This overall problem is people who are grossly uneducated like yourself. The bolded is what I'm talking about. You're accusing people of letting MSNBC dictate what they think, but you let your own lack of education and intellectually curiosity dictate what you think and somehow think that makes you an independent mind instead of the low-information voter (or non-voter) that you are. You have no frame of reference or knowledge base and are speaking in decontextualized generalities because you're attempting to make an analysis devoid of facts.
If you knew anything about anything, you wouldn't make such an ignorant comparison and conclusions to Clinton and Obama's presidencies. I already tried to explain this too you.
Do you honestly think the boom that happened in the 90's was directly because of Clinton?
Clinton entered office while we were coming out of a recession. He rode the gigantic bubble of the tech boom and the artificially low interest rates under Greenspan's Fed. He did make the right call on raising taxes, but you're a conservative so you probably wouldn't be for that anyway. And he had an opposition party that was willing to work with him, especially in his 2nd term. So let me ask you,
what specifically did Clinton do that changed the economy? I'll wait...
And why are you leaving out the fact that Clinton and his boys Rubin and Summers deregulated the banking industry and those actions led DIRECTLY the financial collapse of 2008 Obama inherited? Clinton repealed the Glass-Steagall Act and deregulated the mass trading of derivatives against the better judgment of some of his key advisors. And he admitted he was wrong.
Clinton: I Was Wrong to Listen to Wrong Advice Against Regulating Derivatives* - ABC News
Obama inherited the worst financial collapse since the Great Depression. The banking system collapsed and the economy was hemorrhaging 750,000 jobs per months when he got into office. And as stated before, Obama faced an unprecedented level of obstruction that no President in history ever had to deal with. They Republicans set the bar so that 60 Senate votes were needed to pass anything through Congress. You're probably like Gundam and Sly and didn't even know how a filibuster works and how its been used during the Obama administration. The stimulus had to be scaled down to about half of what his economics team wanted and made 40% tax cuts to get 3 Republican votes and pass.
The American Jobs bill that Obama proposed, which contains many what would traditionally be considered Republican ideas, would probably create about 1.9 million jobs according to Moody's. But it won't pass because Repubs keep blocking it.
And despite that, after the stimulus and the Fed's action, the economy went from freefall and GDP loss of -1 to -8% for the most of 6 fiscal quarters. Then it started growing from 2-4% for another 6 quarters in 2009-2010 after the stimulus. And 4.5 jobs were created after the recession bottomed out.
Has his record on the economy been impressive as we would've liked? No. But asking "How has your life changed since he came into office" is a stupid ass question because it fails to take into account that he inherited a colossal recession and financial collapse, that would've become a Depression if not for the actions his administration and the Fed took, the fact that he's only the President, and has to deal with a Congress, which has been far and away the most obstructive in the history of the nation, and the fact that the jobs of the old days are gone and not coming back and we have to adjust to that.
Saying "Clinton did good and Obama did bad" is simplistic, idiotic child-like thinking. It's like saying Kobe sucked in 06-07 because he was playing with Smush Parker and Kwame Brown and didn't make it past the first round and Paul Pierce was the best player in the league in 08 because he played with KG and Ray Allen and the won the championship.
No President would have the economy rolling again right now. Look at how long it took FDR to the get economic growth going again during the GD. And FDR laid the groundwork for regulations and more sound policy for the economic mobility of the middle class like shoring up the banking system and creating social security reaped benefits for people decades later. If you just looked at his record after one term by today's stupid ass attention deficit disorder analysis, he would've been one of the shyttiest Presidents ever, worse than Obama. These systemic problems of an unstable banking system, trade policy, deindustrialization, income inequality, bad monetary policy, and rising debt, and shift in modes of employment are 10, 20, 30 year trends and are not going to be fixed in four year presidential terms.
I know your response will probably be a laugh smiley, some silly insult about being an Obama dikkrider and a complete avoidance of every point I raised, but people like you sicken me because you dwell in ignorance and refuse to even try educate yourself about anything. People who think like you are the type of people who said Obama isn't do good enough so I'm going to vote for these tea party lunatics in the 2010 mid-term. You think you're above the fray because you're "non-partisan" yet you don't know shyt about shyt and wallow in your own apathy and ignorance, have no context for any of the statements you make, are completely in the dark about the machinery of policy, and just speak in basic ass surface level platitudes. Low-information citizens like you are the reason the country is so fukked up. If you choose to be a blank slate, so be it, but just be quiet about politics and government. You do need to stay home on November 7th because you're clueless. /End rant.