Man, never been married but been on both sides of this. Been cheated on and been the cheater...
You can get to a dark place knowing you been cheated on. I wanted to kill the man but not the woman who was supposed to value me. I didn't want to leave my daughter motherless and honestly hurting her never crossed my mind. I wanted to hurt her by killing this nikka she cheated and moved on with me from...
This was on my mind for probably close to a month. I planned different ways to go kill dude. Went to her house at midnight once trying to get him to come outside, woulda did him there. When he wouldn't come out, I thought of shooting thru the windows but didn't do it because my daughter and her kids were in there...
Another time, I thought I could catch him there when she wasn't there, when I knew all the kids would be at school. Planned on how to duck the cameras and all, planned on how to fight the case if I was arrested for it. Drove down there one day and knocked on the door, I was gonna shoot him no questions asked if he opened the door. No one opened the door, he probably wasn't home...
Thought of breaking in and lying in wait until he showed up another time, but decided against it because I couldn't guarantee that he'd be alone if he was the first one home. Didn't want to kill him in front of the kids...
I say all that to say;
I'm grateful I was delivered from this state of mind and label of anguish. Somewhere between a month and a month and a half, I lost 30 pounds. Same period 2 years ago I was on here crying about her, I was planning on offing her new guy. I'm so glad I was delivered from that ugly ass spirit, in no way, shape, or form would it have been worth it...
Any brother casually saying they'd kill her and/or the man hasn't really wrestled that demon. It could lock you in and if you've used up all your life's goodwill, it'll finish you off...
Fortunately for me, apparently I hadn't used all my favor and grace, because The Creator saved me. Homie was dying if he was home the one day, or if he came outside the other day. Maybe we both were, because he's a security guard. That was the most depressed and dispaired I've been in my adult life, and I can't express how happy I am I was brought from it...
Saying you'd kill her or him isn't something to joke about, that's an ugly demon on you. No woman you're with is worth going out like that...
I've been saved many times but I definitely thank The Creator for lifting that shyt off me! Hopefully the husband here has people who love him around him, who help him emerge from this stronger and better...
I do wanna be married one day but never again will anyone who isn't my daughters, bring to to such a low state. Ever!