So, has anyone else picked up that they're dropping hints to suggest that the firm is going to shyt without Don? Last week, Ken implied that their lesser account men have been dropping accounts pretty quickly.
This week, as that disastrous partners meeting let out, they said they never mentioned which of Peggy's accounts they lost. Creative doesn't even have a representative at the partners meeting, and they seem to have gotten stagnant under Lou's leadership (

at Lou, though. He sucks). Cutler is lining up to try to get rid of at least Roger, if not Sterling as well. The idea to move Joan upstairs puts Joan on his side. Ted wanted no parts of in office beef, and he's out in LA clearly not giving a fukk. The only two people he would have to go through are Don, who he has turned everyone but Roger against, and Roger, who he's sizing up. The funny thing is that simply having Don in the office would seemingly remedy most of their issues (creative wouldn't be so shytty, and Don could have squashed that silly argument in the meeting).
On the other end, though, as Don seems to be letting go of parts of the Don Draper persona (working at SC&P, his relationship with Megan, the heavy drinking, trying to hide things, and even the thought of upkeep on the condo), he seems to be getting the rest of his life together slowly. He admitted to himself he's a shytty husband, started trying to get a handle on his drinking, and got a little of Sally's respect back. It feels like it's being suggested that at some point, be it during this half of the season or next half, he'll have to choose between truly being Don Draper or dikk Whitman.