Metal Gear Solid is the most overrated franchise in the history of gaming


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
It's a shtick :snoop:

MG is multiplat, you can buy every game except for MGS4 on Xbox If that's your angle. The first two was Nintendo. I guess I took the wind out of your fanboy sails :win:
I said it’s “mainly” a Sony series.

Which you just proved with your statement

Learn to read


Walker Lexus Ranger
Jun 9, 2012
1 and 3 are both top 20 games of all time imo.

2 is better than people say, the story isn't just nonsense, Kojima has allegories, and metaphors layered in there.

You left off Peacewalker which was actually an amazing game too.

V had great gameplay, 4 was worth playing but had some major issues with the plot and cutscenes being retarded (45 minutes chatting in a plane ? :dwillhuh:)

Idk, it may be overrated but no other game creator has 2 games in my top 20 like, they both may be in my top 10 even.


The Coli's Ralph Ellison
Oct 31, 2012
Old Brooklyn
The first Metal Gear was iconic.

It had an extremely big impact on my childhood imagination.

I specifically remember there was a video game store near Brooklyn College when I was in high school and I had to make a choice between Tenchu & Metal Gear Solid for the playstation.

My father was with me and was letting me choose which one...

Had I chosen Tenchu, I'd have probably had an entirely different gaming perspective.

But I chose MGS and my LOVE for military based fantasies took hold.

Snakeeater was really cool and even though I didn't finish it(It take ALOT for me to stay engaged in single player games), I actually enjoyed the experience that I had.

I'm not willing to put it in the overrated category just yet.

Now, what I WILL concede is the premise that Kojima's future potential is overrated as fukk. he gets WAY TOO much hype considering he's notorious for being a difficult developer.

I said it’s “mainly” a Sony series.

Which you just proved with your statement

Learn to read

Yea, cosign. When I think of MGS, I think of Sony as its draft team and its iconic team.

Although MGS are multiplat, at this stage it's like Vince Carter. He's a journey man now...but he'll always be a Raptor.

Flywin Lannister

May 4, 2014
Lannister Bloodline
1.) If you didn't read then don't ask me no questions. Maybe it was answered already

2.) This isn't a "what franchise do you like better" discussion. It's about MGS being overrated. Let's keep the goalposts where they belong m'kay :handshake:

I read it. The questions were not answered.

Let me help you.

When you type 'the MOST overrated' you are COMPARING. There are overrated titles and in your flimsy opinion, MGS is the MOST overrated one. So the question 'ok so what ARE better franchises?' since to many of us MGS is Top 5-top 10 franchises is a pretty key question.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Not the most overrated ever, but fans don't like admit there's been plenty of missteps and Kojima probably isn't the infallible video game gawd they view him as:comeon:

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
I said it’s “mainly” a Sony series.

Which you just proved with your statement

Learn to read
Oh I read just fine. You see, at first you could say it was a Nintendo series (in America) then it was Sony. Then guess what, it went multiplat and had a collector's edition that had all of them except MGS4. Here's the cover

Maybe you're too young to know it didn't start on Sony but you're old enough to know it didn't end on Sony. You know it's available on most platforms today. So the premise that I made this thread to hate on a Sony product is 4000% inaccurate.

Learn how to admit you was wrong my nikka :ufdup:
1 and 3 are both top 20 games of all time imo.

2 is better than people say, the story isn't just nonsense, Kojima has allegories, and metaphors layered in there.

You left off Peacewalker which was actually an amazing game too.

V had great gameplay, 4 was worth playing but had some major issues with the plot and cutscenes being retarded (45 minutes chatting in a plane ? :dwillhuh:)

Idk, it may be overrated but no other game creator has 2 games in my top 20 like, they both may be in my top 10 even.
I agree it WAS flames for a 2 1/2 game period. 1 is universally loved. 2 is better imo but revisionist history has people not liking it as much as everyone did at the time. And 3, like I said was skipped by alot of gamers :yeshrug:

Why is it that every new MGS game gets hype like it didn't fall off tho? What other game gets that type of pass?

To everyone who has expressed a different opinion, make sure to name a franchise that is MORE OVERRATED and why :handshake:


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
Oh I read just fine. You see, at first you could say it was a Nintendo series (in America) then it was Sony. Then guess what, it went multiplat and had a collector's edition that had all of them except MGS4. Here's the cover

Maybe you're too young to know it didn't start on Sony but you're off enough to know it didn't end on Sony. You know it's available on most platforms today. So the premise that I made this thread to hate on a Sony product is 4000% inaccurate.

Learn how to admit you was wrong my nikka :ufdup:
A little on Nintendo a little on MS

Most on Sony so it’s majnly a Sony series as I’ve said


The Illustrious
Apr 23, 2013
MGS quality has definitely fallen, but most overrated franchise ever? No. It dropped 3 classics in a row, then finally fumbled on the 4th, and didn't quite deliver on the 5th. MGS2 is a classic, don't let the initial Raiden haters fool you. That game was still masterful in its own way. Great boss fights and had a shyt ton of fukkery that could be had, plus the VR missions in Substance was great.

MGS 3 is a top tier game. The atmosphere, the design, the story, the soundtrack, the boss fights, the camo and injury system, everything made it feel like you had to work to survive in the jungle while carrying out your mission. Can't praise that game enough. It's truly epic.

The last 2 games haven't helped its legacy much, but it's an iconic, legendary franchise overall and shall be respected as such. :birdman:


I low key think Crackdown, Twisted Metal, Sonic, and Half-Life might be able to challenege MGS.

None of those are touching MGS breh. Sonic fell off worse than any franchise listed in this thread and Half-Life would be the only franchise that could compete if 3 ever dropped.

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
I read it. The questions were not answered.

Let me help you.

When you type 'the MOST overrated' you are COMPARING. There are overrated titles and in your flimsy opinion, MGS is the MOST overrated one. So the question 'ok so what ARE better franchises?' since to many of us MGS is Top 5-top 10 franchises is a pretty key question.
You sound crazy bruh. If I feel this is the most overrated franchise in gaming, listing which games are better has nothing to do when over or under rating something :snoop:

Star wars is often overrated, doesn't mean they not good movies. You are letting your love for a franchise cloud your thought process young padiwan...
Not the most overrated ever, but fans don't like admit there's been plenty of missteps and Kojima probably isn't the infallible video game gawd they view him as:comeon:
And that is partially why it's overrated. When did fans start turning a blind eye to the games shortcomings? When MGS4 released :francis:

They called it the best game ever made for about 6 months, remember that? That alone puts it way up the list for most overrated. MGS5 being open world, we all imagined MGS1 style gameplay in an open world. shyt, imagine a MGS1 remake that was open world :wow: the hype for MGS5 was on par with the hype for MGS4 and both underwhelmed :yeshrug:

What other game gets that type of treatment outside of exclusives?

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
Yet you don’t talk like you owned a Sony console.

This thread from you doesn’t surprise me since it’s mainly a Sony series.

You just sit down and find many ways to bash Sony.

It’s creepy.
So you make it clear here that you feel I made this thread to bash Sony, your words. Try not to discredit yourself m'kay...
A little on Nintendo a little on MS

Most on Sony so it’s majnly a Sony series as I’ve said
While you slightly nudge the goalposts thinking that saves you from being wrong about why I created this thread, I just feel that as a man you should be able to admit when you're wrong. I enjoy watching people squirm and try to weasel there way out of shyt. Like, my mind drinks from the stupid and insecurities of man. Have a nice day :youngsabo:

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
MGS quality has definitely fallen, but most overrated franchise ever? No. It dropped 3 classics in a row, then finally fumbled on the 4th, and didn't quite deliver on the 5th. MGS2 is a classic, don't let the initial Raiden haters fool you. That game was still masterful in its own way. Great boss fights and had a shyt ton of fukkery that could be had, plus the VR missions in Substance was great.

MGS 3 is a top tier game. The atmosphere, the design, the story, the soundtrack, the boss fights, the camo and injury system, everything made it feel like you had to work to survive in the jungle while carrying out your mission. Can't praise that game enough. It's truly epic.

The last 2 games haven't helped its legacy much, but it's an iconic, legendary franchise overall and shall be respected as such. :birdman:

None of those are touching MGS breh. Sonic fell off worse than any franchise listed in this thread and Half-Life would be the only franchise that could compete if 3 ever dropped.
Sonic didn't fall off, but it did run its course. Supposedly the last couple of sonic games were really good. It's not overrated because nobody has really high expectations :francis:

Half-Life isn't in the convo at all, there are only two of them and they were epic at the time. Half-Life 3 can be total shyt, doesn't make the franchise overrated. Just part 3

Metal gear 1/2 were not titles that people talk fondly of.
Metal gear solid 1/2 were epic and is why the series gets the hype it does today

3, can somebody speak on why it wasn't as successful as MGS2?

4 = trash but was hyped as bestto ever do it
5 underwhelmed.

MGS4 is clearly the most overrated game ever, by a country mile. And the series as a whole gets a pass because of previous titles. Uncharted 3 reviews say hi :manny: