O hardy har har thats rich, friend. What a riot you are. These friends are giving the film a good review while reprimanding it for not being what the other superman films were. Those films, werent all that great, friend. These friends want the film to be like Batman was, but its an Action film first and foremost, secondly a Superman film, friend and Superman isnt long winded. He says what needs to be said, keeps it brief and then kicks buns.
THIS FILM IS SITTING AT negative 59 percent on RT. Yea this is a new generation. The critics try to shape the kind of movies that are made, but they forgot, its the other way, its the fans.I believe this film will be applauded and enjoyed by individuals. Even someone, like you.
Uh, no they aren't giving it good reviews. They're saying it was a mediocre film, and they're right. A movie filled with mindless action and destruction that just happens to involve a man wearing the superman suit isn't enough to make a good superman film. The cast was good, and the movie had real potential, but it squandered most of it by giving up originality (and the quality of many of its action scenes) for generic action movie conventions.
Notice that the critics' rating and the public rating on RT are pretty much the same. The non-critic public feels mostly the same about the movie. People are tired of generic blockbusters.