March 15 Primaries - John used to get it in Ohio


Jun 3, 2012
You're wrong. Theres video of this goldwater girl comment of her in the early 90s. She legit says she changed her views when she went to college.

And the 08 election left a sour taste in my mouth. I'm not denying that. But again, you said she was a racist.

And the crime bill was against was not akin to anything relating to jim crow. You could argue that drug laws discriminated against blacks though, but thats a more nuanced comment.
I am not wrong.
Just because she said she changed her views doesn't mean she did. Trump also will tell you that he is not a White Supremacist. Also I never said it was impossible for her to change her views but her actions doesn't show that she has.
You didn't even address my point about the 08 election. Why did it leave a sour taste in your mouth? Did she run a campaign full of racial dog whistles or not?
As far as the crime bill Michelle Alexander breaks it down perfectly in The New Jim Crow. If you haven't read it you should.


My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
The Cure to Hillary Clinton's Problem With Millennials? Donald Trump.
Clinton would crush the Republican front-runner among young voters in the fall.
—By Patrick Caldwell

| Tue Mar. 15, 2016 2:29 PM EDT
Albin Lohr-Jones/ZUMA
Hillary Clinton has struggled mightily to convince young Democrats to support her in her bid to defeat Bernie Sanders for the Democratic presidential nomination. The socialist senator from Vermont has dominated the under-30 crowd across the country so far in primaries and caucuses. When Sanders won the Michigan primary on Tuesday in a major upset, he carried the 18- to 29-year-old age bracket by an 81-18 percent margin. Even when Clinton wins a state handily, she struggles with young voters; Clinton won Virginia by 29 percentage points on March 1, but shelost young voters by 38 points.

But those lousy numbers likely won't carry over to the general election if she faces off against Donald Trump. A new poll from USA Today/Rock the Vote shows Clinton crushing Trump by a margin of 52-19 percent among voters under the age of 35. Almost a quarter of young Republicans would vote for Clinton, according to the poll. Young voters across demographic lines prefer Clinton to Trump, with African Americans favoring Clinton 67-5 percent.

Still, the new numbers aren't encouraging for Clinton in her matchup with Sanders. Overall among millennials, Sanders is ahead of Clinton 54-37 percent. Despite the conventional wisdom that Sanders performs better among men, the poll shows the two candidates mostly even among young men—48-44 percent in favor of Sanders—with Sanders gaining most of his edge from young women, who back him by a 61-30 percent margin.

This is the cure to Hillary Clinton's problem with millennials



My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
his voters are inspired by him that they are coming out in masses to vote. That, I think will be the ultimate factor in him winning the election this November.

The Democrats inability to grasp this as they stew in their delusions is hilarious.


My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
Have you not heard Trump speak AD NAUSEUM about how weak our military is, and how strong it's gonna be under him, and how he's gonna force the military to break Geneva Conventions, and how he has the ultimate plan to defeat ISIS? :mindblown: Bruh, what're you on?

Hilary has real life imperialism under her belt.

the geneva conventions :russ:


Aug 12, 2012
The Democrats inability to grasp this as they stew in their delusions is hilarious.

And all these news channels love to talk this "coalition" bullshyt. Obama built a coalition of young people and minorities. And make it seem like the coalition will go to the Dems for 100 years.

I want to see them keep taking this "coalition" for granted and keep thinking every democrat is obama.


Down By Law
May 1, 2012
Dallas, TX
I think it's time to admit he's NOT a good politician.

He has a great message and record HOWEVER dude can't sell it. He also treated Clinton with kid gloves.

If he had John Edwards looks and charisma to go with this message and record, he would easily have won the presidency. He LOST because he's an ugly old Jewish man who always looks angry and doesn't know how to promote his message.
I think you may be right about what this really came down to...

It's been some trolling inside the political threads on here but if we're gonna be honest we all know all politicians pander to a certain demographic and Bernie didn't. If you talk to a lot of the southern blacks, most would say they voted for Clinton more for familiarity versus policy. If Bernie was a good politician then he would've made end roads into the most loyal subdivision of the democratic party and that's black people or black women. You can't just say I marched with dr. king and stood up for black rights in the 60s. It has to be more than that and you can't just win on policies alone and mentioning wall street and revolution on every stump speech.

A lot of yall thought he could be Hillary, even you(swagnificent) made a thread last week talking about potential states he can win and make up the delegate math. But you failed to realize then what you may realize now that Hillary was picked to even win 8 years ago. Obama had to run damn a flawless campaign to get pass her and she still had more votes than him! The superdelegates that switched over gave him the nomination. What I'm saying is Bernie is no Obama in terms of being a polished politician.

A couple dudes on here are still going hardcore saying they'll vote for trump over Hillary and every black person who voted her is a stupid c00n, etc.. How about throwing some shade at Bernie and his campaign for NOT having a real game plan. He had so many opportunities to go at Clinton, so many chances before the primary season to really make a name for himself and get his face out there. I like killer mike, but it terms of popularity he 's a C+ rapper, he can't be your biggest surrogate and think that's enough to win over blacks from Hillary.


May 2, 2012
I think you may be right about what this really came down to...

It's been some trolling inside the political threads on here but if we're gonna be honest we all know all politicians pander to a certain demographic and Bernie didn't. If you talk to a lot of the southern blacks, most would say they voted for Clinton more for familiarity versus policy. If Bernie was a good politician then he would've made end roads into the most loyal subdivision of the democratic party and that's black people or black women. You can't just say I marched with dr. king and stood up for black rights in the 60s. It has to be more than that and you can't just win on policies alone and mentioning wall street and revolution on every stump speech.

A lot of yall thought he could be Hillary, even you(swagnificent) made a thread last week talking about potential states he can win and make up the delegate math. But you failed to realize then what you may realize now that Hillary was picked to even win 8 years ago. Obama had to run damn a flawless campaign to get pass her and she still had more votes than him! The superdelegates that switched over gave him the nomination. What I'm saying is Bernie is no Obama in terms of being a polished politician.

A couple dudes on here are still going hardcore saying they'll vote for trump over Hillary and every black person who voted her is a stupid c00n, etc.. How about throwing some shade at Bernie and his campaign for NOT having a real game plan. He had so many opportunities to go at Clinton, so many chances before the primary season to really make a name for himself and get his face out there. I like killer mike, but it terms of popularity he 's a C+ rapper, he can't be your biggest surrogate and think that's enough to win over blacks from Hillary.

I hope he took care of Killer Mike

He sure had him tap dancing hard. He lowkey divided blacks between the well educated black and the Bible Belt black (or uneducated black). I'm sure a lot of young black supporters feel heartbroken or let down but this a growing dilemma in our community.

Bernie also came out as agnostic atheist lol.. Older negros ain't going for that. It's a shame that European (Roman) diety and religious constructs still have so many of our people in mental bondage.

Bernie was Jimmy Carter 2.0 except timing worked in Jimmy's favor (he ultimately ended up being one and done)


The African Diaspora Will Be "ONE" (#PanAfricana)
Aug 31, 2014
Pan Africanism
I am not wrong.
Just because she said she changed her views doesn't mean she did. Trump also will tell you that he is not a White Supremacist. Also I never said it was impossible for her to change her views but her actions doesn't show that she has.
You didn't even address my point about the 08 election. Why did it leave a sour taste in your mouth? Did she run a campaign full of racial dog whistles or not?
As far as the crime bill Michelle Alexander breaks it down perfectly in The New Jim Crow. If you haven't read it you should.
You're a c00n :pacspit:

I agree with you man, but watch out for these sheeple. That's what they will hit you with.