Yeah it seemed obvious she'd be turned on by Josh showing his whole ass at that birthday party. She stated she liked those aggressive men.
@surf have you ever watched this before? I'm thinking about giving it a shot.
I didn’t see that as her being financially insecure, some people just look at money different. I’ve made damn good money for a long time but have always thought it was crazy to blow big money on anything material. Most of my money went to my kids, traveling, or investing. She’s likely thinking he’s financially reckless.I see the most hope with Brett and Tiff, although she seems insecure financially. She was appalled he spent $1200 on luggage lol. She probably assumes she doesn’t make what he makes but so what, he seemed humble about it and not making it a huge deal. I like Tiff and I feel she would be loyal, she’s smitten with Brett lol (probably the best she’s ever got) she seems like she’s used to white boys or insufficient brothas
Like damn, can the breh get a text or quick call, let alone a brief discussion in person? Then got the nerve to say "I'll see you around". Finally Marshall grew somewhat of a pair, "nah. you wont"Missing your wedding fitting to meet up with another man![]()
Let that be a lesson to you brehs.
You are who you are. You can fake, but the real you ALWAYS shows up.
Micah and Jackie, two trash people who’s real personalities found their way out.
Change starts from within.
Micah is a trash person you can tell by her friends. The one whose birthday it was was REALLY trashy. She was drunk yes, that just elevates your true feelings. I was pissed just watching that segment.
Jackie, she’s trash bc she thinks she wants better but, ultimately, she wants what she always wanted, hurt. A reason to continue to play victim. A relationship with Marshall would’ve challenged her, made her step outside what her “normal” is. Not saying Marshall some savior, but he’s not what she usually goes for.
I see the most hope with Brett and Tiff, although she seems insecure financially. She was appalled he spent $1200 on luggage lol. She probably assumes she doesn’t make what he makes but so what, he seemed humble about it and not making it a huge deal. I like Tiff and I feel she would be loyal, she’s smitten with Brett lol (probably the best she’s ever got) she seems like she’s used to white boys or insufficient brothas
Zach got a second shot with Bliss, he a damn fool cuz he shoulda had that at first. He a lawyer but make terrible personal decisions smh. Bliss seems cool, she mixed? I like her look the most followed by Tiffany.
Reunion gonna be MESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSY!! Live too? Oh boy. We might see Marshall and Josh scrap for real lol. Or Marshall haul off and strike Jackie lmbo
found the gif:this dude kwame the k is for kewn, this dude has probably never dated a black woman![]()