Maybe the Entertainment Industry Needs a Hard Reset (SAG Strike, Music Checks etc)

Tribal Outkast

Nov 22, 2016
A lot of this stuff depends on support from the people. I’m hearing that tv is dead, streaming is taking a hit, nobody is buying albums anymore, etc. That is taking its toll on the whole industry. That on top of a lot of wack shyt being produced. I don’t think these entertainers realize that it’s not going to go back to the old days unless people at home are willing to change their patterns back. Social media stars are the ones winning now and I don’t know if they’re even getting paid correctly. I’m sure there are a bunch of people that hate this shyt, but with me growing up in the 80’s and 90’s, I’m good for life. I go back to watch shyt I grew up on way more than any of this new stuff. That’s part of the problem too,,. People would rather consume the old shyt than this new stuff. I just say good luck to the actors and writers.


Apr 30, 2012
At the end of the day, technology made the current industries into something where people get paid incredible sums of money and it looks like technology will roll it backwards.

Before film and record players, actors and musicians could make decent money but technology changed the heights and now they could be filthy rich. Entertainers will still exist but it won't be the same as it was in the last century.

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
I will say the quiet part out loud - most actors and actresses I know don't do that shyt for the love of the art, they just don't got shyt else to do and want to be famous
This sounds more like hater-ism than based on real life interaction with working actors.
TV and film acting is a tough profession to break into and sustain. There are plenty of more stable ways to earn a living, and people falling into acting because they "don't have anything else to do" would be a recipe for starving and being ass out.


Oct 31, 2017
West Coast
I know we have a few entertainers on here somewhere, so I'm very open to someone crushing my argument with some logic and facts that are escaping me...

For instance, I am having a hard time feeling sorry for the film industry (writers, actors and production cast) during this strike.

Like, I know quite a few people who are struggling heavy, and I do feel REALLY bad for THAT, but in terms of the actual industry - IMO, it was a ticking time bomb.

I mean, for one, yes, you get no royalties because TV is dead. Period. It ain't coming back.

And then, most of the shyt on streaming channels is super hot garbage. I feel like no one is ever going to pay anyone a livable wage again to produce garbage content and BS movies on Netflix and Hulu that barely anyone watches with terrible writing and dumb ass non-thoughtful plots. Like there is so much content out these days, it's insane. How Tf is it a good idea to pay the background actors of some lame ass show in the desert of Netflix. That shyt just should not exist.

I will say the quiet part out loud - most actors and actresses I know don't do that shyt for the love of the art, they just don't got shyt else to do and want to be famous. Thus we have all this shyt out now, with 20 streaming channels and 100000 movies and shows. Its unsustainable.

And yes, Disney deserves to go under and lose everything they got. I mean, they have been sustaining off of superhero films and remakes of old ass cartoon movies. Where is the originality and thoughtfulness and idea making that made those original films amazing? How many Fast Furious Indiana Jones Jurassic Park Marvel Batman etc shyt that nobody is asking for must be made? Billion people on this Earth and no original ideas???

This industry needs to completely reset IMO, and most actors and actresses and writers need to be doing something else, because the art isn't working or connecting, and isn't good.
Your argument loses steam when you realize it's people who wrote/worked for extremely popular shows who are striking as well, not just small timers working bit parts or people who "wrote" for unserious/low budget flop shows. But that doesn't even matter since the amount of money one studio makes PER DAY is a drop in the bucket compared to what the strikers are even asking for, for an entire YEAR....from ALL OF THEM.

That said...I doubt you "know" that many actors if you think the majority are just chasing "fame". Fame is worthless if it doesn't pay anything. That's called infamy. And there's no such thing as an aspiring actor who acts just because they wanna be famous & don't have anything else to do unless they're nepo or trust fund babies so this doesn't make sense. Most really ARE doing the shyt for love of the art because they understand that - as with professional sports - making it to the top is incredibly rare. However it's completely logical to want to get consistent work and be able to afford to live off one job (acting) instead of having to be a side hustling part time busser, hostess or UberEats driver for 10+hrs a night until the end of time while studios make hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars based off their work alone.

Anyway, that last part is actually one of the reasons WHY there's a strike. The writers don't WANT to churn out another bullshyt remake, sequel, prequel or mindless action film. They WANT studios to be rational and greenlight more small/indie films like they used to instead of trying to get the biggest bang for their buck by producing a string of comic book movies.

Warner Bros filmed and completed BatGirl for $90M just to shelve it lmao. Nobody's asking you to feel sorry for writers, actors and production assistants, etc. What they're asking you to do is think critically and stop bootlicking greedy billion dollar corporations.

It's not the "art" that's not working, it's Hollywood's shytty, 100% profit-driven business model that's failing.
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Feb 7, 2015
I know we have a few entertainers on here somewhere, so I'm very open to someone crushing my argument with some logic and facts that are escaping me...

For instance, I am having a hard time feeling sorry for the film industry (writers, actors and production cast) during this strike.

Like, I know quite a few people who are struggling heavy, and I do feel REALLY bad for THAT, but in terms of the actual industry - IMO, it was a ticking time bomb.

I mean, for one, yes, you get no royalties because TV is dead. Period. It ain't coming back.

And then, most of the shyt on streaming channels is super hot garbage. I feel like no one is ever going to pay anyone a livable wage again to produce garbage content and BS movies on Netflix and Hulu that barely anyone watches with terrible writing and dumb ass non-thoughtful plots. Like there is so much content out these days, it's insane. How Tf is it a good idea to pay the background actors of some lame ass show in the desert of Netflix. That shyt just should not exist.

I will say the quiet part out loud - most actors and actresses I know don't do that shyt for the love of the art, they just don't got shyt else to do and want to be famous. Thus we have all this shyt out now, with 20 streaming channels and 100000 movies and shows. Its unsustainable.

And yes, Disney deserves to go under and lose everything they got. I mean, they have been sustaining off of superhero films and remakes of old ass cartoon movies. Where is the originality and thoughtfulness and idea making that made those original films amazing? How many Fast Furious Indiana Jones Jurassic Park Marvel Batman etc shyt that nobody is asking for must be made? Billion people on this Earth and no original ideas???

This industry needs to completely reset IMO, and most actors and actresses and writers need to be doing something else, because the art isn't working or connecting, and isn't good.

Same for music industry. I just saw someone post some Filipino breh singing "Never Would've Made It" and I was like damn, this MF was born to sing.

Artist complain about the music industry but a lot of rappers and singers and rapping and singing to be cool, not because they are actually talented in any way.

Why is Ice Spice worth anything outside of a club appearance or show? Why would I cut great deals for non-talented clout chasers?

I think all of this needs a hard reset, and we are in the dark ages of entertainment.

But - I could be wrong?? :francis:

This man really came on here to post a manifesto calling writers and actors greedy while sucking the dikk of obscenely rich executives like Zaslav and Bob Iger :heh:

Disgraceful levels of boot licking for rich white evil capitalists.

Labor comes first hope the writers, actors and stunt folks get all the money they deserve


Mar 11, 2022
Los Angeles
Broadcast TV simply can't keep up with the constant stream of wacky content people from billions of people around the world make, that is day-to-day relatable and entertaining on TikTok.

That live streaming emoji challenge popping off the way it has is a good example. You won't be seeing that on broadcast TV, and people are getting paid on it by other viewers right there in real time?!

It may be a quick trend that comes and goes, but a billion or so users on that app means that somebody else will come up with the next thing/challenge to pull attention and trend worldwide.

Small writers guilds aren't a stronger think tank than billions of people brainstorming and throwing shyt out there. Same goes for music to be honest.

Meanwhile, networks are trying to get the OK/approval for some show, gather all the resources together, gather script writers, put all the logistics together, etc. for a fraction of the viewership and social media mentions.
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I love not to know so I can know more...
Oct 3, 2013
Which has absolutely nothing to do with actors and writers :heh:
Yes, it does. They get paid during and some before the production of anything. The studios (the investors) are taking the risks. The studios have to hopefully recoup and then profit. This multitude of folks who didn’t have to put up any money want residuals too. If I was the studio, I’d say f**k them and let them make their own shows and movies.

Toe Jay Simpson

May 12, 2012
Carmel City
Some bulldyke with a nose ring is gonna run in here talking about evil corporations and fascism

My only thing about them striking is, why is there no contingency made in peaceful times so that people can live while this is happening? You’re going to be out of work for weeks…this time the studios are saying they want to see evictions and foreclosures before they’ll talk. A lot of paycheck people are ruined when this happens and are forced out of the industry for good. You make the decision for them to strike and then it’s like “go hold up this sign for all of us and after that when it comes to your bills, get it how you can”. Part of their due structure should be some type of stipend for those under a certain annual income. Otherwise, your literally putting your people’s dead bodies on the catapult. Fox’s people still eating steak and lobster right now while all this is happening.


A Pound & A Prayer
Jun 22, 2013
London, UK
The issue is that technology and profits is dictating art and not vice versa. The reason why shows and films are becoming more disposable and derivative is because most studios are only going to green light things are a) cheap, b) profitable, c) drives engagement or d) all of the above.

The boom in reality shows is the industry’s reaction to the last strike as you don’t need writers or “actors.”

It’s not the writers/actors faults that entertainment has gotten worse because a lot of the shows/films we complain about now wouldn’t have gotten greenlit in Hollywood’s heyday as there was more quality.

Low key, this is why international television (UK, K-Drama, etc) has been able to thrive in the streaming era because the industries within the the respective countries are a lot smaller which means writing has to be key because studios can’t afford to just keep throwing money at failed shows.
Feb 7, 2015
Yes, it does. They get paid during and some before the production of anything. The studios (the investors) are taking the risks. The studios have to hopefully recoup and then profit. This multitude of folks who didn’t have to put up any money want residuals too. If I was the studio, I’d say f**k them and let them make their own shows and movies.
This is a 30+ minute video.

You have no idea what you’re talking about and refuse to even educate yourself on it so I’m why should I give a shyt what you think?


fukking bootlicker