Lol...David Hogg Going At Alex Jones' Neck

Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016
This little fakkit is a deep state asset perpetuating this false flag event. His dad is FBI lol.

And the p*ssy was quick to back down when Jones accepted his offer. What a little bytch.


[Trump] didn’t say it so it’s a moot point. Regardless, you prefer phony politician talk over someone speaking their mind:ehh:

Some things can’t be undone over night. [Trump]’s anti-globalism which fundamentally is against the establishment.

Your simple ass can’t argue so you just throw insults. Obama is and was a deep state asset, and you probably love him:mjlol:

You’re probably unemployed (sucking the govt titty) or do illegal activities and you don’t pay taxes. To working people, $1500 means something.

I respectfully disagree. Politically correct people are offended by [Trump], that’s their biggest issue.

[Michelle Obama]’s a man

Believe Al Gore brehs:lolbron:

Believe that global warming/climate change is anything other than a way to take more tax money, not solve any pollution issues brehs:mjlol:

Know that our government on both sides are corrupt disgusting people, but blindly follow along with whatever democrats tell you and believe it passionately brehs:russ:

Dems have nothing but losers. Nobody can go toe to toe with Trump. He smashed on EVERYBODY.

Oprah wants no parts in debating Trump, neither does anyone else.

Shout out to my 401k and Roth IRA. I’m eating good for 8 years, might just retire early.

