Mass Shooting At Orlando Gay Nightclub (Now 50 Dead)

Diddly Drogba

Jun 7, 2014
Do you understand how silly you sound for saying that someone who claimed to dislike gay people, tried to kill 100 plus gay people at once and even died trying to do it did it b/c he "just really hates gays"?
so what about the dylan roofs who kill black people because they just hate black people? What is it with the need to claim everybody who beats or kills gays are gay? :sas1:

Ghostface Trillah

God-level poster
May 5, 2012
Mt. Olympus
Some of you guys are really horrible people. A guy goes into a club and shoots 50 people and you're happy because they were gay people? :what:You sound like white people in the comment sections of racial issues.

First off that's a terrible outlook to have on something like this. This could've been anywhere, a hetero club,a supermarket, a burger king lobby. Who's to say the next time it won't be some guy with a immense hatred of black people clapping up a predominately black function.

Secondly, not everyone in a gay club is gay. Hetero girls go to gay clubs because they don't have to worry about being sexually assaulted all night and to hang with their gay friends, dancers go because they get paid to come in and dance, it is what it is. no rule that you have to be gay to work in a gay club. A hetero guy that I worked with in a club years ago who had the night off found out that every guy on the security team but him died last night. Another straight guy with a wife and 3 kids is dead too.

Right now my facebook is full of people begging,pleading,and posting pictures of loved ones and hoping someone has any information while trying to stay strong and not face the reality that their brother,sister,cousin,aunt,uncle,best friend,cool coworker,or neighbor is one of the dead or in the hospital dying but at this point its pretty obvious what phone call they're going to get.That's not something i'd be happy about. Regardless of whether you agree with their lifestyle or not,being happy that 50+ people who were out just enjoying their lives not bother anyone got murdered is straight up clown shyt. Grow the fukk up.
Apr 30, 2012
This is how I know he's was a diehard white supremacist. He waited till Latin night. That's some Dylann Roof shyt. He had it planned and someone was holding the door. You know it was probably a cac. The gov't ain't stupid. They know what they doing and then they go on TV and act sad about it like, it's an atrocity. fukk outta here, you in on it too. This nikka had a clearance based job too, the ones that rarely hire nikkas if you not in the DC metro area. Sit all the way the fukk down. White Supremacist speaking code to white fakkits, that they gonna kill them if they don't start fukking with their white women again. It's that simple. CNN didn't put Don Lemon or their other fags on this story for a reason. It's code.
May 1, 2012

Many here will ignore this post. Probably be because more than half this forum is cac these days :francis:


The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
Many here will ignore this post. Probably be because more than half this forum is cac these days :francis:

Who's ignoring it, what im more incensed about is, He was already on a Terror Watch list, and TAKEN off and got cleared to buy a rifle even after being interviewed by the FBI twice.
Who took this man off that watch list?!!? :wtf:


May 17, 2012
Los Angeles
I'm not a gun nut & think everyone should be allowed to have a pistol but there's really no reason for assault rifles to be sold.

Breh, i can see the logic and I agree somewhat but banning the rifles will not stop anything.. it is too late to ban guns now. Also i have seen cats make guns out of scrap metal from junkyards on vice. The black market would be lit and they would come right back up through mexico...

I hate trump but he is right on two things.. we need to limit the immigration and screen the shyt out of people coming in and we do need a wall.. a big ass wall with the national guard sitting on it 24/7. I am not even talking about latinos at all but there are some crazy ass people coming (some already here) that are going to plan coordinated attacks in the next few years. We do not want to end up like europe which is basically already overrun and is going to be in sharia law in 30 years. I got some friends in law enforcement and high security that keep telling me that these nuts are already here and are planning. More liberal policies like free rent and hugs are not going to stop this.

There is a large segment of the world that just hate america and everything we stand for. They hate that we make movies and music that influence their youth. They hate that our women have casual sex. They hate that we have things like LGBT pride and trans bathrooms. They will attack us whether we are dancing in a gay club or shopping at the mall. They basically hate every single person in the US for something. Christians, Jews, Blacks, Gays, Latinos etc. No one is safe, only thing we can do is play defense and shore up. Stop trying to catch political points and come together to watch everyones back because no matter how you feel about this country there is no place else in the world we would rather live.
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Jul 13, 2012
Breh, i can see the logic and I agree somewhat but banning the rifles will not stop anything.. it is too late to ban guns now. Also i have seen cats make guns out of scrap metal from junkyards. The black market would beit and they would come right back up through mexico...

I hate trump but he is right on two things.. we need to limit the immigration and screen the shyt out of people coming in and we do need a wall.. a big ass wall with the national guard sitting on it 24/7. I am not even talking about latinos at all but there are some crazy ass people coming (some already here) that are going to plan coordinated attacks in the next few years. We do not want to end up like europe which is basically already overrun and is going to be in sharia law in 30 years. I got some friends in law enforcement and high security that keep telling me that these nuts are already here and are planning. More liberal policies like free rent and hugs are not going to stop this.
It's too late to stop this gun crazy society but certain things should be done to curb the flow of guns into criminals hands. For starters people on the FBI's watch list shouldn't be able to purchase guns legally. There needs to be way more serious background checks nationwide. Private sellers should be outlawed.
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The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
Breh, i can see the logic and I agree somewhat but banning the rifles will not stop anything.. it is too late to ban guns now. Also i have seen cats make guns out of scrap metal from junkyards. The black market would beit and they would come right back up through mexico...

I hate trump but he is right on two things.. we need to limit the immigration and screen the shyt out of people coming in and we do need a wall.. a big ass wall with the national guard sitting on it 24/7. I am not even talking about latinos at all but there are some crazy ass people coming (some already here) that are going to plan coordinated attacks in the next few years. We do not want to end up like europe which is basically already overrun and is going to be in sharia law in 30 years. I got some friends in law enforcement and high security that keep telling me that these nuts are already here and are planning. More liberal policies like free rent and hugs are not going to stop this.

WTF you talking about this shooter plus many others are AMERICAN born citizens.... all that immigration shyt aint helping if it's americans out here acting like fukking maniacs you worried about foreigners on the outside i worried about these little cac hillbillies that got access to guns, rifles and bombs in their fukking backyard which the govt doesn't even crackdown on...

This man was on a fukking WATCH LIST for crying out loud and no one did shyt to limit him buying a gun, even if he got a gun he shouldn't have cleared a background check but he did. and yes I know if you know the right people in the right areas you can buy any gun you want but seriously.... :comeon:

You gotta make it harder for these deranged muthafukkas out there. I aint worried about fukking ISIS i'm worried about Little Jimmy from tennessee who wants to shoot all ******s in a church or some deranged religious fanatic that wants to kill everyone that doesn't bow down to his beliefs.