This trade really exposes the difference between Luka doncic stans and actual Dallas mavericks fans. The former were Mavs fans as long as he was there. They followed the team as a result of jumping on the great white hope bandwagon. They were Fans of his name on the back instead of the team logo and name in the front. Now that he’s gone, they don’t have to pretend anymore. They won’t support the mavs again. Many of These people are following Luka to LA and changing their fan allegiances to the Lakers. They’re behaving exactly like Bron fans who pretended to support the cavs, heat and lakers during all these years. Wherever their favorite goes, they will follow him just like groupies.
The latter are shocked by this news, but after a while they will emotionally recover, come back to their senses and continue to devoutly support the mavericks with their hearts, dollars and minds. They will always be loyal to their favorite team regardless of what happens because their love of the team is bigger than their love of any player no matter how great he is. True fans live vicariously through the success of their own team, instead of living vicariously through the success of a individual player.
the reactionary and emotional reactions following the trade also show us that the casual and fair weather fans outnumber the diehard fans.