loyola llothta
They are already focusing on T'Challa. His book was number 1 in the country in April, and the only non-A list character, non-Star Wars, non-Issue #1 book to be in the top 10 for two months straight now. His book is selling very well at the moment.
Luke Cage already has a teamup book with Iron Fist. It's getting some pretty good reviews. Sales are ehhh at the moment.
They tried giving Storm a solo in 2014 and the sales were.
Marvel has done what you suggested. Only T'Challa is selling very well. The rest of the non-legacy black characters? Either average numbers at best (for now), or they are approaching the cancellation zone (or the no-renewal zone, considering the 12-issue system they have now).
Meanwhile, Miles, Kamala, and Jane-Thor are selling well. Cho and FalCap have solid numbers for now.
Considering those odds, its no wonder Marvel is going the legacy route.
how young boy nova doing?