Majority of Black Americans reject the idea of GAY right as CIVIL rights..

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
So Civil rights = Black rights only. :childplease:

Y'all are caught up on the argument of comparing blacks and gays and forget to bring up women, hispanics, asians, muslims, essentially any group that is not a straight WASP male. Civil rights is supposed to encompass all of those that are not the majority group. ALL of those groups are impacted by civil rights, not just us.

All I see in this thread is a bunch of selfishness, bitterness and close mindedness. Yes we've been shat on for centuries but we're gonna act like we're the only ones who got the short end of the stick in America.

A lot of people on this site are full of shyt. They act all militant and hypersensitive about not just systemic racism, but any perceived minor slight to black men, but will insult, trivialize and show outright hostility to the situations of hispanics, asians, Indians, women, gays, or pretty much anybody who isn't a heterosexual black man. It's white male paternalism in blackface.

Dudes will type out these :birdman: faced polemic calls for justice while calling people cacs, fakkits, bytches, and pakis in the process and get mad when nobody outside the corny e-militant echo chamber takes them seriously. :dead:
Jul 26, 2012
this fake gay black dichotomy people are trying to push irks me

why are people really trying to push this image that black sentiments is a gauntlet that gay people have surmount to get what they want?

since when did we hold that much clout in this country? since when did what we think and feel sway and move this country? it doenst and never has. we dont even hold clout in how shyt involving us gets handled, but were a nuisance or blockade to the gay communities 'progression'? stop it

they just basically fukking w/ us and trying to tell us how we should feel and think about shyt

:salute: :wow: :mj:

Yes. Yes. Yes......

See how propaganda and social programming works..........Yall aint even paying attention...

That post was beautiful right there


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
this fake gay black dichotomy people are trying to push irks me

why are people really trying to push this image that black sentiments is a gauntlet that gay people have surmount to get what they want?

since when did we hold that much clout in this country? since when did what we think and feel sway and move this country? it doenst and never has. we dont even hold clout in how shyt involving us gets handled, but were a nuisance or blockade to the gay communities 'progression'? stop it

they just basically fukking w/ us and trying to tell us how we should feel and think about shyt


the mechanic

Greasy philosophy
Feb 8, 2013
Treated fairly? What does that mean as it relates to blacks and gays? If im not mistaken us blacks were treated as subhuman in this country for a couple of centuries.. What gay has been treated as subhuman?



Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music

Normalizing something changes societies views of it. As long as it's looked at as some disgusting form of life, then you'll continue to have gays bing assauted or ridiculed against. You use words like "blatantly disgusting".....those kind of words foster hate crimes....maybe not from YOU, but from others.

Nowadays you can go out with your white girlfriend without having a real fear of getting lynched by racist whites. It's normal nowadays.

People are ignorant. Blacks were considered abnormal/evil for centuries too, ur point?

Did you(or I) wake up this morning and choose to like big titties or big asses on women? you just like it? Do you think being gay is just waking up one day saying, "I think I'm gonna be gay from now on..." :rudy:

It is argued that Sexual orientation is written in your DNA and the brain of those who are gay is different in the area that deals with that. And look up the hundreds of species of animal that display homo actions.

Grow up.

So because some jerk decides to beat someone up for doing something they choose to do behind closed doors means that I am forced to like said act? GTFOH. Stop trying to paint everyone that doesn't approve of sodomy or gay marriage with the same brush.

Box Cutta

Bumbling Sidekick
May 1, 2012
Sanitation Department
African-Americans, blue-collar workers do an about-face on gay marriage: poll

Notice that the poll is by the Wall Street Journal, a Conservative news source, and they still found that most Black folks support gay marriage.

The writing of the op is vague and misleading. You can believe that gay rights and Black rights are not the same, and still support equal rights for gays.

Pretty much all that needs to be said.

I personally am fine with gays getting married...doesn't affect me in any way.

But gay rights are not synonymous with black rights.

1) Even though they shouldn't have too....gays can ALWAYS hide who they are publically. I can't keep being black a "secret" when I go in for a job interview.

2) You can't "pass on" being gay. Being black is a HERITAGE, something that we pass to our children and childrens children. Being gay IS NOT a choice, I think it's biological, but it's not something that is "passed on". It's just an arbitrary anomaly.

The second that gays get their full marriage rights and this shyt stops becoming an issue. You're gonna see a swarm of these cats turning into republicans. A lot of them already live that upper class yuppie lifestyle.

I understand feminist, and gay rights activist, and immigration activist, etc etc etc. But at the end of the day, unless I see a STRONG strain of intersectionality in those movements, I can't really get up in the morning for them if ya know what I mean.

I was recently following this game convention on twitter. Y'all should have seen these feminist and queers going IN on White Males in the industry. But I didn't see a fukking think about the lack of black diversity within the industry, so ultimately, I can't fukk with these movements.

Box Cutta

Bumbling Sidekick
May 1, 2012
Sanitation Department
this fake gay black dichotomy people are trying to push irks me

why are people really trying to push this image that black sentiments is a gauntlet that gay people have surmount to get what they want?

since when did we hold that much clout in this country? since when did what we think and feel sway and move this country? it doenst and never has. we dont even hold clout in how shyt involving us gets handled, but were a nuisance or blockade to the gay communities 'progression'? stop it

they just basically fukking w/ us and trying to tell us how we should feel and think about shyt

Real shyt right here.

I've always said that at the end of the day, if WHITES truly wanted gay marriage, we would have BEEN had it.

Sensitive Blake Griffin

May 1, 2012
It's amazing how many people mistake comparisons with saying two things are equal.. especially when the comparisons come from a struggle to obtain equal rights...not comparisons of total amount of suffering/discrimination. Just admit that you hate gays and having them compared to you pisses you off.

you're NOT "n!ggas"

FKA ciroq drobama
May 1, 2012
Astronomy (8th light)
this fukk thread here :snoop: i'll put it like this. has the backlash against gay civil rights been as bad as it was for black civil rights? no. but does that somehow justify DENYING gay people of their rights or mean that their struggle is somehow meaningless in the shadows of black plight? :why: no :mindblown: why is that even being brought into question though? what does it even matter? civil rights are civil rights. everyone. its pretty clear now, historians need to revise the title for the "civil" rights movement. some of you nikkas hear that shyt and run with it :upsetfavre:

anyways, if ANYONE should be supporting gay rights its black people, we know better than anybody in this country how it feels to be oppressed. why would you be okay with it against others? :what: oh my bad... we fukk around and do some shyt like that and jesus won't love us no more like he did all those centuries of slavery and decades of jim crow and through the "civil" rights era to now :comeon:


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
Real shyt right here.

I've always said that at the end of the day, if WHITES truly wanted gay marriage, we would have BEEN had it.

Its crazy because California voted against gay marriage years ago and gays were mad at blacks in California who makes up less than 7% of the population feeling they were in part blamed for it not passing. These white homos in LA that night were calling black people n!ggers and c00ns when numbers by demographic were broken down. I wonder how the gay blacks felt that night :pachaha:

Sensitive Blake Griffin

May 1, 2012
this fukk thread here :snoop: i'll put it like this. has the backlash against gay civil rights been as bad as it was for black civil rights? no. but does that somehow justify DENYING gay people of their rights or mean that their struggle is somehow meaningless in the shadows of black plight? :why: no :mindblown: civil rights are civil rights. everyone. its pretty clear now, historians need to revise the title for the "civil" rights movement.

anyways though, if ANYONE should be supporting gay rights its black people, we know better than anybody in this country how it feels to be oppressed. why would you be okay with it against others? :what: oh my bad... we fukk around and do some shyt like that and jesus won't love us no more like he did all those centuries of slavery and decades of jim crow and through the "civil" rights era to now :comeon:
exactly. the quest for Black rights wasn't just about Blacks, it was a quest of Universal freedom for all. It single-handedly paved the way for people of all colors/religions/sexual orientations/genders to seek equal rights as well. I don't see ANYONE ever say that gays have had to go through as much suffering or were denied as many rights as blacks. But they are denied the right to marriage which they're trying to obtain now. I don't understand why these cats get so angry and upset (read the posts in this thread, you can feel the venom in them) with the comparison. They avoid the talk about rights and just start rambling about how Blacks had it so much worse than gays and that gays can hide the fact that they're gay (which isn't really possible if you want to be able to fall in love with another man and have a normal the fukk are you going to hide the fact that you're dating a man?)


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
this fukk thread here :snoop: i'll put it like this. has the backlash against gay civil rights been as bad as it was for black civil rights? no. but does that somehow justify DENYING gay people of their rights or mean that their struggle is somehow meaningless in the shadows of black plight? :why: no :mindblown: why is that even being brought into question though? what does it even matter? civil rights are civil rights. everyone. its pretty clear now, historians need to revise the title for the "civil" rights movement. some of you nikkas hear that shyt and run with it :upsetfavre:

anyways, if ANYONE should be supporting gay rights its black people, we know better than anybody in this country how it feels to be oppressed. why would you be okay with it against others? :what: oh my bad... we fukk around and do some shyt like that and jesus won't love us no more like he did all those centuries of slavery and decades of jim crow and through the "civil" rights era to now :comeon:

:ufdup: Stop comparing the gay lifestyle to being black...they are not the same. Who is teaching you this shyt?!

Where were these gay people when MLK was marching through Selma? Now, you want us to jump on board with people that were invisible when we were enslaved and being lynched. Then when brothas do all the heavy lifting...they want to talk about rights. You can't hide when you are black :pacspit: