Martin Scorsese - Marvel movies are 'not cinema'

May 1, 2012
My ignore list grew a little so I can only imagine the level of fury being displayed at one man's opinion. If you like Marvel films that's perfectly fine. It's perfectly fine if you think they're the best type of films being put out. Scorcese's opinion is also more than ok.

The thing is if Martin fukking Scorcese, a guy who has more than a little bit of credibility in giving his opinion on film, said Transformers or Fast & Furious movies weren't cinema, this thread wouldn't be damn near 500 replies. This is the cost of stannery: hurt feelings over shyt that you have no true vested interest in besides personal enjoyment. It's all well and good to get your laughs off at the RT scores or box office numbers of "rival"(I laughed typing that out:mjlol:) comic book franchises, but when a legend, whose opinion can't be easily brushed aside, shyts on your toy you suddenly want to respect the merits of subjectivity and every type of movies place in the entertainment realm. It wasn't okay that people might like the mindless enjoyment of a film like Venom, or the different tone of Man of Steel, but when a gawd like Scorcese includes your precious Marvel films in the trash bin category alongside those aforementioned films, it's time to pull the cape out for comic book movies:ohhh:Suddenly, the value of having different film options for all types of viewers to enjoy is important, when before it was gucci to pray for the failure of other studios movies merely for the studio you stan to get the rights to certain nikkas in tights.
The MCU is most definitely cinema. Theme parks are places people go to for entertainment, just like movie theatres, stage plays, libraries, concerts, renaissance fairs, haunted houses, bars, sporting events, brothels, and strip clubs:mjlit:I wouldn't get mad if someone who goes to spoken word open mic nights for fun thought going to illegal midget fight clubs for fun was beneath them. So don't get mad at Martin Scorcese disliking your version of illegal midget fight clubs:hubie:

:damn: :damn: @obarth .... stop breh.... They already dead :pachaha: Goodness.....


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
Y’all still in here arguing like this 80 year old didn’t just rant however long all because his movie is forced to come on Netflix (the irony :russ: )

marvel is taking his plate and eating his food, easy to see why he throwing shots

i know a lot of y’all pray for marvels downfall every day and latch onto things like this that actually won’t even effect their bottom line but jeez :mjlol: y’all are more obsessed than “marvel stans”

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Y’all still in here arguing like this 80 year old didn’t just rant however long all because his movie is forced to come on Netflix (the irony :russ: )

marvel is taking his plate and eating his food, easy to see why he throwing shots

i know a lot of y’all pray for marvels downfall every day and latch onto things like this that actually won’t even effect their bottom line but jeez :mjlol: y’all are more obsessed than “marvel stans”

Its cool the disrespect legends and defending monopolies now?

If Denzel or Spike Lee said the same thing, you would disrespect them too, huh?


Extensive Enterprises
Aug 29, 2018
Elizabeth, NJ by way of East Orange
facts. What's funny is I stopped going to the movies all together for a good 5 or 6 years, just because the experience of going wasn't even enjoyable. The MCU got me back going into the theaters and i been seeing all types of shyt in theaters now. Saw everything from Godzilla, Shaft, to Midsommer, to Ready or Not, this year in theaters.

Just today, something came out about Jennifer Aniston saying something about Marvel, and that's all that's being made, and it's making it a bit rougher for her to get roles. As if people were rushing to see her in a Adam Sandler movie. The same goes for JLo when she said the same thing. Angelina Jolie isn't saying that. Selma Hayak isn't saying that. Marissa Tomei isn't saying that. Lupita Nyong'o isn't saying that. Brie Larsen isn't saying that. The problem isn't Marvel. If you take out Joker, not a single movie out right now is a comic book movie. If you take out Joker, just about every movie out at the moment is certified fresh on Rotten Tomatoes.
Christopher Nolan pushing IMAX for The Dark Knight and James Cameron pushing 3D for Avatar saved it. Both of those movies were the trojan horses Hollywood needed for movie goers to be comfortable paying the surcharge for more expensive formats. In the US, tickets sold are actually hovering around where they were in 1995-1997 with 1998 to 2004 being the peak years. Those premium formats and a higher average ticket price are helping maintain a status quo. The only problem is that ever increasing shareholder expectations and increasing production costs means revenue(at least in the US) being stagnant is killing studio interest in putting non-blockbuster/new-IP based blockbusters in theaters.

The general consensus split for what box office revenue that goes to the studios/producers is 55% in the US, 45% Foreign, and 25% China. Let's do Hobbs & Shaw as an example.

The production budget was 200M, we don't have official marketing but lets say it was 150M for a total of 350M to make,market, and project.

Worldwide gross = 758M
173M Domestic = 95.15M
386M Foreign = 173.7M
199M China = 49.75M

So out of the 758M grossed, only 318.6M went to Universal/producers. As it stands Hobbs & Shaw is in the hole 31M. Now obviously selling the TV rights to HBO or TNT in addition to rentals/bluray/digital sales will help but for all intents and purposes a movie that grossed 700M god damn dollars is only going to bring Universal a meager profit. That paints a grim picture for Hollywood as most blockbusters aren't making close to 700M but are still in the 250-300M make and market range. Basically this current blockbuster model is unsustainable and the studios need to re-calibrate the general audience's tastes for what movies are worthy of seeing on the big screen before more of them go the way of 20th Century Fox.

Which still makes what Jennifer Aniston said pretty much hoe babble. I'm not arguing with with you about IMAX, 3D and the increasing expectations of shareholders. That's all true. At the same time though, Jason Blum puts out cheaply made movie after cheaply made movie, and they turn a profit. The movie theater experience isn't cheap. Even if you go on $5 Tuesday, you can still end up spending $20 on food and snacks. The average movie goer wants a good experience and a fun ride, because the days when you could go see a movie like Taxi Driver and Sleepless in Seattle on the cheap are gone. Even if we go back to the original subject, Martin Scorsese and his comments, The Wolf of Wall Street was a thrill ride attraction. Not the Marvel kind, but still an attraction and an experience to be had. So the everyday movie goer will wait to see a rom com or some other generic movie when it comes out on Redbox.


May 18, 2012
Jiu Jitsu
Just today, something came out about Jennifer Aniston saying something about Marvel, and that's all that's being made, and it's making it a bit rougher for her to get roles. As if people were rushing to see her in a Adam Sandler movie. The same goes for JLo when she said the same thing. Angelina Jolie isn't saying that. Selma Hayak isn't saying that. Marissa Tomei isn't saying that. Lupita Nyong'o isn't saying that. Brie Larsen isn't saying that. The problem isn't Marvel. If you take out Joker, not a single movie out right now is a comic book movie. If you take out Joker, just about every movie out at the moment is certified fresh on Rotten Tomatoes.

Which still makes what Jennifer Aniston said pretty much hoe babble. I'm not arguing with with you about IMAX, 3D and the increasing expectations of shareholders. That's all true. At the same time though, Jason Blum puts out cheaply made movie after cheaply made movie, and they turn a profit. The movie theater experience isn't cheap. Even if you go on $5 Tuesday, you can still end up spending $20 on food and snacks. The average movie goer wants a good experience and a fun ride, because the days when you could go see a movie like Taxi Driver and Sleepless in Seattle on the cheap are gone. Even if we go back to the original subject, Martin Scorsese and his comments, The Wolf of Wall Street was a thrill ride attraction. Not the Marvel kind, but still an attraction and an experience to be had. So the everyday movie goer will wait to see a rom com or some other generic movie when it comes out on Redbox.
:ohhh: That's actually a great point. I didn't really think about that but it's kind of obvious now that I do. I only saw Once Upon a Time in Hollywood in the theater because he's one of the only directors (along with guys like Scorsese, Peele, Nolan, and a few others) that make movies that aren't big budget spectacles that I'll still fork over so much money for to see in the theater. Because you're right, the movie theater experience is getting more expensive. I'm a movie buff and if I feel this way I'm sure the average person does.


Aug 9, 2013
It's the same as a painter not liking cartoons and comic books. There are complex arts and simple arts, it's a business. Not everyone is into nuanced movies, they want the roller coaster. It's a business catering to tastes, they don't sell Wagyu steaks at Wonderland. You get cotton candy.

Marvel makes blockbusters, if that isn't cinema then that's that. Mass consumption is the order of today.


Jun 6, 2012
New York
It's the same as a painter not liking cartoons and comic books. There are complex arts and simple arts, it's a business. Not everyone is into nuanced movies, they want the roller coaster. It's a business catering to tastes, they don't sell Wagyu steaks at Wonderland. You get cotton candy.

Marvel makes blockbusters, if that isn't cinema then that's that. Mass consumption is the order of today.
Aren't comics and cartoons more complex than paintings? A single image (paintings) compared to thousands to millions put together to then make pictures in motion (cartoons) and multiple illustrations with words in concert (comic books).
And really what Martin does and what Marvel does are the same thing, they both make movies. Very different than your analogies comparing materially different things.

Formerly Black Trash

Philosopher, Connoisseur, Future Legend
Aug 2, 2015
Marvel movies cant be cinema, because Disney won't allow them to be

They're made by committee films

I like them for what they are and that's one of the reasons they e been so successful but lets be real