its in the previous thread breh, didn't want to bring all of that back into this thread...but the info is there on the 1st page...dates and all
its in the previous thread breh, didn't want to bring all of that back into this thread...but the info is there on the 1st page...dates and all
Lalueza-Fox said the team decided to focus on a skin-pigment gene, called MC1R, because it was related to one known difference between Neanderthal and modern human history: Neanderthals left for Europe and the Middle East some 400,000 years ago while our ancestors stayed in Africa until about 50,000 years ago.
In Africa, there's huge evolutionary pressure to retain a certain version of this gene that promotes dark pigment, he said. Anyone with a genetic mistake that interfered with that would be left vulnerable to sunburn and skin cancer.
But in Europe, variations of this pigment gene can thrive and even flourish, since light-skinned people more efficiently produce vitamin D in relatively northern regions. One variant, for example, is common among Irish people and leads to red hair and pale, freckled skin.
Lalueza-Fox and colleagues found a different variant of the same gene in their Neanderthal samples.
But how do they know this new variant led to red-haired, white-skinned Neanderthals? Both the Neanderthal and modern versions hold the recipe for a similarly disabled version of a protein, said Hopi Hoekstra, an evolutionary geneticist at Harvard University.
"It's like a proof of concept," Dibble said. The finding bolsters the case that scientists can sequence DNA from Neanderthal bones and shed light on dozens of other traits.
this part?
Nation & World | Red hair a part of Neanderthal genetic profile | Seattle Times Newspaper
that just says that the different selective pressures in Europe had a similar effect on both species, not that Homo Sapiens in Europe got red hair and light skin by interbreeding with Neanderthals
What is clear though is that some mixing must have occurred somewhere at some point. This is evident from DNA studies that prove Neanderthals made a small but significant contribution to the genetics of many modern humans.
its in the GENES breh, if Europeans have this in their Genes & most are light skin & Red/Blonde Hair how else did they get it?
that article was from 2007, I just posted a 2013 article saying mixing must've occurred in order for Genes to be the way they are.
why are you running from this?
it says it was a "different variant of the same gene". it shows how the removal of pressures led to similar results in two hominid species that left Africa
we are humans...not neanderthals breh. It is a mutation...thus it will be somewhat different...but from the same GENE. Comprehension isn't this hard.
A few Questions.
Do Neanderthals have Red hair/pale light skin?
Do White people have Red hair/pale light skin?
Did Neanderthals live in Europe?
Do White people live in Europe?
Do White people have the MOST Neanderthal DNA?
Do Eskimos (excuse the racial slur) have dark skin & dark hair despite living in the North/Cold areas? (oh the snow did it?)
that's all he does, dude never spits straight piff.
Its ridiculous
Something about the white man being made in a cave 4000 years years was so dumb only mowgli and blackqueen were cosigning it
Illav, inuit's have dark skin because they're in near constant sunlight dude... it's not about it being hot or cold.. this is why no one can take you seriously breh, you obviously don't know what you're talking about if you don't know that basic fact.
No one gives a fukk about neanderthal DNA dude, and you can interpret that two ways, either we fukked neanderthals or we have A COMMON ANCESTOR *GASP* *GASP*
none of these things make your statement true
the eskimos took a very different path to get to where they're at. and just because environments have similar temperature and latitude, doesn't mean they are the same environment. this particular question of skin color has to do with UV levels, not temperature. those parts of Europe that are associated with particularly pale skin and red hair are notorious for being cloudy, rainy, and generally have crappy weather. those that lived there were not exposed to a lot of sun. those on the frozen tundras on the other hand, were in an environment where they were exposed to a lot of sun
Illav, inuit's have dark skin because they're in near constant sunlight dude... it's not about it being hot or cold.. this is why no one can take you seriously breh, you obviously don't know what you're talking about if you don't know that basic fact.
No one gives a fukk about neanderthal DNA dude, and you can interpret that two ways, either we fukked neanderthals or we have A COMMON ANCESTOR *GASP* *GASP*