I support RakeshDid you actually read the stuff he said from the article you linked?
Sounds exactly like the type of tweets you would :SNAKESALUTE:
Here’s a few of his Tweets:
“A white person being called ‘racist’ is the closest they’ll ever get to being called ‘******’. It upsets them so much. #stillnotclosethough”
“White people telling me they are color-blind to race remains hilarious. Oh yes, please tell me how you don’t notice color any more!” well he is right with this one, we do sound like bunch of babies scared to “offend” the invading hoards of migrants when we say that. Are we daltonists? How can we say we are color-blind? Don’t we realize how moronic that sounds?
“Some people think America’s past-time is baseball, but it’s actually protecting white fragility”
“Three links on why minorities making white people jokes isn’t racist” Ohh it isn’t? Then we should start joking about you monkeys as well. There’s plenty of subject matter there.
“Prejudice against white people” can’t be a serious thing you are claiming. They don’t even approach the same league of awfulness.”
“LRT: More #whitefoolishness. Racism is a thing that totally hampers white lives! HOW HAVE I IGNORED THE PLIGHT OF THE WHITE MAN FOR SO LONG”
“I’m officially following 1000 people now. I think I’m going to spend part of today clearing out who I follow, specifically white men” Its good when those white men allow you to live in their countries, give you jobs and buy your crappy products though, don’t they?
“Funny how only white people who benefit from systematic advantages their race affords them ever say “We are all just people” #whitefoolishness” Again you are free to return to India! No one is keeping you from leaving!
“The real terrorists are already on American soil and they are white” Unbelievable! How do we put up with this kind of BS? He is a GUEST in America! If a guest misbehaves in your house, don’t you throw him out? Why isn’t anyone throwing this guy out? Why is he making games like Mass Effect: Andromeda and actually negatively influences our culture to the benefit of his own?
“@ErnestWAdamsin the same way men can benefit from shutting up & just listening to women’s issues, white people can benefit from shutting up” This is what you get you see? They want us to be silent and preferably extinct altogether so they can take over. Multiculturalism is a failure and we should deport each and every single one of them, both illegal and legal non-white migrants.
“I got 99 problems but worrying that white people think I’m racist against white people ain’t one HIT ME”
I'll cop this game on sale with a jar of Mango Chutney and Naan bread at Costco.