Well, I haven't, and I've seen no one in this thread EQUATE (MEANING EQUAL) the homosexual struggle to the black struggle. I've seen the fight to gain equal rights COMPARED (COMPARISON, NOT EQUATE). I've seen folks who then take this COMPARISON and interpret it to be equating the two. I could understand an emotional response in regards to the second.
The people who are getting very upset with the comparisons also have clearly stated that they don't agree with gays being able to marry. So it's not like they're solely upset with the comparison, to act like their views on homosexuals aren't influencing the emotional response is a bit silly.
I don't fail to realize anything and I never said blacks as a whole don't support the movement, I don't know about a society as a whole but from what I've read blacks support gay rights about equally with whites but support specific things even more than whites (like hiring discrimination gay experience). I'm debating with folks on here who don't support the movement, I'm not on here condemning the entire black race.
I also see people trivializing the rights that they're trying to obtain because it isn't something as extreme as slavery.
This is weak as hell. Basically, you backtracked into only talking to the people on here when before that you said that "you've never seen anyone" which is in keeping with how you always use your immediate surroundings and facebook as a proxy. You do fail to realize a lot. You start going off on tangents. No one said anything about you condeming the black race. You said you didn't understand why people get offended and I told you why. People don't have to say they are directly equally to draw comparisons, use memes and make arguments that imply such. Just like how I miss things that offend my female friends all the time, I was telling you what you were missing. I was talking to you like an adult. But I'll leave it alone because you're cool peoples and you're not the type of person who can be debated with on anything you strongly believe in without you taking it personally as I found out yesterday. I wouldn't want to implicitly be called "fukktard" again.