Roman Brady
Nobody Lives Forever
Did you not see elysium? poor youclassic film. it's a tie between world war z and man of steel for favorite movie this year, so far.

Did you not see elysium? poor youclassic film. it's a tie between world war z and man of steel for favorite movie this year, so far.
I will watch it when it drops on the bay.Did you not see elysium? poor you![]()
Did you not see elysium? poor you![]()
obviously he has killed but him killing zod in that scene felt stupid especially since they had been throwing each other around for the last 20 minutes
hold up
when I was in here debating with y'all,. I did so with the understanding that 665 million was its domestic numbers, I was going to make a thread on how thor 2 was going to beat Man of Steel, opening domestic and final domestic numbers, I was going to bet half my Coli Cash on each, but that 115 million Man of Steel is too rich for my blood, not with Best Man Holiday and Catching Fire coming right after it, then I realized that Man of Steel only made 242 Million domestic it had a second week drop of 65%, that something not seen since Green Lantern, that 665 million is its total numbers, you niccas in here defending it talking about, "its not a bomb, it wasn't supposed to do Avengers numbers"
nicca, we partying...
it wasn't suppose to do Avengers numbers nor was it suppose to do Iron Man 3 numbers. If you look at what the last superman did, MOS did what it was suppose to do. Now if the sequel doesn't cross that billy worldwide.....
but using that logic ironman wasnt suppose to do ironman numbers cuz before the movie no one even knew who the fukk he wasit wasn't suppose to do Avengers numbers nor was it suppose to do Iron Man 3 numbers. If you look at what the last superman did, MOS did what it was suppose to do. Now if the sequel doesn't cross that billy worldwide.....
It made movie than 242 Breh, I take it you know nothing about whats considered a bombno, nicca, this film had a budget of 225 million, to just make 242 is unacceptable, that shiet bombed