They have got to start switching up their formula.
I'm tired of the antagonist turning out to be your standard moustache-twirling villain who's out to destroy the world/galaxy. Civil War was GREAT about giving us something new: We thought we were getting the usual boss fight between the Hydra super soldiers and Iron Man/Cap/Bucky, instead this got turned on its head at the last minute and it became hero vs hero. LOVED that.
GOTGv2 had the potential to be different as well. Imagine you've never met your father and when you finally do, he turns out to be the leader of some polygamous cult who's obsessed with spreading his seed. What if Ego hadn't been an out-and-out bad guy but had simply turned out to be someone whose path Peter ends up choosing not to follow? That would have made for better 3rd act tension, IMO, than "Will they destroy Ego before Ego destroys the galaxy?"
Imagine if they'd gotten rid of Ego's propensity for infanticide and had Peter find out that Ego had fathered billions of kids across the galaxy with billions of women? Now Quill has to deal with the realization that his mother wasn't special to his father, that she'd just been used to satisfy his kink for impregnating as many women as he possibly could. I would have rather seen Peter wrestle with that revelation than with another kill-or-be-killed situation like Ronan.
Imagine if they'd thrown out the revelation that Ego killed Peter's mother (with a brain tumor... for some reason) and instead made the conflict about Ego insisting that Peter be like him (build a planet, be fruitful and multiply, etc) and Peter had to choose between being with (and like) his Celestial father vs sticking with his friends. Ego could have insisted Peter stay with him and never see his friends again, and the climax of the movie could have been all about Peter and the guardians trying to escape the planet, rather than about them trying to destroy the planet.
It would have been something different, which would really be welcome at this point. Especially since
Infinity War HAS to be your standard "destroy the bad guy before he destroys the world" story. Give us something new now, in these last few movies leading up to IW, so by next summer we'll be ready to return to the formula.
I had the same issue with
Dr. Strange, btw. Ready for Marvel to switch it up.
ETA: Don't get me wrong, there was a lot I liked about the movie. The humor and action were on point.
But when I heard that Peter's father was going to be Ego the Living Planet, I expected a really interesting relationship to develop between them.
"I killed your mother" "Prepare to die!" is not interesting.
And then they kill off the father figure (Yondu) that Peter
did have an interesting relationship with...