More Big Changes At Marvel Studios As The "Creative Committee" Is Brought To An End
Earlier this week, it was revealed that Marvel Studios will now operate under the watch of Disney instead of Marvel Entertainment. Another big behind the scenes shake up has occurred, with the Creative Committee (made up of names like Joe Quesada) disbanded by Kevin Feige...
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Josh Wilding - 9/2/2015
According to
Birth.Movies.Death, Marvel Studios' Creative Committe has been disbanded this week following the severing of ties between the studio and Marvel CEO Ike Perlmutter. For those of you unfamiliar with the group, it was apparently made up of names like Alan Fine, Brian Michael Bendis, Dan Buckley, and Joe Quesada. Their job was to give notes and weigh in on Marvel productions while they were being adapted. Their input was clearly not appreciated by Kevin Feige (because, let's face it, he hardly needs the help of someone like Bendis) as now it will just be him, Louis D'Esposito, and Victoria Alonso making key creative decisions.
So, why scrap what sounds like a relatively useful group of people to have around? According to the site, this committee was something of a burden, offering up "
notes that are pedestrian, motivated by 'save the cat' story logic and sometimes a drag on creativity." Perhaps their greatest crime were being responsible for the script notes which led to Edgar Wright deciding to depart
Ant-Man, while their lateness with such revisions would often play havoc with a movie's development. In other words, good f**king riddance! Another interesting titbit revealed by the site is that
"Ike, with a background in toys, believes girl toys do not sell and thus vetoed them again and again," and that explains the lack of Black Widow merchandise.
All in all, it feels like a new day is dawning at Marvel Studios. Just how much of a different we'll notice as moviegoers remains to be seen, but there's no denying the fact that Kevin Feige appears to be making all the right decisions. What do you guys think?
More Big Changes At Marvel Studios As The "Creative Committee" Is Brought To An End