Man killed in dispute after he confronts another man for not saying “Thank you” in a New York Smoke shop

Billy Ocean

Divine Universal Black Man Representin'
May 9, 2012
In a thread earlier this year about a dude pulling a gun out on a broad for not saying thank you I told dudes that they can go around being rude and not having manners all they want, one of these days they're gonna run into one of these mentally unstable nikkas that's gonna stab or clap them up. nikkas on here was being all proud to be disrespectful dirtbags with no manners :mjlol:

Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
"It was just about not saying 'thank you' for opening the door for him," employee Kharef Alsaidi said as he reopened the bodega.

Alsaidi said the victim opened the door for the suspect and then asked, "Why don't you say, 'Thank you for opening the door'?"

The suspect responded, "I didn't tell you to open the door for me."

The verbal dispute quickly escalated to a physical altercation that spilled outside the store, and the victim is said to have taunted the suspect, telling him, "Stab me if you can do it."

The suspect grabbed a knife from his bicycle and stabbed the victim the abdomen and neck, according to authorities.

"The victim started screaming, 'He stabbed me, he stabbed me,'" Alsaidi said.

He said the victim stumbled back into the store, "bleeding all over the floor."

The man was rushed to New York Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

The suspect biked away south on the 4th Avenue.

Damn, just like that.


All Star
Jul 9, 2017
ATL, but rasied in DMV
It is messed up when you hold the door open for somebody, and they don't say "Thanks", or at least reach their arm out towards the door, and say "I got it". This happened to me a lot when I would hold the door for White men down here in the ATL. Not saying "Thanks" to you gives them a sense of White Supremacy. It was that way on my IT job as well, and that was up in the DMV. But you can expect that on those jobs where you work around mostly Whites. But it took a minute to understand these southern White men in the streets down here do this on purpose, whether they're young or old, and they stay on code with it. But when you let that door slam in their faces, they seem to respect you more, like I did to the last White man walking behind me. It was one of those places where you have to walk through two doors back to back; one to get in the lobby, and the other to get in the premises. Sometimes you'd open the first door, not expecting a "Thanks', because you have to open another door right in front of you. But when that person don't say "Thanks" after you open the second door, like a lot of these White men do, that's really an insult. So on this occasion, when I didn't get a "Thanks" for opening the first door, I let the second door slam in his face. I do this when I know I'm in a place where there's more racist than usual.

Sometimes Black women do this too. But I think more brothers say something to them about it. Myself, I'll say "thank you" for them girls in a sarcastic way. As for White men, some brothers don't hold the door for them at all, although most of them probably do. But like I was saying, I'm finding it better if you don't, especially when you hold the door long enough for them to walk by you, and they still don't thank you, like they would do on some of those jobs.

But what was really messed up was when my back was out last month, and I was taking baby steps. I stopped at McDonalds' to use the restroom. On the way out, I held the door open for this dusty looking brother coming in, since I got to the door first. The negro didn't say thank you or nothing, knowing my back was out, and knowing I was obviously older than him. I knew this was one of those more f*** up McDonald's, and that location been like that since I moved here, but this was still a real bad look for our brothers. What made this even worse was, I had a walking cane.

Having automated doors solves this problem. They have a lot of those in the DMV. I don't know why all establishment with a lot of traffic don't have them.
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