I’ve seen others point out that the album cover is an upside-down mountain, but I think it could be specifically, Mount Zion. Right side up, the triangle pointing down is drilling for gold, monetizing the rappers who die too much and our other fallen soldiers. The skull is severed into two and they have no choice but to simply fall to their death. However, if the triangle pointing up is Mount Zion, the yellow portion changes into a lightning-filled sky. Like the Trilly & Truly slogan, “
Lightning gave them life”. The two halves of the severed skull are now climbing Mount Zion to piece themselves back together at the summit, because lightning tends to strikes the tallest point. Maybe this is what Lupe really meant by “a nice finish to a series”. Tetsuo & Youth has an upside-down cross, Drogas Wave has an upside-down A and Drill Music in Zion has an upside-down mountain. Instead of resigning to your fate, it’s a series of taking control of your life, which you can only see from another angle.
“Those trusting in the Lord are like Mount Zion, unshakable, forever enduring” - Psalm 125:1