manga: what you reading brehs....

Mr. Negative

Conspiracy Weirdo
Aug 10, 2012
A Mississippi Cotton Field
currently reading the new Hardcore Levelling Warrior.

@storyteller mentioned it was out, but I forgot all about it til it popped up on my feed.

It's missing the charm of the other 2 series', but Im only on chapter 4.

I couldn't stand the other ones either until the stories picked up, then I couldn't put them down.

Chapter 6: we back :wow:

Kenny West

May 29, 2012
I just finished the OG Gash Bell/Zatch Bell. I completely slept on it during its heyday because it looked kinda lame. Now that I've read it's entire run it definitely deserves a spot in my top 15.

There was so much surprisingly wholesome character development and many memorable characters. The humor was pretty funny at points as someone who doesn't like Japanese comedy that much.

Overall it's like One Piece in the sense that regardless of an individual's reservations on its style it delivered on a very full and satisfying story on every front you could ask for. Emotionally, action wise, world building, character development etc. Wish it got more success, I really was sleep
What yall think about MHA overall. I threw it in the bushes myself awhile back but for those stayed the course , is it worth finishing?
Aggressively mid it's entire run. It was laughable to see people try to hype it up as something more but it doesn't deserve the disrespect of being viewed as less than that either.

The crazy part is it had the sort of easy to please fanbase that would call it GOAT if it was just a little beyond mediocre but instead the story took little risks and played mostly by the numbers. Will probably be forgotten as a result


May 23, 2012
I read up until chapter.... 9? 10?

After Beru showed up.

Decided to let it build up for a couple of months.
My one pain-point in Solo Leveling is that Beru pulled up and Igris immediately got relegated to jobber status. But seeing the kid draw Beru was my moment of "If I don't put the manwha down now, I'll read every chapter before the end of the day"


Did this work
Jun 21, 2012
I just finished the OG Gash Bell/Zatch Bell. I completely slept on it during its heyday because it looked kinda lame. Now that I've read it's entire run it definitely deserves a spot in my top 15.

There was so much surprisingly wholesome character development and many memorable characters. The humor was pretty funny at points as someone who doesn't like Japanese comedy that much.

Overall it's like One Piece in the sense that regardless of an individual's reservations on its style it delivered on a very full and satisfying story on every front you could ask for. Emotionally, action wise, world building, character development etc. Wish it got more success, I really was sleep

Aggressively mid it's entire run. It was laughable to see people try to hype it up as something more but it doesn't deserve the disrespect of being viewed as less than that either.

The crazy part is it had the sort of easy to please fanbase that would call it GOAT if it was just a little beyond mediocre but instead the story took little risks and played mostly by the numbers. Will probably be forgotten as a result
Aggressively mid sounds like the realest shyt since Pac. I always felt like it was the concept itself that had potential to be GOAT level. People love the idea of beating the odds, learning and growing in a school setting like Hogwarts. I stopped when Endeavor was starting to become #1 hero but yeah it doesn't seem like it's worth finishing for me.


May 23, 2012
Does anyone know what happened to the Lazy Lord Master's the Sword? It's got a lame title, but it's pretty good imo. It was on it's third season on Webtoons but looks like it went on a sudden hiatus. I don't see any news about how long it was or why it paused.

Lazy Lord and Return of the Blossoming Blade have been two of my favorite more recentish Webtoons.

Mr. Negative

Conspiracy Weirdo
Aug 10, 2012
A Mississippi Cotton Field


Callum has seen strange things all his life - monsters, beasts, and mages secretly living among people. But even after awakening his portal magic, Callum has no desire to be any part of it. The Guild of Arcane Regulation demands fealty, education, and service of every new mage. To hell with that. If they want Callum, they'll have to catch him first.

It's a mix of The Fugitive and Supernatural, except the protagonist isn't a monster hunter. He's on the run.

The two things I like about it:

1. It's full of adults and set in modern times. And not "Modern" as in sprawling metropolis where everyone owns 1,000 foot office buildings and multinational conglomerates. I'm talking sleeping in motel rooms, small towns, etc etc. There are no superpowered pre-teens who's parents don't mind having their own apartments duking it out with rich evil pre-teens. The protagonist himself is in his mid-30s when the story starts. It's very refreshing.

2. The protagonist has teleportation/portal powers, but isn't a dummy. He's nowhere near OP, but he's not afraid to use his powers in.... creative ways.


And while it's not overly violent, it doesn't shy away from it.

Plus it has a nice bit of world building with it's different monsters, clans and sects. I could see this being adapted to a live action TV series and it being somewhat of a hit.

It does take a few chapters for the writer to find his voice, but after that it's pretty good.


All Star
Apr 10, 2014
Will prob catch up to raws of the manga after catchup up with the volumes.

With the events of the last vol done, there is still the angle of what is Will's next path. An interesting conversation between Finn and Iris. It seems these two are well acquainted. In some sense, Iris is getting invested in Will's journey. I am interested in how much she is acquainted with Elfie or is more so in contact with Sarissa. Though Caldron is still getting in Finn's way. She awards Will to enter the tower because of the spell courage he made. Although given Finn's involvement, it seems something the magic community wasn't aware of.




Also, I like the focus on Edward with his shock. It's much apparent now he didn't want Will to be pushed into despair like he did when he failed. Furthermore, given how strong he is with the sword and being with Finn would be a much better fit. Although Will is all about going against the odds, so hopefully things turn out well for him. We do get a nice flashback of Elfie not wanting to go to the magical school and the tower if Will won't be there. It makes Will's admiration be two-sided, which is sweet.



When they enter the first level of the tower it really blows their mind. Sion is clearly aware of something that some of the others aren't. More so indicating just being in the tower isn't all it is made up to be. When the blooming starts, each student gets recruited via their robes changing color. Being colorless implies not being chosen. What is actually curious is that Julius wasn't recruited as well. More than likely, Elfie got pissed off at him bullying Will. It does have an ironic favor of connections can help you and ruin you at the same time. The flashback with Elfie talking to Sarissa was really nice to get an insight on her mindset during the blooming event. Where she gets frustrated that more roadblocks are in her way to recruiting Will. Though Sarissa has the point that him not being able to use magic will scrutinize him like it was at school. He needs to be accepted by everyone first.




Interesting to what Sion was referring to is what is called the Wand Graveyard. Which is what the 1st level of the Tower represents. Will and Julius get to prove their worth, but ultimately Elfie won't give him a look. Regardless whether it is fair or not, given she is the Magia Vander for Ice magic, and he burned his connection to it. Once again, Will shows off using Julius's magic to prove his worth. Of course, everything goes well until Kreutz who Elfie mentioned in her flashback, is getting in your way again. He does present mostly valid points since Will himself can't use magic and magic is considered supreme in this world. The problem is: He uses a scenario when Will needs to use magic. Unlike with Edward-sensei he did for Will's benefit even if he knew it was going to hurt him. With Kreutz it is clear he has no intention of letting a sword ascend the tower.




Kreutz arrogance is on full display when he believes he will unravel the courage spell. Though it is difficult to really make out what was that power Will was using. Since it is still a mystery. At the very least, Will and Julius get another shot. I am curious if they can make the most of it. Since Rostei is alive and didn't report back to the dorm. It brings the case that she represents Elfie while she is at the tower waiting for Will.




All Star
Apr 10, 2014
Catching up to Wistoria: Wand and Sword manga. Pretty good manga is how I will call it. Characters are clichéd, especially at the beginning, but after the Grand Festival Arc, the series starts to find itself. The writing of the characters becomes much sharper. Overall, the cast of characters becomes super solid. World building is very solid. How magic is grouped into Fire, Ice, Wind, Thunder, Light, Dark and Fantasy magic. The only criticism lies in the swords. Given that Will and Finn are the only representation in the series. It is difficult to gauge them in comparison to the other wants.

The biggest strength of the manga is definitely it's arc and the action. It is the main thing that has been consistent at the jump. I would call it 10/10 art and the choreography for the fights is 9/10. It is well worth the wait for the monthly chapters as each chapter is 30+ pages with good progress in each chapter. Anime is a great adaptation of the manga, but the manga itself does well.

Julius's focus during the blooming festival arc is rather interesting. In a way, it is a step for him in the right direction. After all, he realized that him not being selected by Elfie immediately was his own fault. His idea of Will being able to consume even a little bit of magic was smart. Though it wasn't until they met Ceridwen that things starting rolling for Will. Curious what Julius was doing at the time while Will was retracing his past. Kreutz is off the walls a lunatic. His purpose is for the evolution of magic, but what he is doing is beyond fukked up.

As we see Will's scars on his body. The idea that Will has magic residing in him is interesting, but why can't he access it. Him not being dependent on others for magic, even with Wis, is a big step-up. We got our first significant flashback of Will and Elfie. Elfie was one that would be admitted to protecting Will, but there was an instance that Elfie couldn't protect Will, which leads to the scars we see him present. That awakened a power within him. As he teamed up with Elfie to beat the monster. What they call courage is the power that Elfie knew that Will had. It's very interesting that the blood of Elfie run inside him. Kind of a showcase that she is always with him.

What is most intriguing is when Finn talks with Ceridwen whom he also calls Professor Caldron. Funny that she cast aging magic on herself rather than de-aging magic. As Will showcases the power of Wis, no surprise Kreutz still tries to fail him, so he can experiment on him. Zeo basically take any doubt when he launches a full spell at Will. The fact that Will was able to absorb that spell with Wis was all he needed to prove his worth. The real issue is that is what won Will over with Zeo. Of course, here we fully get to see Elfie put her feelings out there. She was finally reunited with Will and wasn't going to let Zeo have him. The fight was fantastic both of them show their brilliance. Elfie with how fast she cast spells and Zeo using mostly just releases magic in the fastest way possible. Which is something that would be beneficial for Will to learn. Also, as Finn points out, it would be better for Will to end up with Zero. Granted, we know Will would rather end up with Elfie's faction. The fight kept going on and basically forced a rock-paper-scissors to decide the outcome. Zeo ended up getting Will, but Will makes the adult decision. Knowing Elfie won't back down and promises he will return by her side. Zeo respects that out of Will. Which makes things interesting.

The big arc moves that there is a traitor in the tower. It is clear it is not one of the recruits. So Creslouis takes them with look into whom the possible traitor. Though given who that are just getting used to their new teams, looking into the traitor will be a hard thing to add on their plate. As we see of Will's friends settle into their factions. Colette being called the Earth Princess creates a weak moment. Sion ends up in a solid situation where he tries to prove himself. Earning Cariott's respect quickly. Julius dealing with a depressed Elfie is certainly a challenge that he wasn't ready for. Wignall's situation is fukked up as he goes to the Elf faction and is reunited with Ellenor. He gets labeled as an Elf failure and is told to wear the collar. The real question is this what Ellenor has become? Or she is forcing to meet the expectations of the elves? His arc is one to keep in mind.

With the focus on the Thunder faction, we see Lihanna immensely struggling. Even compared to Will. Consider she was Miss Perfect at the academy, it looks like the example of the perfect high school student becoming a dropout once they enter college. We get a great insight into Lihanna's past and what she had to go up against. Her blue eyes in her family implies mediocrity. Her grandmother was the only one he believed in her and the stories she told gave her hope and confidence. Ultimately, Will helps her as the Thunder faction wants to see what you did when you hit your limit. Makes sense that Miss Perfect would struggle considering she scored perfect scores. The Thunder faction would like to know what happens beyond being perfect.

The main organization from long ago was Gohtia. Seems to be the ones that want the prophecy to happen. As this gets set in motion, Julius is killed by Emma. Emma was killed with Dark Magic, so branding her the traitor when in fact she was being controlled by one of Gohtia. The scent of the Belledors is what is triggered by the Puppeteer magic. Now in protecting Emma, Will gets blasted. This leaves the situation very dire.


All Star
Apr 10, 2014
10 Chapters in Drunk Bullet has been pretty good. Nice mix of action and comedy.

This guy becomes more and more of a PoS as time goes on. But damn Gary is even deadlier then I realized. In that terrain, they didn't stand a chance. I also love the comment that Paul mentions. Just because others say something is useless, as long as you think it is worthwhile to you, that is all that matters.




Great job for Paul to stop him from burning Lily's farm. Humans are driven by emotion and just because something is illogical doesn't make it wrong. Paul knows Gary can take for himself, but he doesn't want Lily to feel like she doesn't have a place. If she lost the farm, I don't know how she could handle that.



I am interested in what they plan to negotiate with the b*stard.




All Star
May 31, 2022


All Star
Apr 10, 2014
Alright, I did not expect the chapter go like this, well played Matsui-sensei.

Tokiyuki has been a person who his emotions exhibited who is, it was harder before this chapter to imagine those tears were fake. It does show his growth, which is great to see. Using every option the Hojos have to beat Takauji, there is no surprise Tokiyuki's resolve is firm.







Here we once again see the similarities between Tokiyuki & Takauji. Much like Tokiyuki he excels at being elusive and running away. The difference is that Tokiyuki would never sacrifice his allies to do so. Great moment for Tokiyuki.




However, I do fear they may be too late to save Akiie.


We're next moving onto Shion. Though it is funny, she knows she can't beat Futaba's record. Nice to see Kenji back and with Giga, which is nice to get confirmation that not all the Gold Spies are traitors or fake traitors.


The questions that Yo asks Asa are funny. He realizes with his ambition that he doesn't know what fun is. For Yo Asa is his father, and he wants to protect that. Even if Asa just looks at him as a tool. In ways, I feel bad for Yo. I get that he would like to protect his family, but a family isn't a one - sides environment.



While Shion's blooming is Analyzation, her true spring blooming is chaos. Her true spring blooming doesn't take a form for too long. This goes against the concept of analyzation. Now let's see what Magical Girl Shion can do next.


So Akros is the King's son, but he loathes what his father has become. It makes me even wonder if Diana is the girl in the prophecy. I wonder if going against the King just matters who is the King at the time. In a reality, what if Akros kills the father that he loathes. Which would mean Diana would go against Akros, and maybe she was fulfilling Julian's wishes?




Still amazed Angvall is still breathing. Can't question her resolve. Just how is she still pushing forward?


Sakamoto Days Chapter 178

Honestly, not surprised Kindaka is easily swayed to switch sides. Training Shin and Heisuke makes sense. But makes sense that training Sakamoto himself would be a waste of time.

To get back to how he was when he was in the order, he will need to fight guys, and most notable the order itself. This should be interesting.

Spy x Family Chapter 103

As great as Henry & Martha's arc was, it is nice to back to our SoL Comedy with the Forgers. What Yor says couldn't be more right, especially with how the last arc went.

The possibility that Belle is from Project Apple is interesting. Wonder if it will happen or if Loid is thinking of that being a possibility.

Akane-banashi Chapter 122

Do love seeing Akane putting Shiguma in her stories. Makes it feel sweet and very personally. The final page got me hyped for the next chapter.

Ultimate Exorcist Kiyoshi Chapter 8

Man, I love this chapter. First we got Kiyoshi sticking to his beliefs. For the first time, he was going up someone who was above his level. Mr Sakai is a great mentor. In technical terms, Kiyoshi didn't do what an exorcist should do. But he chose to protect his friends. Protecting those we care about is the foundation of a person. I love that he had Kiyoshi's back. Really curious how this continues forward.