I'm actually a lot more aware of this than you may believe.
That's why I am asking for you to fill in the blanks for me, with real facts or concepts of how this can actually change in REAL LIFE, not "support all workers I hate greedy CEO's"
Guess what? CEOs are billion dollar companies are going to make millions. They were making it when it was fair, they will make money when shyt is not fair. Greedy billionaires exist.
Please explain this to me:
- I am aware that only 1% of actors and actresses are actually wealthy. The rest are pretty much living check to check.
- The way that the 99% of performers got by was by residuals from shows that were syndicated or airing somewhere, and that held them down until their next job or gig, for the most part.
- This business model made sense, because every time say, "The Office" or "227" airs, the network is running paid commercials during that 30min/1 hour block. Since they are getting paid based on the success of the show (the more viewers, the higher the ads have will cost, the more money a show is bringing to a network), the more the residuals are broken down to actors who made that work shine. If a show like "Fresh Prince" airs for 20 years after it's off TV, great, the actors keep getting checks. If a show is forgotten and never seen again, guess what - no checks.
This model is broken because streaming is king. And the answer isn't simply, well pay the production and actors based on whats a hit on Netflix - why?
- People don't usually pay for a streaming service just to view one show. Sometimes they do, but for the most part, we have Netflix or Disney+ or whatever because they have content we like.
- There are no running ads on these platforms. So, they just pay for what they want upfront, because they think it will be a hit. Remember them giving $30m to Dave Chappelle but Monique was complaining about $300k? Every deal is different, but based on how many subscribers they think you will bring. This seems to negate what I said above, but how many Dave Chappelles or NFL Quarterback Documentaries or Game of Thrones can actually say "we will bring subscribers to your platform because our shyt is globally worshipped"??
- So, when you pitch a movie or series to be on these network, you have already produced it, and are basically selling it. Once you sold it, it's gone. What metrics are you going to use to say "hey my series or movie is on your Netflix channel for 5 years and yall went up 135% in profit so cut another check"? What if no one is watching your shyt?
- Ok, now you say, well open up the streaming books. Well, what constitutes a watch? Because if you buy a movie ticket, thats money in the bank. If you buy a DVD, money in the bank. But what if someone was just browsing for something watch, your shyt was on it was trash, and they turned it off. A few more trash shows and guess what people say?"I am deleting this app, there's nothing good on here"
- So, no you can't get residuals for just existing.
- But what if your shyt is a random smash like Tiger King or Squid Game? I have no idea. But they did already pay for it in advance...
- Shows have better leverage. Stranger Things was a hit. You dont pay me for Season 2, millions of people are going to be mad, and going to leave the platform and go wherever that show is going. What about the other 99,000 shows? These are the strikers right, the normal actors and production companies and writher that we have never heard of.
I stand by my statement about a lot of actors and actresses these days. It's harsh, but I think I may know more people in the industry than you. And it always gets me that most of these people don't really seem to be working on their craft heavy, they just be at events and auditioning but don't really be that good of a talent. I mean, we complain about that shyt all day everyday in Film Room and convos, but now we acting like we have all these thespians walking around who can't create their art. Most productions people show you that they were in or that they helped produced just honestly be stuff you never heard of and are not interested in in any way. Keep it super real bro.
I'm not pro-corporation, I am pro-reality.
These jackasses at the top who greenlit Fast and Furious 20000 are to blame for the movie industry, but now they are losing money. Little Mermaid - trash, Indiana Jones, everything. No one goes to movies anymore anyway. So, they would rather produce nothing than to keep having box office failures.
So, thats what I mean by hard reset. The shyt aint going back to the way it was. No one is giving anyone money they dont have to. They dont lose money for not producing, they lose money on producing shyt and paying people and not getting an return.
The only content that may be able to exist after this reset is actual good shyt that draws people in, with very limited streaming channels that share revenue (remember Netflix had it on lock with Hulu close, but then all these other companies (disney, peacock, etc) said "hey we can make our own channels, pull our content and make our own, and make Netflix bag" and it backfired because it is now way too much, and NO ONE IS WATCHING.
How would YOU fix this??? All these actors and actresses making YT videos but its all the same to me "pay us more, its not right"
Well, yea it's fukking not right but something gotta give, and your rent is due. When the truckers stop trucking, we dont have groceries. We dont have groceries, we riot. The union has leverage.
When "Sarahs Got a New Boyfriend Season 3" doesn't air, no one gives a shyt, and they go watch Youtube or old shyt.