of enemy sight look too similar to the areas where you are in plain sight. In the beginning when the old guy is helping you escape, he tells you stick to the shadows and I was confused as hell because I didn't see any area that would even look remotely like a space I could hide in. I looked at my options and according to the menu, I had the brightness set right where they want it to be. I went ahead and lowered the brightness further and the shadows still looked light as hell. Speaking of that old guy, how in the hell is he ALWAYS ahead of youhe tells me to cut through here, and crawl through there, and when I get to the next section he's right in front of me.
The continuity is all kinds of jacked up. Homeboy was teleporting all over the map
I'm playing on hardcore also and would have gone back and changed it to ranger if the game didn't have any of the issues I mentioned.
As it is, I'm not interested in dragging out this experience longer than necessary.
You might think the graphics look better based on certain areas looking better than others. I was actually very impressed with one part where you're crawling through the tunnel and the moonlight is hitting the puddles. The light, textures, and overall feel of the environment was crazy, but soon as I got out, it opens up to an area the looked bland.
The character models throw me off as well. The facial animations aren't up to par with a lot of other games.
For a slower paced FPS like this one, I need the game to tick all of the right boxes and this one misses too many of them for me not to complain about it.
The game is supposed to be very atmospheric but has way too many issues that make the atmosphere and immersion completely fall apart.
is it still laggy like people in this thread were saying ?As far as survival games go; I cannot think of a better one I've played.
Done with the story.
Like, DAMN.
I expected something different, in line with the first two games (only played a few hours of the first, none of the 2nd--but, I've watched mad videos on the story)...
RIP, Dad, Colonel Miller
I just KNEW Anna was gonna die
I loved the last couple of hours--it was some movie shyt.
9/10 Game
Dope Story, LOVED the Mechanics, I LOVED the characters
Rough around the edges
Guns handled perfectly realistic--rough, but, satisfying
I played on Xbox 1 and it was coolis it still laggy like people in this thread were saying ?
i got the one x so hopefully ill be str8I played on Xbox 1 and it was cool
Load times long as a muh
smokin newspaper blunts in the back of the train with this dude
I think I had everything maxed (none of the RTX stuff obviously), but I had to turn some stuff down when I got to the second area. I can't check since I don't have it installed anymorewhat was your settings playing this on a 980ti?? this is legit making me consider upgrading my processor atleast.