In our current society, yes, they can create a family.

In our current society, yes, they can create a family.
Do you have a stat for this? I've been looking for one.
They suffer considerable economic discrimination (similar to racial minorities, the average homosexual is more likely to be poor, and earns less for the same work as their heterosexual counterparts,) discrimination in healthcare, are not allowed to gain access to the full legal benefits of marriage, cannot adopt (despite the American Pediatric Association concluding that 30 years of research says they should be able to,) are more likely than the average person to be attacked or assaulted (based on their sexual orientation,) and have to deal with common negative stereotypes disseminated through the media and their effects.
Being skeptical about redefining the basic element of society, which is the family structure, is oppressive to gays now?
That aint oppression man...
Marriage and Adoption should be looked at closely before passing into law...No doubts about it....
The economic disparity is bogus as well......Its been rich gay cats since America's inception and nobody is putting their sexuality before white privilege.....Doesn't happen, Won't Happen....
And who are they more than likely to be attacked by?
I didnt mention oppression. I mentioned that there is inequity and that inequity is illegal BASED ON OUR CURRENT LAWS. No further argument is needed to vanquish this idiocy. You dont want gays to marry then the government needs to not recognize ANY marriage.
I didnt mention oppression. I mentioned that there is inequity and that inequity is illegal BASED ON OUR CURRENT LAWS. No further argument is needed to vanquish this idiocy. You dont want gays to marry then the government needs to not recognize ANY marriage.
Like I said, the American Pediatric Association reviewed 30 years of research and concluded that there was no difference when children are raised by gay parents as opposed to straight parents, and so there is no reason to deny gays the ability to adopt. So what's the problem there? At this point, anyone who disagrees is putting their opinion above that of the experts who actually did the research.
No, it's not bogus, it's a sociological fact that the average gay person is more likely to be poor and gets paid worse for the same work as straight people. That's called economic discrimination. There are rich gay people, sure, just like there are rich Black folks- they are in the minority, and don't represent the majority of their populations.
Sodomy Laws...When was someone put in jail for sodomy?
You can be openly gay and serve in the military
The FBI has openly gay employees as well. Its helluva lesbians working for the FBI
Hiring discrimination? In what fields?
Gay marriage is an oxymoron don't you think? Everything that you listed is not applicable and resembles nothing of oppression...Not even being able to marry...
How is it, that an institution that is as old as mankind, expected to be revamped and redefined overnight?
Eventually gay marriage will be legal, but if that's all that they can complain about in 2013 then I don't see why you nikkas are riding so hard for em....
You're completely missing the point. The last time this was brought up, the majority of black people on here supported same-sex marriages, but found the direct comparison off. You are effectively arguing against nothing. Aside from hardcore religious people, that's not what irks people. Though, you'll find much more support or civil unions than same-sex marriage, but that's not an AA thing, that's the entire world. I'm actually on your side, but you need to chill with the broad strokes.I'm black and I am not upset that the comparison is made. I am embarrassed that my people who had to struggle so hard to gain rights can turn around and support systems of inequity regardless of their personal feelings about certain things. Are the fights identical? No, no fight is. MLK looked to Gandhi for inspiration, the Indian's fight was different from ours, yet I dont see Dinesh D'Souza trying separate the fight of MLK from that of Gandhi (or do we? I may have to edit that later, either way I'll fold that chump).
Being able to melt into society doesnt justify unequal laws. So all these arguments about it not being the same are arguments in vain. There were all types of people marching for civil rights with MLK... gays and atheists... the sooner my people smarten up the better off we'll be.
Well, I haven't, and I've seen no one in this thread EQUATE (MEANING EQUAL) the homosexual struggle to the black struggle. I've seen the fight to gain equal rights COMPARED (COMPARISON, NOT EQUATE). I've seen folks who then take this COMPARISON and interpret it to be equating the two. I could understand an emotional response in regards to the second.See, here you are again, arguing against shyt while failing to take the time to fully understand. I don't say this often, but I'm going to be real about this. You're not black and that's why you don't understand why it pisses black people off when the comparison is made. Sometimes, there's just some things you won't fully get unless it's articulated to you. With black people it's a visceral reaction as you can see in here, it's not something that needs to be explained to us. It has little to do with christianity the way intellectual and others are trying to paint it.
People do equate the struggles and we had a thread earlier this year talking about it with a bunch of eloquent opinions. Brown Pride, also didn't realize that it offended black people, even someone progressive like me until we explained it to him. I have no qualms about gay marriage, but do not like it being equated with the civil rights movement. People who are not black equate the two all the time. Macklemore is running around with a popular song right now doing just that. Then you ended off by saying something completely ridiculous "how does one hide dating another man... ."" This is the superficial reasoning you use consistently that turns off people that would otherwise be allies on issues.
Gays are largely arguing and fighting for symbolic equality (obviously economic benefits are at play as well) and recognition and fighting against stigma and that sort of equality. Sure it's a civil right, but on a what is at stake is a much lesser scale and to continue to analogize the two is taken by MANY black people as downplaying what our ancestors went through. It's the same way how my Jewish friends are automatially offended by reckless Nazi and Holocaust comparisons. I try not to get into comparing genocides and things of that sort, but when something clearly isn't among that penunmbra of terrors then the comparison is just lazy. I could go on forever. The day you stop using "on my facebook" and "I've never heard anyone say this" as shortcuts is when you'll get it.
And amid all this you fail to realize that rejecting the idea of it being an equivalent Civil Rights struggle is not equivalent to not supporting the cause. Black Americans still remain in higher support of gay rights than the American population as a whole. Imagine that, people are complex. :obamaword:
Like I said, the American Pediatric Association reviewed 30 years of research and concluded that there was no difference when children are raised by gay parents as opposed to straight parents, and so there is no reason to deny gays the ability to adopt. So what's the problem there? At this point, anyone who disagrees is putting their opinion above that of the experts who actually did the research.
No, it's not bogus, it's a sociological fact that the average gay person is more likely to be poor and gets paid worse for the same work as straight people. That's called economic discrimination. There are rich gay people, sure, just like there are rich Black folks- they are in the minority, and don't represent the majority of their populations.
I'm not sure what you're asking here. You want to know who is attacking them, or who they are attacked more than?
I didnt mention oppression. I mentioned that there is inequity and that inequity is illegal BASED ON OUR CURRENT LAWS. No further argument is needed to vanquish this idiocy. You dont want gays to marry then the government needs to not recognize ANY marriage.
Its not idiocy....It's called nature....And anybody with some walking around sense should be hesitant to go against it........
I don't care if they marry.....Really don't. However, if you can't see why there is some legitimacy to being against gay marriage you boo......