Lupe Fiasco Goes On Twitter Rant Against "Uppity Black Ni--as,"


Straight Shooter
Jun 4, 2012
Lupe is like an 18 year old in a 30 year old man's body. I wouldn't want to talk politics with this guy. He always has to be in the mix with some sort of drama and, as Megatron Bomb said earlier, he is the face of this soft ass generation. He had to go on twitter like a child and spaz out because DL Hughley and Roland Martin called him out on his garbage. Lupe is so full of shyt he can't even articulate his own arguments clearly.

That's why he's the Matt Hardy of hip-hop.


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
HHL4E, I won't lie, I considered banning you from this thread for 3 hours for saying that the Civil Rights Movement wasn't about voting rights really or that the leaders weren't about it. Come on son, that's something you learn in second grade. I'm happy others went in because I can't.

I don't know if I can ever take you seriously again.

Listen you idiot, stop threatening to ban people for simply posting their thoughts on a message board. Your job here isn't to decide who gets to post what you deem is appropriate.

Second, the black panthers were not about voting for Dems or Repubs. The civil rights movement was for equality on all fronts, with the right to vote being one of them. Voting is an essential part of a democracy and blacks being denied that vote was an example of an INEQUALITY that needed to eradicated. Fighting for the right for black people who had been previously denied to right to vote is a far cry from encouraging people to blindly vote for political parties that don't espouse the views of black progress.

Stop with the stupid mischaracterizations of my post. Take your bullshyt threats elsewhere.


Jun 15, 2012
1.So you voted for hope and change or voted cause he was a brother? Apparently Samuel L.Jackson voted for him cause he was black. Most the people I know voted for him cause he was black. Every black person I know is voting for except myself for Obama. Why? Where is the proof that African Americans voted for Obama for anything other than just that. None of them did their research on his policies.

I voted Democrate because the alternative was an extension of several Bush policies that I disagree with and John McCain was attempting to endager this country and the world by putting a dangerously unbalanced and uneducated hick 1 heart beat away from the Presidency

2.Wrong. None of the minorities and young people have anything to do with winning. It's rules the elections.

So... Romney is going to win because he has more money? I guess they dont even count votes anymore right?

3.None of them serve the people in where corporations and special interest groups are involved. Get the money out of the elections....then things will change in the voting system.

This is a blanket statement that couldnt possibly apply to 100% of elected officials at all levels of government. I've never been a fan of letting the perfect be the enemy of the good. Its the job of the citizens to hold their elected representatives accountable.

4.Out of 10 Rights of the Bill of Rights 6 of them are already gone wiped clean off the list. So you voting changes nothing in the policies made that have already gotten rid of most of your standard rights.

What are these 6 rights that have been wiped out and how will NOT voting restore them or protect the remaining rights?

5.Revolution is something you need to look up as Malcolm said about's violent and bloody.

I'm not advocating revolution. I vote. I encourage others to vote instead of monday morning quarterback and arm revolt.

6.Moving to another country changes what? U.S. has involved itself politically, socially and economically on almost every country in the world.

Maybe you should just kill yourself if you can neither contribute to the system or find the strength of charachter to fight against it.


Hanging em up
Apr 30, 2012
80's babies
1.So you voted for hope and change or voted cause he was a brother? Apparently Samuel L.Jackson voted for him cause he was black. Most the people I know voted for him cause he was black. Every black person I know is voting for except myself for Obama. Why? Where is the proof that African Americans voted for Obama for anything other than just that. None of them did their research on his policies.

I voted Democrate because the alternative was an extension of several Bush policies that I disagree with and John McCain was attempting to endager this country and the world by putting a dangerously unbalanced and uneducated hick 1 heart beat away from the Presidency

2.Wrong. None of the minorities and young people have anything to do with winning. It's rules the elections.

So... Romney is going to win because he has more money? I guess they dont even count votes anymore right?

3.None of them serve the people in where corporations and special interest groups are involved. Get the money out of the elections....then things will change in the voting system.

This is a blanket statement that couldnt possibly apply to 100% of elected officials at all levels of government. I've never been a fan of letting the perfect be the enemy of the good. Its the job of the citizens to hold their elected representatives accountable.

4.Out of 10 Rights of the Bill of Rights 6 of them are already gone wiped clean off the list. So you voting changes nothing in the policies made that have already gotten rid of most of your standard rights.

What are these 6 rights that have been wiped out and how will NOT voting restore them or protect the remaining rights?

5.Revolution is something you need to look up as Malcolm said about's violent and bloody.

I'm not advocating revolution. I vote. I encourage others to vote instead of monday morning quarterback and arm revolt.

6.Moving to another country changes what? U.S. has involved itself politically, socially and economically on almost every country in the world.

Maybe you should just kill yourself if you can neither contribute to the system or find the strength of charachter to fight against it.

Neg rep on this post and posting style


Jun 15, 2012
Lupe is like an 18 year old in a 30 year old man's body. I wouldn't want to talk politics with this guy. He always has to be in the mix with some sort of drama and, as Megatron Bomb said earlier, he is the face of this soft ass generation. He had to go on twitter like a child and spaz out because DL Hughley and Roland Martin called him out on his garbage. Lupe is so full of shyt he can't even articulate his own arguments clearly.

That's why he's the Matt Hardy of hip-hop.

I enjoy his music. Thats where it stops.

He's become the go to pet of the anti-voting, anti-Obama, Fox News crowd. It was over for him as a role model as soon as he let Bill'O trot him out there to be the rap Alan Keyes.


Apr 30, 2012
Listen you idiot, stop threatening to ban people for simply posting their thoughts on a message board. Your job here isn't to decide who gets to post what you deem is appropriate.

Second, the black panthers were not about voting for Dems or Repubs. The civil rights movement was for equality on all fronts, with the right to vote being one of them. Voting is an essential part of a democracy and blacks being denied that vote was an example of an INEQUALITY that needed to eradicated. Fighting for the right for black people who had been previously denied to right to vote is a far cry from encouraging people to blindly vote for political parties that don't espouse the views of black progress.

Stop with the stupid mischaracterizations of my post. Take your bullshyt threats elsewhere.

LMAO@ the best part is that I never threaten to ban anyone. Unless therehesis or whatever is your alias. It's not like you've been known to create an alias before and deny that it's you :mjpls: All mods are members too, which is why I can :russ:@ your insults without feeling the need to do anything....shyt I'm not supposed to do anything. Report me if I ever do. Me being a mod doesn't mean anything, it's not like I expect respect because of it. Honestly, I've gotten more disrespect since it :russ:


Apr 30, 2012
I enjoy his music. Thats where it stops.

He's become the go to pet of the anti-voting, anti-Obama, Fox News crowd. It was over for him as a role model as soon as he let Bill'O trot him out there to be the rap Alan Keyes.

The thing about it is that Bill was making more sense than Lupe. I was :snoop: at that thing entirely.


May 6, 2012
Can you provide some sources or examples? I'm not claiming your lying, but I actually want to see what you are speaking about. You have a history of twisting words around.

:rudy: at the bold coming from you.

but during college one of my professors worked with correta scott king at the MLK foundation in atlanta. my professor did his dissertation on MLK and a part of his research was interning with ms. king at the foundation. during his time there he got to interact with a lot of primary resources related to dr. kings life. long story short corretta showed him the good, the bad, and the ugly.

my professor had transcripts of almost every speech dr. king ever gave. he had personal letters that dr. king had both written and received. he had the letters dr. king received from the FBI telling him he should commit suicide. he had copies of the recordings the FBI made of dr. king having orgies while he was staying in hotels. he had the original works dr. king plagiarized to get his phD. he even had some entries of dr. kings personal diary.

plus he had hundreds if not thousands of photos, interviews, newspaper clippings, and recordings of dr. king and various other people close to dr. king from the civil rights movement.

the amount of information was staggering.

and im gonna go ahead and say it even though most folks wont believe it, but MLK had been talking a lot with malcolm x and they were planning on working together on several projects.

they both realized that their respective strategies for liberation had not been completely successful, malcolm with his militant stance and martin with his passive democratic stance. they both felt a better balance between the two perspectives was necessary, and they were both heavily into economic strategies. MLK really started going in with the organization of unions because he felt the economic cooperation was a must. he had also started going very hard on the lives being lost and the money being spent in vietnam.

again i want to be clear though... its not that either of them advocated "not voting," they just did not place such an emphasis on voting. the majority of their emphasis gravitated towards organizing the community to organize economically.

malcolm and martin were about to come together brehs... :ohlawd:

but them fbi boys werent having that.


May 6, 2012
All you people shytting on Lupe for expressing his views on voting are pathetic and need to shut the fukk up. Lupe has every right to NOT vote, as well as every right to let everyone know how he feels about voting for the simple fact that he is a TAX PAYING CITIZEN. I know most of you nikkas don't pay taxes so you feel voting is the only thing that makes you a citizen, but TAX paying citizens (like myself) who actually fund the heinous acts that the US participates on the regular have every right to let be known their displeasure with which the direction the country is heading. If Lupe feels as a tax paying citizen that the two demons presented to us by the pseudo political parties don't represent his views, then he has every right to NOT VOTE. I know alot of you clowns believe in the lesser of two evils nonsense, but brothers like Lupe and myself refuse to vote for ANY type of evil, regardless of the color it represents.



May 6, 2012
:smh: Lupe fiasco is the equivalent to a pseudo intellect. Nothing is wrong with being skeptical, but he bases his rants and arguments off of false equivalencies/ merely half truths. He doesn’t use the scientific method, when it comes to rationalization. In essence, he’s convincing his fans to believe in astrology, meanwhile the rest of HL and I, subscribe to astronomy. Close but no cigar, matter of fact way off, I’m just being nice.
Basically what I'm trying to say is Lupe Fiasco, comes off as weak minded individual who doesn't interpret the facts from an open minded view. Upon his criticism of Obama, he's yet to mention squat about the other branches of government. Last time I checked the government was run off a joint effort. And if you're going to fully criticize the government, I want to hear rants about congress and judicial system as well. Name names :birdman: Talk about Mitch McConnell. Let's hear about numerous bills that were blocked through congress, because a joint racist effort on behave of the republicans. Hmm, let's consider what happens when we don’t vote. You can ask Californians, who still can’t get medicinal marijuana passed, besides that fact that a large portion of the population smokes and/or supports the initiative.
I feel let down by Lupe, because he seemed like a fairly conscious rapper, when I was in high school. He didn't talk about the typical sex,drugs,money,cars agenda. Then a couple years back he released a horrible album trying to depict the government, matter of fact he didn't he critique the government. Just solely blamed Obama, this leads me to believe he doesn’t fully understand politics. He also can't seem to grasp that the president isn't a dictator and who can do whatever he wants. Idk why he wasn’t criticizing the bush / cheney administration(when he first came on the scene in 06), which kicked started this economic crisis. I didn’t hear sh*t about two back to back wars, wars while cutting taxes. He also doesn't fully understand the pull of MIC and majoring lobbying firms. Son if you're going to go on a rant, you might as well let it all out.

i actually agree with a lot of this.

but at the end of the day you can never fault someone for expressing the truth, granted as you pointed out it is an incomplete truth.

but thats essentially no different than the people who give obama praise for the good things that happen and dont praise the entire political process. its the tendency that some people have to characterize the main players as the entire entity. same reason when football teams win or lose its always the quarterback and coach that get the most praise/blame. aint nobody blaming an o-lineman for a loss, and nobody is praising a DB as the reason they won a game, even though technically its a team effort.

so although i agree with your overall sentiment, i think its unfair to bash lupe as most of you are because 1) he's telling the truth and 2) he's more socially active than 99% of these other entertainers out here. so if yall wanna go hard why not go hard at these clowns getting rich off our oppression and not saying jack shyt.


May 6, 2012
And Leyet, like you, has been known to make similarly factually false statements on this topic. There was a thread a little while ago where I said virtually none of the most influential social activists in American history encouraged people not to vote. He then mentioned the Black Panthers. :snoop: Like the Panthers didn't register people to vote, and Bobby Seale didn't run for Mayor of Oakland. And Leyet has Huey Newton as his skype avatar. :russ:

What's up with these militant anti-establishment negroes who don't know basic ass facts about the stances of the greatest black leaders? :heh:

wrong again.

i said that voting was not the main platform of the black panthers, and it wasnt, not even close. when it came to their energy output, organizing around voting initiatives was very low on the priority list.

please stop trying to interpret my posts because its obvious you have reading comprehension issues.


May 1, 2012
One of the reasons why it seems like nothing is done in the black community is because democrats know they have the black vote wrapped up regardless. Are you guys comfortable with that?

Look at the Jews, yeah, they traditionally vote democratic, but one of the reasons they are still catered to is because they are seen as fickle voters that could change their minds on some spur of the moment type shyt. Even Latino's get a certain amount of respect. Not so with black folk...and the problem is compounded now that we have a black President. If the threat of black folks staying home on election day were real, they would receive a lot more attention from these candidates....instead the only time Obama addresses the black community is when he dishes out "hard truths," and scolds them....and people soak that shyt up :laff: shyt is comical. But y'all support that, apparently.

Real talk, in the 4 years that Obama has been President, have things really improved all that much from Bush? I'm talking about tangible improvements that we can FEEL and testify to. I say NOPE. When Bush took over after Clinton, whether you agrees with the direction or not, none of us could deny that the country indeed CHANGED. Obama has been completely ineffective and invisible. He gets by based solely off his image, "swag," and racial identity. So how much of a disaster would it be if Obama were to lose this election really? I say not much. The problem with you dudes is that you let MSNBC and liberal entertainers/quasi-analysts dictate your mindset....y'all are no worse than the zombies and cacs who swear by FoxNews. I voted for Obama 4 years ago, I see that he has been more than underwhelming and that Romney is an idiot so I'm staying home this time. It's that simple. fukk I look like waking up early on my born day to vote for these fukking clowns? :rudy: