Lord Jamar: "Donnell Rawlings Is a B*tch Ass N*gga"

G.O.A.T Squad Spokesman

Logic Is Absent Wherever Hate Is Present
May 12, 2012
and what he said is what i put forth to u in the question about endorsement deals!!!
saying "no comment" is also a politically correct way of saying " i dont wanna say what I really want to say",every1 has a view on every subject when a decent amount of understanding of the subject is put forth

for example if your a basketball fan n i randomly say "kobe cant ball" im sure you would say " yes he can" (you giving your view on the sub)

and your right,not evey1 has a price but if offered a certain amount,"beliefs" start to change....
Chapelle walked away from 50 mill tho.

Wacky D

May 10, 2012
and what he said is what i put forth to u in the question about endorsement deals!!!
saying "no comment" is also a politically correct way of saying " i dont wanna say what I really want to say",every1 has a view on every subject when a decent amount of understanding of the subject is put forth

for example if your a basketball fan n i randomly say "kobe cant ball" im sure you would say " yes he can" (you giving your view on the sub)

and your right,not evey1 has a price but if offered a certain amount,"beliefs" start to change....

and thats sellout talk. i mean, why would dude even say that chit?

and obviously theres no price on jamar's beliefs. so obviously everybody's beliefs arent going to change if you throw dollars around.
May 1, 2012
It's homosexual for a man to wear an extra cloth under his shirt, but him naked in between oz rape scenes isn't..

Jamar still letting a white man use him to stir up controversy for traffic/views.

why are nikkas like you fixated on naked men in a television show? it's a series about prison. nikkas are naked around one another in prison. that's reality. he is an actor.

your criticism makes you suspect.
May 1, 2012
Not in this format tho. Vlad is exploiting nikkas. Furthermore, not to sound like a new jack but who really cares what Lord Jamar's opinion is. Nobody currently popping is going to "jeopardize friendships". A video is not twitter, you cant pull a Gucci and claim your body got hacked :pachaha:

Not to mention black people have been going at each other's necks for the approval of slime balls like Vlad for a minute. What will the videos you want to see more of actually DO for anybody, besides satiate some school girl infatuation with gossip and shyt talking

No thanks.... grown men dont engage in such fukkery :camby:

obviously, you care, because you stay coming into these lord jamar threads talking shyt. fukkouttahere, clown.



Feb 11, 2014
that response has nothing to do with the thread title b....:dahell:

typical dumb response when people dont know how to debate an issue on a forum

its not illegal to learn b,smarten up :patrice:


The Legendary Super Sapien.
May 2, 2012
so what? its called acting dog. and its not like he did anything gay either. "wow, hes fighting in the shower in s prison series. SHOCKING".:childplease:

You can't call nikkas sell outs for saying something as simple as they would refrain from being blatantly offensive in a work environment and then turn around and say it's cool to get naked on a show that goes against what you say you believe in because "it's acting!"...the nikka got paid for that shyt, and I would imagine it took much more of a compromise to abandon all these righteous principles than it would to simply not go out out your way to not offend people in a professional setting.


as for the omar epps comment, that comes from him having knowledge-of-self. jamar's comments are actually the way that brothers are supposed to react to that type stuff. and he prolly either reps hebrew or is muslim. even if he actually does have insecurites, this wouldnt serve as evidence. this is common speak.

Sounds like a religious fundamentalist to me, call that shyt what you wanna call it....he's using his religion/philosophy the same way Bill Oreily or some other halfway articulate idiot with an audience would use it.

Then has the nerve to shyt on the mans explanation in regards to the history of kilts and other kinds of outfits in AFRICAN culture because "that shyt isn't culturally acceptable anymore!" as if his perspective on what is or isn't socially/culturally acceptable didn't come from the same "cac" culture he rails against.


May 6, 2012
Were you the dude that was walking with a camera and talking like some old ninja in a store? I vaguely remember some shyt about two postings having a beef and one of them putting on some kind of weird voice on a video or some shyt. :russ:

Yes sir. Some e thug on SOHH who kept threatening me with bodily harm actually gave me his address. I never once made any threats I just took his info and went to the location at the said time. I guess he thought I was bluffing like he was...Wish I woulda kept the PDF of the thread that got taken down when he cried to the mods. But I did capture the moment in blog form:


I ran him off the site....He was never heard from again after that moment. I guess seeing his apartment building on camera with him being a no show was too heavy on his chest.
May 1, 2012
206 & 734
Yo..Mc Metaphysical, when I found out u were that sucker ILLFILABLUNT from SOHH I ignored u ever since because you got exposed for being a sucker and a coward. When I came to ya job area with the camera and posted the pic exposing how I had you scared to come out of the building u were working at the time, i broke ya spirit..I get it....when I kept pleading with you to meet me at certain parks in your neighborhood in Queens..all u did was talk greasy on SOHH..u never met me.....and I kept taking pictures of said locations with the time showing how u were a coward and fraud. Not once did I threaten u with bodily harm yet u were still scared....SOHH fell apart soon after and you changed your name out of shame. SOHH falling a part was the best thing to happen to u because I turned your name into mud on that site. A few heads on this site remembered and called u out for your being the coward that u are....I would "like" the posters who called u out and that pissed u off because reality is hard pill to swallow for some...soon after...You started tagging me and neg repping me for attention like some weirdo and I kept ignoring u...U think its ok to talk greasy online while never meeting said person in the real world to back up that talk....I cant play that game because thats some sucker sh*t.....And the rule is: Ignore the suckers.

Here we are in March 2014....You tagged me yet again on some weirdo sh*t having me thinking this would be a convo about Lord Jamar. So this is what I'll do since u want me to stop ignoring you. I'm asking you kindly to just fall back. You took an L that people will always hold over your head and your E-ego is bruised. But it was online nonsense. Leave it alone. I'm only gonna give you one more and then after that, I promise you, I'm gonna give you more attention then u bargained for. I promise. Again, I'm asking you to fall back and stop being a weirdo.
i remember this all CLEARLY for the record

Wacky D

May 10, 2012
You can't call nikkas sell outs for saying something as simple as they would refrain from being blatantly offensive in a work environment and then turn around and say it's cool to get naked on a show that goes against what you say you believe in because "it's acting!"...the nikka got paid for that shyt, and I would imagine it took much more of a compromise to abandon all these righteous principles than it would to simply not go out out your way to not offend people in a professional setting.


Sounds like a religious fundamentalist to me, call that shyt what you wanna call it....he's using his religion/philosophy the same way Bill Oreily or some other halfway articulate idiot with an audience would use it.

Then has the nerve to shyt on the mans explanation in regards to the history of kilts and other kinds of outfits in AFRICAN culture because "that shyt isn't culturally acceptable anymore!" as if his perspective on what is or isn't socially/culturally acceptable didn't come from the same "cac" culture he rails against.

youre all over the place.

how does jamar being naked in OZ go against what he believes in?:wtf: theres nothing gay about that chit.

theres a difference between not offending people and kissing ass.

lol @ bill o' reilly. cmon dog. knowledge of self.

omar's explanation was complete bullchit. please dont tell me that you took the bait.:facepalm:

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
Yo..Mc Metaphysical, when I found out u were that sucker ILLFILABLUNT from SOHH I ignored u ever since because you got exposed for being a sucker and a coward. When I came to ya job area with the camera and posted the pic exposing how I had you scared to come out of the building u were working at the time, i broke ya spirit..I get it....when I kept pleading with you to meet me at certain parks in your neighborhood in Queens..all u did was talk greasy on SOHH..u never met me.....and I kept taking pictures of said locations with the time showing how u were a coward and fraud. Not once did I threaten u with bodily harm yet u were still scared....SOHH fell apart soon after and you changed your name out of shame. SOHH falling a part was the best thing to happen to u because I turned your name into mud on that site. A few heads on this site remembered and called u out for your being the coward that u are....I would "like" the posters who called u out and that pissed u off because reality is hard pill to swallow for some...soon after...You started tagging me and neg repping me for attention like some weirdo and I kept ignoring u...U think its ok to talk greasy online while never meeting said person in the real world to back up that talk....I cant play that game because thats some sucker sh*t.....And the rule is: Ignore the suckers.

Here we are in March 2014....You tagged me yet again on some weirdo sh*t having me thinking this would be a convo about Lord Jamar. So this is what I'll do since u want me to stop ignoring you. I'm asking you kindly to just fall back. You took an L that people will always hold over your head and your E-ego is bruised. But it was online nonsense. Leave it alone. I'm only gonna give you one more and then after that, I promise you, I'm gonna give you more attention then u bargained for. I promise. Again, I'm asking you to fall back and stop being a weirdo.


Detroit Wave

Feb 9, 2014
The D
Yo..Mc Metaphysical, when I found out u were that sucker ILLFILABLUNT from SOHH I ignored u ever since because you got exposed for being a sucker and a coward. When I came to ya job area with the camera and posted the pic exposing how I had you scared to come out of the building u were working at the time, i broke ya spirit..I get it....when I kept pleading with you to meet me at certain parks in your neighborhood in Queens..all u did was talk greasy on SOHH..u never met me.....and I kept taking pictures of said locations with the time showing how u were a coward and fraud. Not once did I threaten u with bodily harm yet u were still scared....SOHH fell apart soon after and you changed your name out of shame. SOHH falling a part was the best thing to happen to u because I turned your name into mud on that site. A few heads on this site remembered and called u out for your being the coward that u are....I would "like" the posters who called u out and that pissed u off because reality is hard pill to swallow for some...soon after...You started tagging me and neg repping me for attention like some weirdo and I kept ignoring u...U think its ok to talk greasy online while never meeting said person in the real world to back up that talk....I cant play that game because thats some sucker sh*t.....And the rule is: Ignore the suckers.

Here we are in March 2014....You tagged me yet again on some weirdo sh*t having me thinking this would be a convo about Lord Jamar. So this is what I'll do since u want me to stop ignoring you. I'm asking you kindly to just fall back. You took an L that people will always hold over your head and your E-ego is bruised. But it was online nonsense. Leave it alone. I'm only gonna give you one more and then after that, I promise you, I'm gonna give you more attention then u bargained for. I promise. Again, I'm asking you to fall back and stop being a weirdo.



The Legendary Super Sapien.
May 2, 2012
youre all over the place.

how does jamar being naked in OZ go against what he believes in?:wtf: theres nothing gay about that chit.

2004: Get naked on a show with homoerotica not only through out the show regularly, but in the opening credits? sure why not?


2014: I was going to support Omar Epps and his new show, but I won't now because he's a sellout and committed a crime against humanity by wearing a kilt.

He could overlook all kinds of fakkit and degenerate shyt that hurts black folk much more than celebrity fashion sense (or lack thereof) for a pay check..but Omar Epps is a sell out because he wore something he didn't like.
