Yea, the marketing for BP2 centered around the death and grieving of the franchise's cash cow, also serving as a meta (and exploitative) maneuver to monetize the actor's death. Hell, there's a reason why the end credits introduced a b*stard son with the cash cow's same name.
In the CBR forums back in 2017 i predicted that (1) after we get an uptick of white women heroes to abate viral complains in the new social media age, the next predictable uptick would be women of color,
then LGBT and (2) T'Challa and other black male characters would unfairly pay the tax for these underrepresented groups.
I think the issue of poor quality is an outcome of focus that's more on the pagentry of the tickbox, than having an actual story/plan to elevate the cash cow and, by extention, the IP. The Marvels is probably the best example of this.