It's not. Looking at those pictures in the OP, you clearly have to zoom in and squint certain isolated points to see any differences, if no one pointed out the resolutions, no one would care about them.
All last gen I never knew or cared about the resolution of games, and I still don't. The game of the year last year that sony stans love so much had horrible specs, but none of that matterd cause it was a good game.
When people would talk about the differences in the games last gen it would be because the ps3 version ran like crap(skyrim, Bayonetta) not small barely noticeable differences. Show me an Xbox game that just doesn't work right, then I will start to care. Untill then it's all fanboy fluff
The current fervor to seek out these small differences comes from 8+ years of Sony Stan buthurt. So if we are going with the "inferior" hardware line now. Are y'all willing to admit that the ps3 was "inferior" hardware or will you still run with the excuses y'all been making for 8 years?