Man of Steel (2013)

Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:

I did because he had Faora on his side :ahh: I mean he didn't come off as evil. He was just intense. He didn't get enough screen time I guess. It wasn't like how they did Zod in Superman II. And Superman came off as a traitor, blindly protecting people that were trying to Kill him.

Russell Crowe even said he admired Zod at one point and told him that he would honor the man he once was. Finding out that Krypton was about to be destroyed by the people in charge of running shyt would make any man snap. Crowe wasn't being reasonable. Then Crowe commits a crime by stealing the codec and putting it in his natrual birth son (another crime) and send him off to a alien planet. Crowe was a damn hypocrite and Superman came off like a bytch.

And why would the Kryptons ensure Zod's safety by putting him in the phantom zone. Were they that stupid in thinking their planet was about to be destroyed? :mindblown:


Spittin' em
Jun 17, 2012
Faora reminded me greatly of Starscream in Transformers 1...just calmly and ruthlessly putting in work and bodying everything in sight. :whew:


كن التغير الذي تريد أن تراه في العالم
Jun 28, 2012
shyt wasn't horrible, but its 6-7/10 at best. I went with my friend to see it and was bored to death the entire time. I fell asleep 3 times and kept waking up and saying "god it's still not over??this movie sucks!" we probably should have walked out.


Jun 26, 2012
Since Zod was bred to protect the Kryptonian Race and now that the World Machine has been destroyed wouldn't Zod's genetic conditioning now force him to protect Kal at all costs, to ensure that the race continues.

I mean, he's angry that Kal througha monkey wrench in the plan but atleast now he has no choice but to be on Kal's side.


No, because KAL was the one that killed the REMAINING people. like ZOD said, "he now have no people".

also, he had to kill kal ANYWAY just to get the codex out of him.


Jun 26, 2012
also, ZOD was not EVIL. zod was getting his che guevara on. zod was a REVOLUTIONARY and believed that his people were oppressed by a mindless government during the BRINK of the planet imploding. this was why he started a coup against the government.

he didn't EVEN had beef with jor-el and ASKED him to join his side, because even JOR-EL thought the same way HE did about the government. the difference was that jor-el still had faith in convincing the government about the impending doom, and didn't believe in the same ideology as zod believes in. jor-el believed in individuality and felt that through his son, their race would be free of oppression and be born free-thinking. zod, due to the fact he was BRED that way, thought differently and believed a select group should rule over others... this was why jor-el refused to side with him.

zod had just ONE priority in mind and that was getting the codex. both him and jor-el believed the codex was the answer to krypton's future, but saw it differently in its use. when he 1st met with kal-el, it wasn't out of bitterness or spite. he let him know his plan was and showed the end result of whut will happen to earth. HAD KAL-EL been with it, that would of been that... but kal-el thought of himself as a HUMAN even though he consciously knows he's not, so just as MUCH as ZOD was about fighting for the existence of KRYPTIONIANS, kal-el was NO DIFFERENT in fighting for the existence of HUMANITY.

so to say, ZOD is evil is just like saying SUPERMAN is evil for fighting for the same reasons. keep in mind, it was SUPERMAN that PURPOSELY destroyed the genesis chamber. in his own words, "krypton had its chance!" and laser beamed the ship down. he exterminated the REMAINDER of his own race... so save humanity, yet ZOD is the evil for wanted the exact same for HIS people.

Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
also, ZOD was not EVIL. zod was getting his che guevara on. zod was a REVOLUTIONARY and believed that his people were oppressed by a mindless government during the BRINK of the planet imploding. this was why he started a coup against the government.

he didn't EVEN had beef with jor-el and ASKED him to join his side, because even JOR-EL thought the same way HE did about the government. the difference was that jor-el still had faith in convincing the government about the impending doom, and didn't believe in the same ideology as zod believes in. jor-el believed in individuality and felt that through his son, their race would be free of oppression and be born free-thinking. zod, due to the fact he was BRED that way, thought differently and believed a select group should rule over others... this was why jor-el refused to side with him.

zod had just ONE priority in mind and that was getting the codex. both him and jor-el believed the codex was the answer to krypton's future, but saw it differently in its use. when he 1st met with kal-el, it wasn't out of bitterness or spite. he let him know his plan was and showed the end result of whut will happen to earth. HAD KAL-EL been with it, that would of been that... but kal-el thought of himself as a HUMAN even though he consciously knows he's not, so just as MUCH as ZOD was about fighting for the existence of KRYPTIONIANS, kal-el was NO DIFFERENT in fighting for the existence of HUMANITY.

so to say, ZOD is evil is just like saying SUPERMAN is evil for fighting for the same reasons. keep in mind, it was SUPERMAN that PURPOSELY destroyed the genesis chamber. in his own words, "krypton had its chance!" and laser beamed the ship down. he exterminated the REMAINDER of his own race... so save humanity, yet ZOD is the evil for wanted the exact same for HIS people.

All is not lost for the krypton race. If faora can some how get out of the phantom zone, she can be impregnated :ahh: :wow: :shaq:


hit it, & I didn't go Erykah Badu crazy, #yallmad
May 20, 2012
Goyer & Snyder Talk "Man of Steel" Ending

By Garth Franklin Tuesday June 18th 2013 10:44AM

Goyer & Snyder Talk "Man of Steel" Ending
Much debate has raged this week following the release of Zack Snyder's "Man of Steel". While the critical consensus is notably divided regarding the film's merits, one common complaint appearing is the sheer level of violence in the film's third act.


Like with "Superman II," the film portrays a fight in the middle of Metropolis between General Zod (Michael Shannon) and Superman (Henry Cavill). Unlike the Chris Reeve film however, the level of destruction is catastrophic.

Buzzfeed contacted a Technical Consulting firm to come up with estimates. They came back with 129,000 known killed and an initial estimate of $700 billion in damage.

This has naturally upset quite a few people. Even more debate though has raged over the decision to kill Zod, essentially breaking Superman's rule not to kill. Speaking on the Empire podcast, director Zack Snyder claims that wasn't the original ending.

"In the original version of the script, Zod just got zapped into the Phantom Zone. But David, Chris and I had long talks about it, and I said that I really feel like we should kill Zod, and that Superman should kill him. The 'Why?' of it for me was that if was truly an origin story, his aversion to killing is unexplained… I wanted to create a scenario where Superman, either he's going to see [Metropolis' citizens] chopped in half, or he's gotta do what he's gotta do."

Writer David Goyer added that one person who wasn't convinced initially was producer Christopher Nolan.

"[Chris] originally said, 'There's no way you can do this.'… I came up with this idea of heat vision and these people about to die, and I wrote the scene, gave it to Chris, and he said, 'Okay you've convinced me.'"


May 6, 2012
Word of mouth for Man of Steel has been poor.

Friday Box Office: 'Monsters University' And 'World War Z' Scare Up $31m And $25m - Forbes

If Man of Steel had anything approaching legs, we’d be looking at possibly the first weekend in history with three $60 million movies, or at the very least (being fair) the first weekend with three $50 million movies. But the latest Superman incarnation is looking less, in terms of legs, like Batman Begins and more like Hulk. To be fair, it’s a situation where adults are choosing World War Z while kids are flocking to Monsters University. The film earned $12.7 million on its second Friday, down 71% from its pure $44 million Friday or 77% down from its $56 million Thursday/Friday gross. Hulk had a 3.3x weekend multiplier in weekend two ($5.6/$18m) while Green Lantern and X-Men: Origins Wolverine had closer to 3x multipliers. Giving it even a 3.3x weekend multiplier gives Man of Steel $42 million for the second weekend. That 67% drop from $128 million or 65% drop from the pure Fri-Sun $116 million puts it in the same leagues as Green Lantern (-66%), Hulk (-69%), X-Men Origins: Wolverine (-69%), and Batman & Robin (-64%). A 3x multiplier gives it $38 million for the weekend, which is a 70% drop. I’ll go into more details when I have hard weekend numbers tomorrow morning, but $300 million domestic is no longer a guarantee, especially with the avalanche of competition.
May 15, 2012
also, ZOD was not EVIL. zod was getting his che guevara on. zod was a REVOLUTIONARY and believed that his people were oppressed by a mindless government during the BRINK of the planet imploding. this was why he started a coup against the government.

he didn't EVEN had beef with jor-el and ASKED him to join his side, because even JOR-EL thought the same way HE did about the government. the difference was that jor-el still had faith in convincing the government about the impending doom, and didn't believe in the same ideology as zod believes in. jor-el believed in individuality and felt that through his son, their race would be free of oppression and be born free-thinking. zod, due to the fact he was BRED that way, thought differently and believed a select group should rule over others... this was why jor-el refused to side with him.

zod had just ONE priority in mind and that was getting the codex. both him and jor-el believed the codex was the answer to krypton's future, but saw it differently in its use. when he 1st met with kal-el, it wasn't out of bitterness or spite. he let him know his plan was and showed the end result of whut will happen to earth. HAD KAL-EL been with it, that would of been that... but kal-el thought of himself as a HUMAN even though he consciously knows he's not, so just as MUCH as ZOD was about fighting for the existence of KRYPTIONIANS, kal-el was NO DIFFERENT in fighting for the existence of HUMANITY.

so to say, ZOD is evil is just like saying SUPERMAN is evil for fighting for the same reasons. keep in mind, it was SUPERMAN that PURPOSELY destroyed the genesis chamber. in his own words, "krypton had its chance!" and laser beamed the ship down. he exterminated the REMAINDER of his own race... so save humanity, yet ZOD is the evil for wanted the exact same for HIS people.

your trying to hard, Zod was black and white, dude was evil.
Movie is plain bad.
If they got all these ships why didn't they just fly off the planet instead of stay there while it blowed up.

If they got a machine than terraform a planet into Kyrpton, why didn't they just use it on any other planet to change its atmosphere to something that can be inhabited. Or better yet, why not just use it to fix krypton.

this shyt was worst than independence day and Superman Returns
May 11, 2012
Faora reminded me greatly of Starscream in Transformers 1...just calmly and ruthlessly putting in work and bodying everything in sight. :whew:



Jun 26, 2012
your trying to hard, Zod was black and white, dude was evil.
Movie is plain bad.
If they got all these ships why didn't they just fly off the planet instead of stay there while it blowed up.

If they got a machine than terraform a planet into Kyrpton, why didn't they just use it on any other planet to change its atmosphere to something that can be inhabited. Or better yet, why not just use it to fix krypton.

this shyt was worst than independence day and Superman Returns

no, you haven't been paying attention to the film. everything i stated came DIRECTLY from the film itself. not nothing is read in. zod is not a 2 dimensional character in this film. he has multiple layers, but had one PRIME objective which was to get the codex. his reasons are to preserve the kryptonian race.

there's NOTHING EVIL about that. whut he was set out to do and whut superman actually DID was no different. superman was there to protect humanity at all costs and zod was doing the same with his own race.

and to answer your question. when they broke FREE, they didn't go out to look for kal-el, they went out to search for other colonies for survivors and found NONE. it was the beacon from the ship that kal-el initiated that brought them to earth in the 1st place. the ship has its own genesis chamber and kal-el had the codex... there's NO OTHER reason but TO START terraforming being that they are there anyway. they could careless about a human. not their issue. just like kal-el couldn't careless about preserving kryptonian life. NOT his issue. in his words again, "krypton had its chance".

also, had you paid attention from the beginning the question was ASKED how could they get everyone off the planet, it was jor-el that said that wasn't realistic. the government council didn't even BELIEVE the threat of the planet being imploded. only jor-el and zod did.
May 15, 2012
no, you haven't been paying attention to the film. everything i stated came DIRECTLY from the film itself. not nothing is read in. zod is not a 2 dimensional character in this film. he has multiple layers, but had one PRIME objective which was to get the codex. his reasons are to preserve the kryptonian race.

there's NOTHING EVIL about that. whut he was set out to do and whut superman actually DID was no different. superman was there to protect humanity at all costs and zod was doing the same with his own race.

and to answer your question. when they broke FREE, they didn't go out to look for kal-el, they went out to search for other colonies for survivors and found NONE. it was the beacon from the ship that kal-el initiated that brought them to earth in the 1st place. the ship has its own genesis chamber and kal-el had the codex... there's NO OTHER reason but TO START terraforming being that they are there anyway. they could careless about a human. not their issue. just like kal-el couldn't careless about preserving kryptonian life. NOT his issue. in his words again, "krypton had its chance".

also, had you paid attention from the beginning the question was ASKED how could they get everyone off the planet, it was jor-el that said that wasn't realistic. the government council didn't even BELIEVE the threat of the planet being imploded. only jor-el and zod did.

stop making excuses. Zod killing people, and deciding which blood lines should live on some white supremacist shyt on krypton, and you talking about he not evil. Now he wants to exterminate an entire planet on which they can become gods on just leaving it has it is. The plot is moronic.

The planet krypton is literally fallen apart, and nobody is even attempt to leave yet these nikkaz got ships that make the enterprise look like Apollo 13


Jun 26, 2012
stop making excuses. Zod killing people, and deciding which blood lines should live on some white supremacist shyt on krypton, and you talking about he not evil. Now he wants to exterminate an entire planet on which they can become gods on just leaving it has it is. The plot is moronic.

The planet krypton is literally fallen apart, and nobody is even attempt to leave yet these nikkaz got ships that make the enterprise look like Apollo 13

whut excuses? everything i said happened. plus, jor-el and zod were FRIENDS. they both objected the council. and zod NEVER said he was doing to be selective, that was jor-el's assumption after zod asked to join him. jor-el didn't approve of his coup.

also, again... the question was brought up about the entire planet leaving. jor-el told the council it was impossible, because there was no time. hell, immediately after zod and his people were shipped out to the phantom zone, the planet blew up! so there was LITERALLY no time to evacuate the planet! DISMISSING THE ENTIRE FACT THE KRYPTONIAN GOVERNMENT DID NOT BELIEVE JOR-EL OR ZOD ABOUT THE PLANET IMPLODING. this was why zod set the coup, this was why jor-el stole the codex. both were going for the SAME OBJECTIVE which was the preservation of krypton.