They've even given land back that should have been theirs due to conquest
No it shouldnt have
![mjlol :mjlol: :mjlol:](
, thats fukking illegal, this aint the 1500s
and have tried several times to create another state,
Never happened. Literally never happened. Israel has never negotiated in good faith.
but it is the Arabs/Muslims who don't want a 2-state solution.
Well there goes this theory of yours
Arabs were willing to negotiate BEFORE Israel was even formed
Faisal–Weizmann Agreement - Wikipedia
and AFTER Israel was formed
King Abdullah proposed an overall political settlement with Israel in return for certain territorial concessions, particularly a land corridor to link Jordan with the Mediterranean, which would have enabled him to counter Arab criticisms of a separate peace with Israel. Colonel Husni Zaim, who captured power in Syria in March 1949 and was overthrown four months later, offered Israel full peace with an exchange of ambassadors, normal economic relations and the resettlement of 300,000 Palestinian refugees in Syria in return for an adjustment of the boundary between the two countries through the middle of Lake Tiberias.[44] King Farouk of Egypt demanded the cession of Gaza and a substantial strip of desert bordering on Sinai as his price for a
de facto recognition of Israel. All three Arab rulers displayed remarkable pragmatism in their approach to negotiations with the Jewish state. They were even anxious to pre-empt one another because they assumed that whoever settled up with Israel first would also get the best terms. Zaim openly declared his ambition to be the first Arab leader to make peace with Israel.
In each case, though for slightly different reasons, David Ben-Gurion considered the price being asked for peace as too high. He was ready to conclude peace on the basis of the status quo; he was unwilling to proceed to a peace which involved more than minuscule Israeli concessions on refugees or on borders. Ben-Gurion, as his diary reveals, considered that the armistice agreements with the neighbouring Arab states met Israel's essential needs for recognition, security and stability.[45] He knew that for formal peace agreements Israel would have to pay by yielding substantial tracts of territory and by permitting the return of a substantial number of Palestinian refugees and he did not consider this a price worth paying. Whether Ben-Gurion made the right choice is a matter of opinion. That he had a choice is now undeniable.
The Debate About 1948
They want Israel and all it's citizens destroyed. That is the ONLY solution they'll be satisfied with and they've been using very well-planned propaganda to get people to be on their side against Israel.
Arabs want perpetual war, you say?
"Were he an Arab leader, David Ben-Gurion once confessed to the Zionist official Nahum Goldmann, he, too, would wage perpetual war with Israel. “Sure, God promised it to us, but what does that matter to them?” he asked. “There has been anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They only see one thing: We have come here and stolen their country.”
1948 - A History of the First Arab-Israeli War - Benny Morris - Book Review
ALL those Palestinian 'refugees' were actually TOLD to leave by Arab/Muslim nations, not by Israel.
In fact, "there is no evidence" to support this claim. The statements "quoted" by Israeli and Zionist sources are "now seen to be largely fabricated." The actual documentary record rather testifies to the "considerable efforts" of the Palestinian Arab leadership and the Arab states "to constrain the flight."
Indeed, "from the point of view of military logistics," the conventional view "makes no sense at all. The Arab armies, coming long distances and operating in or from the Arab areas of Palestine, needed the help of the local population for food, fuel, water, transport, manpower, and information."
So, why did the Arab indigenes abandon Palestine? Primarily because of a calculated (if unofficial) Zionist effort "to reduce the number of Arabs in the Jewish state to a minimum, and to make use of most of their lands, properties, and habitats to absorb the masses of Jewish immigrants."
No "direct orders" for expulsion were issued, but "the goal and spirit of real policy were understood and accepted by the army." Hence, Ben-Gurion's remark in May of 1948 that he was "not surprised" by the "flight of the Arabs." Later in the same year, he stated flatly that, "I am for compulsory transfer, I don't see anything immoral in it."
Norman Finkelstein: Palestine: The Truth About 1948
Mainstream Israeli historians, on the other hand, have always claimed that the refugees (numbering, in their estimation, 500,000 at most) mostly left voluntarily, responding to calls from their leaders assuring them of a prompt return after victory. They deny that the Jewish Agency (and subsequently the Israeli government) had planned the exodus. Furthermore, they maintain that the few (and regrettable) massacres that occurred - particularly the Deir Yassin massacre of 9 April 1948 - were the work of extremist soldiers associated with Menachem Begin’s Irgun and Yitzhak Shamir’s Lehi.
However, by the 1950s this version was already beginning to be contested by leading Israeli figures associated with the Communist Party and with elements of the Zionist left (notably Mapam). Later, in the mid-1980s, they were joined in their critique by a number of historians who described themselves as revisionist historians
This all helps to explain the devastating effectiveness of the Jewish offensives of spring 1948. It also sheds new light on the context in which the mass departure of Palestinians took place. The exodus was divided into two broadly equal waves: one before and one after the decisive turning-point of the declaration of the State of Israel on 14 May 1948 and the intervention of the armies of the neighbouring Arab states on the following day. One can agree that the flight of thousands of well-to-do Palestinians during the first few weeks following the adoption of the UN partition plan - particularly from Haifa and Jaffa - was essentially voluntary. The question is what was the truth of the departures that happened subsequently?
In the opening pages of “The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem”, Benny Morris offers the outlines of an overall answer: using a map that shows the 369 Arab towns and villages in Israel (within its 1949 borders), he lists, area by area, the reasons for the departure of the local population (
9). In 45 cases he admits that he does not know. The inhabitants of the other 228 localities left under attack by Jewish troops, and in 41 cases they were expelled by military force. In 90 other localities, the Palestinians were in a state of panic following the fall of a neighbouring town or village, or for fear of an enemy attack, or because of rumours circulated by the Jewish army - particularly after the 9 April 1948 massacre of 250 inhabitants of Deir Yassin, where the news of the killings swept the country like wildfire.
By contrast, he found only six cases of departures at the instigation of local Arab authorities. “There is no evidence to show that the Arab states and the AHC wanted a mass exodus or issued blanket orders or appeals to the Palestinians to flee their homes (though in certain areas the inhabitants of specific villages were ordered by Arab commanders or the AHC to leave, mainly for strategic reasons).” ("The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem", p. 129). On the contrary, anyone who fled was actually threatened with “severe punishment”. As for the broadcasts by Arab radio stations allegedly calling on people to flee, a detailed listening to recordings of their programmes of that period shows that the claims were invented for pure propaganda.
The expulsion of the Palestinians re-examined
Arab/Muslim nations are as they're the ones actually standing in the way of resolving this retardation.
Oh yes, of course, thats it
Its all the Arabs fault
If only they would put forward a peace proposal based on international law...wait
Arab Peace Initiative - Wikipedia
If only they would have relations with Israel....wait
...the Jordanians and Egyptians enjoy peace treaty with Israel and the American aid that comes with it, the Emiratis and Saudis are doing business with Israel and mobilizing their resources in a joint anti Iran effort, the Turks have had relations with Israel for six decades, the Syrians spent a decade negotiating peace with Israel, the Palestinians who literally dont have shyt....they are actually standing in the way of solving this problem.
Buddy, this is, NO HASBARA ZONE
![Camby :camby: :camby:](