Major win for 6 year old Transgendered Girl


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Yeah, the biological aspect is that he has a sausage dangling between his legs and testosterone pumping through his system. What happens if lil tranny man decides he likes women? Gets this notion that he is a 'lesbian'? Will it still be fine for him to use the female bathroom and go in female locker rooms? It'll be fine for him to take showers in the same locker room with the girls?

This notion that I am what I 'feel' like is ridiculous. So if I feel like I'm a Wall Street CEO in my mind trapped in a middle class body, I can just go ahead and walk in on board meetings and I need to be treated as such right?


Jun 9, 2012
Where the fukk does a little boy learn about shyt like this? First time any talk like this comes round any of my kids, I would shut them down and tell them no. Then I would spend time reinforcing their gender through positive activities that would make them feel good about being a boy/girl.

Higher Tech

May 25, 2012
Gary, Indiana
Gender identity is not the same thing as sex.

Gender has to do with the physical/chemical makeup of the brain while sex is your chromosomes.

People realize that transgenders actually have brains that more closely resemble that of the opposite sex than their own, right?

So a MTF transgender is someone who might have been born a male but have a brain that resembles that of a natural born female. It's not as simple as "he likes to dress in girl clothes" or he's feminine so he's a transgender. It means that their actual brain is telling then they're a girl because they have brain that is built more like that of the opposite sex.

That being said, I don't think a six year old is at an age where the brain is developed enough to actually be a transgender but science and our knowledge of it is constantly evolving so I tend to keep an open mind about this.
Appreciate the information, not being sarcastic or anything. It's just hard for me to take this as anything but strange. We're in the time period where all of this is happening so fast and people talk about rulings and very rarely talk about the science behind. However, regardless of what this childs mind may or may not be telling him, he still has boy parts. And a 6 year old with boy parts has no place in a women's restroom IMO. There may come a time that he will become exposed to another child. How do you explain to all the little girls that a young boy is allowed in their restroom, hell, how do you explain it to other little boys?

Maybe it's my ignorance that makes me feel this way, but that's how I feel. Maybe I'll take some time to better understand it, but it's not on the top of my reading list right now.

Higher Tech

May 25, 2012
Gary, Indiana
everytime I open a thread with any political topic, why is the ignorance level on this board at 95%. If you are a grown person and don't understand there are biological aspects to transgenderism, I don't know what to tell you. Stop letting crooked pastors and hood people tell you about life. Educate yourself.

This doesn't even make sense. Why do you think the inner workings on transgenderism is common knowledge? You know the majority of the country doesn't really understand what it's all about, right?


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Where the fukk does a little boy learn about shyt like this? First time any talk like this comes round any of my kids, I would shut them down and tell them no. Then I would spend time reinforcing their gender through positive activities that would make them feel good about being a boy/girl.

Man pretty soon you will be called a 'bigot' and shamed for 'trying to force stereotypical gender roles' on your children. Back in the day if a young boy tried to play with dolls or put on a skirt, he'd get a spanking, but now these 'new-age' parents will talk about letting 'children choose their own roles'. This whole 'gender is what you identify with' line of thinking is trash. If it was all about our brain structure or what we identified with , there wouldn't be such a thing as trannies. We'd just get a brain scan at birth and be identified by whatever category our brain closest resembled... but in this fantasy land of modern American society, we have to pretend to call boys girls and girls boys if they 'identify' with that.


May 5, 2012
Man get out of here with that nonsense. Ya'll are telling us we need to accept cross-dressing kids as acceptable behavior.

What is a 'natural born female and male'? Are you admitting that this kid's behavior pattern is unnatural then?

How do you have access to the Internet and yet you still manage to live in such ignorance? A natural born female is exactly what it sounds like. Someone who's biological makeup, as it pertains to their chromosomes, genitals, and the like.

And unnatural, it pertains to nature. But girds what? The computer you use, the internet you're on, the cars you drive, the roads you use, and the clothes you were are also unnatural.

Yeah, the biological aspect is that he has a sausage dangling between his legs and testosterone pumping through his system. What happens if lil tranny man decides he likes women? Gets this notion that he is a 'lesbian'? Will it still be fine for him to use the female bathroom and go in female locker rooms? It'll be fine for him to take showers in the same locker room with the girls?

This notion that I am what I 'feel' like is ridiculous. So if I feel like I'm a Wall Street CEO in my mind trapped in a middle class body, I can just go ahead and walk in on board meetings and I need to be treated as such right?

Obviously. Are lesbians banned from taking shower with girls simply because they're attracted to the sex they're showering with.

See, the problem here is you're trying to compare two things that are vastly different. A transgenders brain is literally wired and structured like the brain of a natural born female. As in, if you had any knowledge of neurology, you would not be able to tell a transgenders brain apart from the gender they identify as.

You literally have no knowledge of neuroscience yet you somehow think your ignorant and unfounded opinion is worth anything. Read a damn book.

Appreciate the information, not being sarcastic or anything. It's just hard for me to take this as anything but strange. We're in the time period where all of this is happening so fast and people talk about rulings and very rarely talk about the science behind. However, regardless of what this childs mind may or may not be telling him, he still has boy parts. And a 6 year old with boy parts has no place in a women's restroom IMO. There may come a time that he will become exposed to another child. How do you explain to all the little girls that a young boy is allowed in their restroom, hell, how do you explain it to other little boys?

Maybe it's my ignorance that makes me feel this way, but that's how I feel. Maybe I'll take some time to better understand it, but it's not on the top of my reading list right now.

I understand completely. Its strange to me, as well, which is why I chose to research it. I think the best thing to do in regards to other children is to just be honest and open about it. Trying to act like these groups of people don't exist and not explaining them just leads to more bigotry and intolerance.

Man pretty soon you will be called a 'bigot' and shamed for 'trying to force stereotypical gender roles' on your children. Back in the day if a young boy tried to play with dolls or put on a skirt, he'd get a spanking, but now these 'new-age' parents will talk about letting 'children choose their own roles'. This whole 'gender is what you identify with' line of thinking is trash. If it was all about our brain structure or what we identified with , there wouldn't be such a thing as trannies. We'd just get a brain scan at birth and be identified by whatever category our brain closest resembled... but in this fantasy land of modern American society, we have to pretend to call boys girls and girls boys if they 'identify' with that.

Times change as science becomes more advanced and we can learn new things. Shocking that people become more tolerant as we learn that previous notions we held about things turned out to be false.

You sound as stupid as the people who complained when they found out the world wasn't flat, that slavery was abolished, or any other progressive scientific discovery.

The sun doesn't revolve around the Earth and no amount of ignorance of the subject is gonna change that.


May 5, 2012
Man pretty soon you will be called a 'bigot' and shamed for 'trying to force stereotypical gender roles' on your children. Back in the day if a young boy tried to play with dolls or put on a skirt, he'd get a spanking, but now these 'new-age' parents will talk about letting 'children choose their own roles'. This whole 'gender is what you identify with' line of thinking is trash. If it was all about our brain structure or what we identified with , there wouldn't be such a thing as trannies. We'd just get a brain scan at birth and be identified by whatever category our brain closest resembled... but in this fantasy land of modern American society, we have to pretend to call boys girls and girls boys if they 'identify' with that.


Read this, educate yourself, and proceed to shut the fukk up discussing things that you don't fully understand.


Jun 9, 2012
Man pretty soon you will be called a 'bigot' and shamed for 'trying to force stereotypical gender roles' on your children. Back in the day if a young boy tried to play with dolls or put on a skirt, he'd get a spanking, but now these 'new-age' parents will talk about letting 'children choose their own roles'. This whole 'gender is what you identify with' line of thinking is trash. If it was all about our brain structure or what we identified with , there wouldn't be such a thing as trannies. We'd just get a brain scan at birth and be identified by whatever category our brain closest resembled... but in this fantasy land of modern American society, we have to pretend to call boys girls and girls boys if they 'identify' with that.
Brother, I'm considered a bigot and old fashioned by many, sometimes even my own woman but I refuse to be a sheep, I am my own man.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012

Read this, educate yourself, and proceed to shut the fukk up discussing things that you don't fully understand.

There's nothing to educate myself on. As much as you'd like to live in fantasy land and pretend that you are another sex because 'you identify with sex', in reality, you are what you are. You have a penis and testosterone pumping through your system, you're a man. You have a vagina, you're a woman. They have cases of hermaphrodites, but we're not discussing that. As much as these trannies would like to imagine they are another sex, a woman won't stop pmssing because in her mind she thinks she's a man. A man wont magically stop growing facial hair and having a deep voice once he puts on a wig and imagines himself a woman.

Just because a man puts on a skirt, a wig, and like to do ballerina kicks, that doesn't make him a woman. That makes him a feminine man that likes to play dress-up. Same thing with women who dress up and 'identify' with being a man and yet haven't ever spent a day in their life being a man. It's funny how as soon as one of these brolic dykes come across the wrong man and get in his face and catch a hook, all of a sudden they're rolling on the floor talking about "how could you hit a woman?"


May 5, 2012
There's nothing to educate myself on. As much as you'd like to live in fantasy land and pretend that you are another sex because 'you identify with sex', in reality, you are what you are. You have a penis and testosterone pumping through your system, you're a man. You have a vagina, you're a woman. They have cases of hermaphrodites, but we're not discussing that. As much as these trannies would like to imagine they are another sex, a woman won't stop pmssing because in her mind she thinks she's a man. A man wont magically stop growing facial hair and having a deep voice once he puts on a wig and imagines himself a woman.

Just because a man puts on a skirt, a wig, and like to do ballerina kicks, that doesn't make him a woman. That makes him a feminine man that likes to play dress-up. Same thing with women who dress up and 'identify' with being a man and yet haven't ever spent a day in their life being a man. It's funny how as soon as one of these brolic dykes come across the wrong man and get in his face and catch a hook, all of a sudden they're rolling on the floor talking about "how could you hit a woman?"

So where's your degree in neurology that makes you more qualified to discuss these things than people who have PhD's and have spent their life studying the brain?

I'm literally posting peer reviewed scientific proof of my claims and you're acting like you know more.

Ignorant fukk.


Jun 9, 2012
So where's your degree in neurology that makes you more qualified to discuss these things than people who have PhD's and have spent their life studying the brain?

I'm literally posting peer reviewed scientific proof of my claims and you're acting like you know more.

Ignorant fukk.
That states that their brains are not born that way so therefore it's because they identified as a faq then they became a faq.


May 5, 2012
Where the fukk does it say that?

During the intrauterine period the fetal brain develops in the male direction through a direct action of testosterone on the developing nerve cells, or in the female direction through the absence of this hormone surge. In this way, our gender identity (the conviction of belonging to the male or female gender) and sexual orientation are programmed into our brain structures when we are still in the womb. However, since sexual differentiation of the genitals takes place in the first two months of pregnancy and sexual differentiation of the brain starts in the second half of pregnancy, these two processes can be influenced independently, which may result in transsexuality. This also means that in the event of ambiguous sex at birth, the degree of masculinization of the genitals may not reflect the degree of masculinization of the brain.
There is no proof that social environment after birth has an effect on gender identity or sexual orientation.

Read this again. It literally says gender identity is programmed while you're still in the womb.

Show me where it says what you stated.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
So where's your degree in neurology that makes you more qualified to discuss these things than people who have PhD's and have spent their life studying the brain?

I'm literally posting peer reviewed scientific proof of my claims and you're acting like you know more.

Ignorant fukk.

I'm literally talking about reality AS IS. I don't need eggheads to think for me and attempt to reclassify reality for me. I can look at reality for what it is and assess things for myself. Since you're so well versed on this issue, show me ONE hospital that defines gender by SCANNING THE BRAIN upon birth. Show me ONE man that can will his penis to fall off and grow a vagina in it's place just by sheer thought, aka 'identifying with being a female'. Show me ONE man that can get pregnant just by 'identifying' with being a female. Show me ONE man who changed his XY chromosome structure into XX just by thinking about it. Show me ONE woman who was able to grow a penis, produce sperm and impregnate a woman after 'identifying with a male.' I'll be waiting for you to show me some studies of this happening.

If trannies were actually the sex they wanted to be, they wouldn't be able to 'IDENTIFY' with the other sex, because they would actually BE the other sex.