Live video: George Zimmerman Trial - jury selection, trial, verdict, eye rolling


it is what it is
Mar 16, 2013
This case screams negligence and if the Jury isn't racist Shooterman will be convicted of manslaughter and serve 20+ years when you factor in the victim's age and that a gun was used due to Florida's sentencing multipliers. But if the prosecutor does a good job of presenting the physical evidence than they still have a good chance of getting the second degree murder charge. People forget that you can't just shoot someone if your losing a fight. Shooterman's minor cuts and bloody nose doesn't justify a homicide. The physical evidence, reenactment and his outline of what happened that night will get him convicted.

Shooterman's statement that he was attacked going back to his car right after he got off the phone is a lie because Trayvon was still on the phone for another 2+ minutes after Shooterman got off the phone with dispatcher.

Tray's phone was found right near the body and his ice tea can was found in his hoodie pocket which suggest that he wasn't planning to attacking anyone.

The debri field leads north to where Trayvon was staying and the body was found 30-40 feet away from the T intersection where Shooterman claim's he was assaulted.

There was non of Shooterman's Blood or DNA on Tray

Anyone who has ever gone to court and claimed self defense knows that everything had to happen just as you stated it happened and that lying can and will get you convicted.
Sep 28, 2012
That's basically the case though... Proving who attacked who first... Zimmerman didn't break the law by following Martin... If Zimmerman can prove that Martin attacked him first and he was in fear in of his life then the stand your ground law would apply to him.... But the problem is no one is clear on who the agressor was... Who attacked who first... I personally think that stand your ground law can be abused in certain situations... If he does beat this case this a prime example.... Hopefully they can at least get Manslaughter... Because the prosecution is having an uphill battle proving 2nd Degree Murder...

assuming trayvon started the fight it should be considered self defense since zimmerman followed him and had a loaded gun...zimmerman initiated the hostility...i dont see how anyone could think the unarmed teenager was more dangerous than the man with a gun...

Steve Murray

Jul 10, 2012
This case screams negligence and if the Jury isn't racist Shooterman will be convicted of manslaughter and serve 20+ years when you factor in the victim's age and that a gun was used due to Florida's sentencing multipliers. But if the prosecutor does a good job of presenting the physical evidence than they still have a good chance of getting the second degree murder charge. People forget that you can't just shoot someone if your losing a fight. Shooterman's minor cuts and bloody nose doesn't justify a homicide. The physical evidence, reenactment and his outline of what happened that night will get him convicted.

Shooterman's statement that he was attacked going back to his car right after he got off the phone is a lie because Trayvon was still on the phone for another 2+ minutes after Shooterman got off the phone with dispatcher.

Tray's phone was found right near the body and his ice tea can was found in his hoodie pocket which suggest that he wasn't planning to attacking anyone.

The debri field leads north to where Trayvon was staying and the body was found 30-40 feet away from the T intersection where Shooterman claim's he was assaulted.

There was non of Shooterman's Blood or DNA on Tray

Anyone who has ever gone to court and claimed self defense knows that everything had to happen just as you stated it happened and that lying can and will get you convicted.


See you at the verdict reading, bro :russ:


it is what it is
Mar 16, 2013

See you at the verdict reading, bro :russ:

You must be stupid. There's a big difference between claiming self defense and claiming that you didn't commit the crime. OJ got off because they couldn't prove it was him. All the prosecutor has to show is that Shooterman was negligent to get a manslaughter charge and that won't be hard to prove. And if the prosecutor can show that Shooterman shot Tray when he didn't have to than he's getting convicted of murder



Siempre Fresco
Jun 25, 2012
Anyone who has ever gone to court and claimed self defense knows that everything had to happen just as you stated it happened and that lying can and will get you convicted.

now that you mention it, Zimmerman will probably have to take the stand if he really wants to claim self-defense


it is what it is
Mar 16, 2013
now that you mention it, Zimmerman will probably have to take the stand if he really wants to claim self-defense

Exactly, people forget that when you claim self defense the whole story is looked at and not just certain parts of it. People who think Shooterman will get off because he had a bloody noise and a couple of cuts don't know how the court system works. The prosecutor will tear apart Shooterman's statements and reenactment. You can't claim self defense and expect to win when half of your statements are "I don't remember" and filled with lies. The 911 tapes and the girlfriends statements give the prosecutor enough background for the charges and all they have to do is prove that Shooterman's story is filled with lies and that he was not in danger of death or great bodily harm.


Chakra Daddy
May 1, 2012
You must be stupid. There's a big difference between claiming self defense and claiming that you didn't commit the crime. OJ got off because they couldn't prove it was him. All the prosecutor has to show is that Shooterman was negligent to get a manslaughter charge and that won't be hard to prove. And if the prosecutor can show that Shooterman shot Tray when he didn't have to than he's getting convicted of murder


I'd put that guy on ignore... He has a low post count and all of the threads he posts in are "race related" threads or threads with news where race plays a factor in the news.

His whole thing is playing the contrarian to anything "black"...

He isn't rooting for Zimmerman because he wants justice... he is just rooting for Zimmerman because it was a black kid who got killed, and he wants to be able to come back to a majority black forum and post :umad: smilies...

Every thread he posts in has to have potential for a racial pissing contest.. Dude is insecure and only come on this website to "debate" black people... Something he is probably to scared to do in real life...


Suicide King

May 13, 2012
Exactly, people forget that when you claim self defense the whole story is looked at and not just certain parts of it. People who think Shooterman will get off because he had a bloody noise and a couple of cuts don't know how the court system works. The prosecutor will tear apart Shooterman's statements and reenactment. You can't claim self defense and expect to win when half of your statements are "I don't remember" and filled with lies. The 911 tapes and the girlfriends statements give the prosecutor enough background for the charges and all they have to do is prove that Shooterman's story is filled with lies and that he was not in danger of death or great bodily harm.

This is what I thought.

There is no way you can pick a fight or start something, and deadly force is an option. Self-defense is for people who were minding their own damn business, Zimmerman started the whole thing. I really need someone to tell me how the law addresses this when the defendant is the aggressor. It seems like him being the aggressor is irrelevant.

I never felt it was murder, but who is to say Zimmerman cares about another human's life.


Kings Lose Crowns, Teachers Stay Intelligent
May 27, 2012
This is what I thought.

There is no way you can pick a fight or start something, and deadly force is an option. Self-defense is for people who were minding their own damn business, Zimmerman started the whole thing. I really need someone to tell me how the law addresses this when the defendant is the aggressor. It seems like him being the aggressor is irrelevant.

I never felt it was murder, but who is to say Zimmerman cares about another human's life.

No Zimmerman being the aggressor is relevant... To answer your question... The prosecution is saying that Zimmerman is the aggressor and started the fight.... that's why he's being charged with 2nd Degree murder, even though I think they overcharged him... Manslaughter is easier to prove in my opinion... And hopefully the judge will instruct the jury to include the lesser charge of Manslaughter when they deliberate... If they believed his self defense story then no charges would of been bought against him under the stand your ground law... But you got to understand that Zimmerman following Martin doesn't mean he was the aggressor... Personally I think following him does make him the aggressor... but under Florida law following someone isn't a crime and doesn't make u the aggressor on that action alone... The point when they met and who attacked who first is the determining factor on who the aggressor was... The state is trying to prove it was Zimmerman... The defense is saying Martin was the aggressor... Zimmerman is saying that he was in fear of his life... That's why the person who was yelling help on the tapes is very important...

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
The prosecution also need to make the case that Zimmerman chased, harassed, and pursued Trayvon and Zimmerman injuries were also not life threatening. It was probably Zimmerman who started the fight and Trayvon was trying to defend himself. When Zimmerman gained some footing Zimmerman acted and more violently.

Metta World Movement

Peace and all!!
May 5, 2012
The prosecution also need to make the case that Zimmerman chased, harassed, and pursued Trayvon and Zimmerman injuries were also not life threatening. It was probably Zimmerman who started the fight and Trayvon was trying to defend himself. When Zimmerman gained some footing Zimmerman acted and more violently.

This point is being severely underrated on here

Regardless of who you believe actually started the fight.....if Zimmerman's injuries are proven not to be at least somewhat serious, then that's not a good look for him at all