McDonald's makes a sample monthly budget to see how its employees survive on its pay


Apr 30, 2012
This is the thread that should have 500 posts, not any Travyon/Zimmerman nonsense.

While people stay being fed their monthly racial soap opera issues like these go by unnoticed.

:comeon: it has to be one or the other?


Master Baker
May 1, 2012
i agree with the bolded 100% but as far as this theory that 40 hours a week is automatically supposed to cover your basic expenses is one that has never been true in my lifetime..

thats been blatantly obvious ever since our parents would tell us "you keep fukkin up you gonna be working at mcdonalds". 9/10 you choose that life. if i was in that position i guarantee you id be busting my ass to get a city job, a bank position , a commission job or something thats going to give me an opportunity to make more. you working at mcd for 5 years you can't tell me you really tried to better yourself. you chose that life

You serious? You do know that only 1/3 of adult Americans have college degrees (which is a huge jump from almost 10 years ago when it was 25%) most the jobs you listed there require college degrees. People are stuck working McDonald's jobs as adults due to the lack of manufacturing and other skilled labor/blue collar jobs. There are only so many garbage men, city facilities, etc jobs to go around. Plenty of these workers want a good living, you think they wouldnt jump at some fantasy commission job if they could? Banks? That's not some walk in and get it job, plus you need to have enough income already to look suitable working there all while having a pristine background, and many teller jobs start almost as low. Then because of the surge of college degree holders and fewer jobs for them, they're left with debt they can't pay because employers can choose to pay them less or basically not hire them at all - a lot of them are working retail hoping to become store managers in an overworked underpaid ppindustry. Yea, some people never applied themselves, but some of these people in their 40's had quality jobs that got shipped overseas and retail/fast food are the only places they can work.


slippery slope
May 8, 2012
You serious? You do know that only 1/3 of adult Americans have college degrees (which is a huge jump from almost 10 years ago when it was 25%) most the jobs you listed there require college degrees. People are stuck working McDonald's jobs as adults due to the lack of manufacturing and other skilled labor/blue collar jobs. There are only so many garbage men, city facilities, etc jobs to go around. Plenty of these workers want a good living, you think they wouldnt jump at some fantasy commission job if they could? Banks? That's not some walk in and get it job, plus you need to have enough income already to look suitable working there all while having a pristine background, and many teller jobs start almost as low. Then because of the surge of college degree holders and fewer jobs for them, they're left with debt they can't pay because employers can choose to pay them less or basically not hire them at all - a lot of them are working retail hoping to become store managers in an overworked underpaid ppindustry. Yea, some people never applied themselves, but some of these people in their 40's had quality jobs that got shipped overseas and retail/fast food are the only places they can work.

If you grew up thinking working for the city/town/gvt was the were put in the wrong direction, unless you were a legacy. Hoping you'd win the blue collar lottery(which those jobs are) isnt intelligent planning.

Municipality jobs are almost impossible to get nowadays.


Jul 15, 2013
Newark, NJ
is it time we revaluate the concept of minimum wage? i mean why in the fukk are we holding small businesses to the same standards as corporations that take in billions of dollars?

idk how exactly it could be done but we need to start assigning different tiers of minimum wage to companies who take in X amount of money

*possible smart-dumb post

They need more regulation.

Two Stacks

New Orleans Shoe Lover
May 1, 2012
New Orleans, Louisiana
thats the thing that a lot of people are forgetting: my moms- HS education; career retail employee (makes about 35k). my pops- some college, good ball player but not good enough to get drafted, started having kids. truck driver for 35 years (@ about 50k).

^^^ that shyt doesnt happen anymore.

me: 27 y/o, 2 year degree. Retail, and after bonuses/OT etc, I gross 25k. I'm not a supervisor or manager.

Now of course im in school and have the opportunity to make double what i make or more but a nice chunk of that will be taken by taxes and sallie mae. I'm shooting to make triple my current income (60-75k) so that i can live comfortably. there's NO WAY I'm spending all this money and time to barely make it by. i have that drive, but not everyone has it.

for regular people, you HAVE TO have a good education (GPA wise) and a good major choice or you will end up in dead end retail or low paying city jobs.

$15/hr or less is not enough to carry a FAMILY that has one working income. shyt, $20 barely that income level you get no govt help. you literally have to be broke to get that shyt.

and of course it depends on where you live as well, people also forget we ALL carry debt.

for so many people in new orleans its; graduate HS, kids are probable, and then its get my own apt and car (whatever kind of car they can find). Cats out here aint trying to really do much more than that. the ones who ARE...are flourishing.

that being said, my old Gen. Mgr was grossing over 200K and he never touched college. my brother did server worked and grossed 50k with no college. those are extreme cases.
May 5, 2012
most the jobs you listed there require college degrees

WRONG. I'm currently employed by a bank and I don't have one college credit to my name. Worked commission jobs in HS made damn good money And if u think most cats holding down city jobs have degrees you wrong.

I coulda wound up at MCD to, but I said fukked that and worked my way into gainful employment with no college and no real skills.. I wasn't privileged or none of that. I knew what type of life I wanted to lived and I used hard work and hustle to get it. nikka I started from 0 and ain't even have no welfare to help me up. You wanna move up in the world, you can, period.

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
The pay side is bad

But the cost side is worse

Doubling minimum wage tomorrow wouldn't make college or healthcare appreciably more affordable for the average American.

Same time tho, I'm not sure when being a McDonalds cashier became a career instead of a job. But that's a whole other discussion. Bottom line people need to look beyond paychecks at the bigger picture.


May 13, 2012
McDonald's recently teamed up with Visa to create a financial planning site for its low-pay workforce. Unfortunately, whoever wrote the thing seems to have been literally incapable of imagining of how a fast food employee could survive on a minimum wage income.


As Jim Cook at Irregular Times notes, the $1,105 figure up top is roughly what the average McDonald's cashier earning $7.72 an hour would take home each month after payroll taxes, if they worked 40 hours a week. So this budget applies to someone just about working two full-time jobs at normal fast-food pay. (The federal minimum wage is just $7.25 an hour, by the way, but 19 states and DC set theirs higher).

A few of the other ridiculous conceits here: This hypothetical worker doesn't pay a heating bill. I guess some utilities are included in their $600 a month rent? (At the end of 2012, average rent in the U.S. was $1,048). Gas and groceries are bundled into $27 a day spending money. And this individual apparently has access to $20 a month healthcare. McDonald's, for its part, charges employees $12.58 a week for the company's most basic health plan. Well, that's if they've been with the company for a year. Otherwise, it's $14.

Now, it's possible that McDonald's and Visa meant this sample budget to reflect a two-person household. That would be a tad more realistic, after all. Unfortunately, the brochure doesn't give any indication that's the case. Nor does it change the fact that most of these expenses would apply to a single person.

Of course, minimum wage workers aren't really entirely on their own, especially if they have children. There are programs like food stamps, Medicaid, and the earned income tax credit to help them along. But that's sort of the point. When large companies make profits by paying their workers unlivable wages, we end up subsidizing their bottom lines.

McDonald's Can't Figure Out How Its Workers Survive on Minimum Wage - Jordan Weissmann - The Atlantic

MickyDees trollin' :heh:


May 26, 2012
San Diego
You serious? You do know that only 1/3 of adult Americans have college degrees (which is a huge jump from almost 10 years ago when it was 25%) most the jobs you listed there require college degrees. People are stuck working McDonald's jobs as adults due to the lack of manufacturing and other skilled labor/blue collar jobs. There are only so many garbage men, city facilities, etc jobs to go around. Plenty of these workers want a good living, you think they wouldnt jump at some fantasy commission job if they could? Banks? That's not some walk in and get it job, plus you need to have enough income already to look suitable working there all while having a pristine background, and many teller jobs start almost as low. Then because of the surge of college degree holders and fewer jobs for them, they're left with debt they can't pay because employers can choose to pay them less or basically not hire them at all - a lot of them are working retail hoping to become store managers in an overworked underpaid ppindustry. Yea, some people never applied themselves, but some of these people in their 40's had quality jobs that got shipped overseas and retail/fast food are the only places they can work.

Yes, one of my closet friends has a business degree from a resectable state college, and worked at Chase, he was making like 18-22 a month, grinding it out, with quotas and supervisors constantly trying to get more people signed up for cards or accounts, he quit in a year....they would have bled him dry for years, tiny raises and compensation and long hours and a draining life.. meanwhile every thinks it's a respectable's a corporate hustle, Chase isn't much different from a Mcdonalds.

And, I respect the hustle, and people who went from nothing to an established career....but for every YOU, theres 10,00 dudes just like you, except they won't 'make it', and never will, and it's not cuz they didn't 'hustle hard' or whatever the fukking latest catch phrase is.


Seduce & Scheme
Apr 30, 2012
If you grew up thinking working for the city/town/gvt was the were put in the wrong direction, unless you were a legacy. Hoping you'd win the blue collar lottery(which those jobs are) isnt intelligent planning.

Municipality jobs are almost impossible to get nowadays.

You're not black, but let me let you in on a little secret.

Public sector cit/town/gov jobs are the reason there is a black middle class.