Luke Cage - CANCELLED! By Netflix

Norrin Radd

To me, my board!
Jun 9, 2013
Marvel's Other Netflix Shows Could Be in Trouble According to New Data

Marvel Cinematic Universe fans are still reveling in the awesomeness that is Daredevil season 3 - even as they're still reeling from the dual announcements that both Luke Cage and Iron Fist have been cancelled, with no plans for either show to get a season 3 order. While some Marvel fans are holding out hope that Luke Cage and Iron Fist will return in a Heroes for Hire series, there are a lot of other fans who see this as the beginning of the end for the Marvel Netflix universe, as a whole.

Now a new report is going to add fuel to the fires of speculation that Marvel Netflix is done, as it states that there are more Marvel Netflix shows on the chopping block - and that there's data that proves it.

Business Insider is claiming to have the scoop on the statistics that reveal Netflix's logic in cancelling Luke Cage and Iron Fist - and why more series are about to also get the axe. Check out the bigger points of that breakdown, below:

  • "Data from Crimson Hexagonprovided to Business Insider shows that social-media buzz for Netflix's Marvel shows has dropped dramatically over time."
  • "Netflix abruptly canceled "Luke Cage" and "Iron Fist" this month, and the data suggests that "Daredevil" and "Jessica Jones" could also be in trouble."
  • "Posts on Twitter and Instagram decreased significantly after each shows' first seasons."
The actual numbers work out like this:

  • Luke Cage Season 1 had 300K social media impressions going into its premiere; by season 2, it was only generating 50K impressions.
  • Iron Fist Season 1 came in on 120K social media impressions; season 2 only generated 20K.
  • Jessica Jones season 1 generated 300K impressions; season 2 has clocked in at around half that number.
  • Daredevil season 1 generated 275K impressions; season 2 had a good holdover with 200K; and the newly-released season 3 had 75K going into October, with a higher total expected by month's end.
Without any actual Netflix viewership numbers, these trends in social media impressions are just about all we have to go on. While the numbers definitely tell a story of decreasing returns for the Marvel Netflix shows, there is some room for debate when it comes to assessing why those figures pan out the way they do.

For one thing, the nature of social media impressions must be considered. All four Marvel Netflix Defenders series were novelties when they first were released, and the fandom has a way of celebrating speculation and possibility almost more so than the actual events of a series. By season 2 the novelty has worn off, which would mean less to "buzz" about on social media, but could still mean a solid viewership from dedicated fans already invested into the show. Circumstance could also play a large part: the sophomore seasons of Iron Fist, Luke Cage, and Jessica Jones were all intense deep-dive character explorations, which heavily focused on the heroes themselves. While that's good from a second season storytelling perspective, the lack of some bigger Marvel villains or crossover cameos in each show would definitely provide a much smaller incentive (or chance) for fans to discuss and hype those kinds of MCU staples over social media.

Daredevil season 2 came with the benefit of debuting both Elektra and Punisher in the MCU, which was plenty of reason for fans to be hyping and discussing the new season on social media. Daredevil season 3 is bringing back fan-fav villain Wilson Fisk (Vincent D'Onofrio) and introducing long-awaited Daredevil nemesis Bullseye to he MCU. That's the sort of "event" that has inspired some strong social media attention, so it will be interesting to see how the final figures stack up.

As Business Insider's report notes, sentiment for all four Marvel Netflix Defenders shows has remained strong, with Daredevil leading the pack. That suggests it isn't just stats that are influencing these big decisions - so maybe some of those rumors about creative differences and the like are more true than not?

Daredevil season 3 is now streaming on Netflix. Punisher season 2 and Jessica Jones season 3 are already in production and are expected to be released.


Most wanted baby father
May 1, 2012
where they cross-over and clap boards
Loved DD Season 1. Seemed like every episode got better. Season 2, Fozzy and Karen became more annoying but I still enjoyed it. Haven't watched season 3 yet.
I only watched JJ because this girl I was dating begged me to watch it and I finally gave in. shyt was trash outside of Killgrave/Purple man. He was the only interesting character on the show. The JJ actress is so terrible. Tried to watch season 2 and I can't even get through it.
With Luke Cage, I feel like everything is good about the show except for Luke Cage. Seems like everyone outshines him when it comes to acting and they never should have killed off Cottonmouth.
Punisher didn't get interesting until 6-7 episodes in :francis:
Didn't watch IronFist or The Defenders.


Mar 10, 2017
El Aye
Yall know this show wasn't thaaaaaat good. Same with Iron Fist both shows were kind of boring as fukk


Gotta learn how to kill a nikka from the inside
Oct 19, 2015
Gabrielle Dennis ( Tilda/Nightshade) confirmed the show is cancelled



May 7, 2012

Good find. In my opinion, ish was never the same after Iron Fist season 1.

Though if we're being honest, the shift occurred as early as the 2nd half of Luke Cage s1, before the remaining good will plummeted with Iron Fist and Defenders. Two things happened: 1) it became clear to the general public that these netflix heroes weren't ever crossing over to the MCU for the big payoff (Infinity War + A4).. and 2) the big payoff they did offer (Defenders) was botched so bad.

Before, everyone would watch all the shows even if they never had interest in the characters, just to stay up to date with the believed MCU interconnected pieces, but once the reality hit that these ish wouldn't lead to anything (or anything worthwhile, i.e. Defenders), the casuals dipped and it was just the hardcores that remained.

I think Jessica Jones s2 numbers were higher than Luke's bc her s2 came first, Basically more and more casuals dipped from JJ, to LC, to IF.


I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
May 7, 2012

WOW so Netflix who I gave so much credit to for knowing how to gage their audience was also basing it on a flawed method

So no matter how good a show is or how much we give it a thumbs up rating, if there isn't enough social media hype then the show will fail? so you mean to tell me people were looking for a the last two seasons of orange is the new black? I doubt it but its cheaper to shoot

Also with these cancelations. and the cancelation of sleeper shows like 7 seconds I'm starting to treat Netflix like I do the other stations. I will just wait until a show has two seasons in with a guaranteed 3rd season before I get invested.

Because there is nothing more disappointing than getting invested in a show only for it to get prematurely canceled cause it isn't the hot button topic on social media. I mean there are so many other options out there for everyone to be focused on one show at a time. Netlfix is getting sloppy, they need to find a way to better gage whats interesting.

Good find. In my opinion, ish was never the same after Iron Fist season 1.

Though if we're being honest, the shift occurred as early as the 2nd half of Luke Cage s1, before the remaining good will plummeted with Iron Fist and Defenders. Two things happened: 1) it became clear to the general public that these netflix heroes weren't ever crossing over to the MCU for the big payoff (Infinity War + A4).. and 2) the big payoff they did offer (Defenders) was botched so bad.

Before, everyone would watch all the shows even if they never had interest in the characters, just to stay up to date with the believed MCU interconnected pieces, but once the reality hit that these ish wouldn't lead to anything (or anything worthwhile, i.e. Defenders), the casuals dipped and it was just the hardcores that remained.

I think Jessica Jones s2 numbers were higher than Luke's bc her s2 came first, Basically more and more casuals dipped from JJ, to LC, to IF.

I am willing to bet money that those two reason were the main ones as to why the marvel netflx universe lost so much steam. also with Disney announcing there own service it seems that Netflix know its inevitable that Disney either makes an offer for those properties back or just flat out make a show with more popular characters.

But lets just say we blame iron fist for this, what does that tell you?
1 shytty show can ruin an entire universe?
or was the combination of that show being horrible and the defenders being super underwhelming the killshot?
I think people would have forgave them for IF if they made the defenders the payoff it should have been but that shyt was super light and it didn't elevate any of the characters or stories in anyway and it didn't create intrigue for a phase two.. I think Luke cage was collateral damage an was the least favorite of the 3 remaining shows


Hollywood North
May 6, 2012


Barrel Brothers.®
Nov 4, 2014
:mjlol:They definitely gonna cancel all the marvel joints but they know Daredevil and Jessica Jones will face heavy backlash so they're tryna hit the fake, real time slow info release finesse lol.

New Netflix Data Points To DAREDEVIL And JESSICA JONES Also Potentially Being At Risk
New Netflix Data Points To DAREDEVIL And JESSICA JONES Also Potentially Being At Risk
A new report claims to shed some light on why Netflix decided to cancel both Iron Fist and Luke Cage, and it appears as if the other Marvel TV shows on the streaming service could be next to be axed...

Josh Wilding | 10/24/2018
Filed Under: "Defenders" Source: Business Insider


Season three of Daredevil has received rave reviews but, for the most part, so did Luke Cage season two and now that show has been cancelled. So, should we be worried? Well, Business Insider has the scoop on statistics which they believe shed some light on why Netflix decided to cancel both Luke Cage and Iron Fist despite their perceived popularity.

Based on what they've seen, it's said that Daredevil and Jessica Jones could both be in trouble because posts on Twitter and Instagram plummeted after each shows' respective first seasons.

We don't know how Netflix gauges viewing figures but those have presumably also dropped and if social media is that big of a deal to the online streaming giant, then it's easy to see why the Heroes for Hire were axed. Apparently, while Luke Cage season one generated 300,000 impressions, season two managed a paltry 50,000. Surely, though, this could be blamed on the poor marketing campaign?

We didn't even know Daredevil season three was coming until roughly a month or so ago so it's no wonder that awareness was down (in regards to the Man Without Fear, season one generated 275,000 impressions, season two did 200,000, and season three is only on 75,000 as of right now).

For now, it seems we'll have to keep everything crossed that Daredevil doesn't get cancelled too!


The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
Netflix is gonna cancel Daredevil too?!!?:why::mindblown: shyt makes no sense... the only thing that makes sense is that because of the disney deal that's the only reason they are doing this...


The Chairman of the Board will be... The Kingpin
Jun 14, 2014
Bronx NY
damn! shyts real out here in these MARVEL NETFLIX streets.

AM i gonna have to subscribe to the Disney joint now too??