DC feels blacker than most cities, it peaked at over 70% Black not even 50 years ago...
Matter fact I can't really think of any place I've been that feels blacker than The District; there are places that feel equally black but none I can think of that felt blacker...
But people really misrepresent Black Los Angeles, for the life of me I'll never understand how people claim they don't feel our presence in LA unless they specifically avoid South LA and the upper South Bay...
DC is 61.1 mi² with a population of ~690k and ~285k black people (41.4%), population density of ~11.3k. There is a contigous stretch of Los Angeles that includes the entirety of South Central as well as the Inglewood Bottoms, Morningside, North Ingles, and Ladera Heights, that is ~59.4 mi² with a total population of ~875k and ~256k black people (29.3%) and a population density of ~14.8k...
People who've spent time in this defined ~59 mi² window, and even portions slightly outside of it (lower Mid-City, parts of The Gar, Carson, and West Compton), there's no way you don't feel an immense presence of black population and culture. Los Angeles can nearly equal the number of black people in all of DC in almost an equal amount if land area, because most black folks in LA live in the south if the city, but LA is significantly more developed than DC so LA will have more people overall in the same space as DC...
DC on the whole May feel blacker but it's so geographically small, it's really just a slice of the biggest cities like LA. People stay misrepresenting LA's blackness...